Chapter 14 - Forensic Arson & Explosives Flashcards
Compound that facilitates the initiation and/or growth of a fire
Activation Energy
- The energy necessary to overcome the energetic barrier to a reaction
- Initial heat required to get the fire started
- A fire burns in an enclosed space and uses up most of its O2 supply
- This starves the fire of O2
- The O2 is rapidly reintroduced to the room with the accumulated unburned fuel
- Produces an explosion
Black Powder
- Low explosive material comprised of potassium nitrate, sulfur, and carbon (charcoal)
- Used as propellant in fireworks
In a 75:15:10 ratio
Chemical Explosive
Chemical that undergoes rapid reaction that releases kinetic and thermal energy
Chemical process in which a substance reacts rapidly with O2 and gives off heat and light
- An explosion in which the speed of burning is higher than the speed of sound in the surroundings
- Produce shock waves
A device used to detonate an explosive
- Mixture of an adsorbent (diatomaceous earth, sawdust, clay, wood pulp)
- Has been soaked in nitroglycerin and wrapped in strong paper
Exothermic Reaction
Chemical reaction that gives off heat
A solid, liquid, or combination which can produce gas at such a temp, pressure, and speed to cause damage to surroundings
- The atoms in a fuel react with O2
- Reaction produces different molecules (CO2, H2O)
- Energy is released in the form of light and heat
- O2, fuel, and heat are required to start a fire
Fire Tetrahedron
Four elements needed for fire to be sustained:
1. fuel
2. O2,
3. heat
4. chemical chain reaction
Event in which every combustible surface exposed to thermal radiation in a an enclosed space rapidly & simultaneously ignites
A substance that is used to begin/add to the process of combustion
High Explosive
- Compound that yields rapid chemical reactions regardless of container
- Charge reacts at a speed greater than 1,000m/sec
- Detonate at a rate greater than the speed of sound
- EX: used in mining and for military purposes
Kinetic Energy
The energy of motion
Low Explosive
- Burn only the surface layer of a compound
- Explode when combustion reaction is contained and builds pressure
- Charge reactes at rates less than 1,000 m/sec
- EX: igniters, fireworks (black powder)
Modus Operandi
The method a person uses to commit a crime
Oxidant (Oxidizer)
A substance that oxidizes (to combine with O2) another substance
- A nitro-containing high explosive
- Explosive used as the primary ingredient in detonating fuses
Pentaerythritol tetranitrate
A substance used as a reagent in a reaction to provide acceleration
Secondary Explosive
- Explosive compound that is relatively stable to heat/ shock
- Requires more energy to be detonated
Primary Explosive
Detonate by ignition from some source such as flame, spark, impact, or other means that will produce enough heat
Shock Wave
Highly compressed gasses that travels radially outward from the source at supersonic velocities
When a fire burns slowly without a flame
Smokeless Powder
- A nitrocellulose-based explosive
- Produces little to no smoke on explosion
- Used in firearms
Secondary high explosive made of trinitrotoluen