Chapter 13 - Supporting IT Collaboration Flashcards
What did Peter Drucker say about large businesses in 2008?
- Fewer than half the levels of management
- No more than a third of the # of managers
- info based
- less like mfg, more like orchestra
- more team based
- specialists direct performance through feedback from others
- 3 factors driving this
1 - knowledge workers dominating, resist command & control
2 - all companies need to find a way to become entrepreunurial
3 - IT shifting to handling info rather than data
What is collaboration?
Two or more people working together to make something or to achieve a goal
What is the future of workplace collaboration
A collective of online communities - accelerating due to covid
What is the CIO’s role in online collaboration?
Foster online communities and collaboration
- provide tech to support
What is a group?
Several individuals who come together to achieve the goals of an organization
- act as the foundation to the org
What are the characteristics of a group?
1) Open vs. Closed Membership
2) Loosely Coupled vs Tightly Coupled Interactions
3) Hierarchy - Chain Hierarchy vs ????
4) Location - face2face, telphone, writing
5) Time (duration and time intensity)
What are the types of groups?
1) Authority Groups (closed, tight, full-time, location irrelavent)
2) Intradepartmental Groups (closed, seniority exists, tight or loose, location usually close, use networks to collaborate)
3) Project Teams (Closed, tight, hierarchy, limited duration)
4) Interdepartmental groups
5) Committees & Task Forces (fulltime / one issue, loose)
6) Bus Relationship Groups (relationships with customers, closed, loose, no hierarchy,
7) Peer Groups (open or closed, loose, no hierarchy, dispersed members)
8) Networks
9) E-Groups (open, no hierarchy, loose, widely dispersed)
10) Communities of practice (open)
11) Network Armies (grassroots movements, massive voluntary collaboration)
What is the most naturally occuring/common group in an org?
Communities of practice - people who interact with each other to pursue common practice
Informal groups that form around passion or expertise in something. Goal: share experiences, expertise, problems
- have a profound effect on business’ strat, new lines of bus, best prac, solving problems, retaining ppl
- w/o support, difficult to organize and sustain
- usually resist being managed cuz informal
How can orgs support communities of practice?
- identify pottential cops
- provide infrastructure to cops
- measure cops contributions
What are the two categories of activites of groups?
1) Communication and interaction
2) Decision making and problem solving
What are the axis on the time/place communication framework?
Same Place / Different Place
Same Time / Different Time
- it displays different ways technology can be used to support anytime/anyplace communication
What are the four quadrants of the matrix?
Same Place/Same Time - Fact to face meetings (ecopyboards, e decision support, team building tools)
- 800hrs/year! 240hrs wasted! 30% working hours, eliminate or improve efficiency
Same Place/Different Time - teams in place (team room tools)
Different Place/Same Time - Cross-distance meetings (phones, video conferencing, screensharing)
Different Place/Different TIme - Ongoing collabortion (Voice mail, email, pm sw, group editing sw)
Platforms -
What are virtual teams?
Different location teams
- formed for a certain project, may never meet face-to-face, may operate in 3 cells of the time/place framework
What is workflow?
Collaborative process that coordinates a team to complete a task.
Can enhance the efficiency of transaction or mission critical tasks
How can IT be used in workflow?
Workflow mgmt systems can provide a mechanism for planning and controlling how teams work
- support a highly distributed working env