Chapter 11 - Mgmt Issues in Info Security Flashcards
What is Info Security?
More than just preventing HW and SW from crashing
- set of practices to keep data secure from unauthorized access
- both when stored or being transferred
- Keeps the company operating
What is the goal of info security?
Ensure data integrity and business contuity
What are security threats?
Many different forms including
- software attacks
- theft of intellectual property
- identity theft
- theft of info or equipment
- sabatoge
- extorsion
What are some rising trends in security threats?
- rising password misuse leading to unauthorized logins
- social engineering
Trends and types of threats will be different depending on the country
What are some examples of data theft?
- employee illegally access emails to extract info for malicious intent
- employee angry about low bonus brings down comp system by deleting data records
- unhappy administrator changes code of legacy systems and creates bad data
- ## marketing salesman sells data
What is the scope of secutiy mgmt?
Personnel security - who has access, modify data
Applixation secutiy - security of app
OS security - protecting OS from threats
Network security - prevent unauthirzed access of computer network
Web services securtiy - preventing web services from attacks
Facitlity security
What are some common attacks?
Virus - comp programs that appear to perform a task but hidden malware
Sniffing - monitor network traffic reading messages
Spoofing - pretending to be a legit site
Denial of service - flooding a service until it crashes
Phishing - email or website attempting to obtain personal info
Playing middleman - positions between user and application, appear normal exchange of info.
What are the five pillars of info sec?
1) Authentication
2) Identification
3) Privacy
4) Data Integrity
5) Non-repudiation - proof a transaction occured
What are technical countermeasures?
Used to protect the confediality and integrity of data.
They are a wide variety of measures available at every level of the tech stack
What are some easy ways to increase security?
- adding additional security measures
- removing unneeded services
- hardening systems
- limiting access
What are some tools to increase security?
- Firewalls
- Encyption
- VPNs (cheapter, doesnt provide 100% end-to-end security)
What are the most common info sec tools?
Firewalls - controls access between networks, filters illegal message packets
Encryption - secret key (e.g. DES), public key (e.g. RSA, used in web browsers, basis of RSA)
VPNs - use tunneling and encryption (uninterruptable pathway and encrypted messages ) to keep data secure
Anti-virus software
Anit-spyware sw
What are some management countermeasures?
- computer auditing - making sure programs do what they are supposed to do
- computer monitoring - searching for security loopholes
- economic evaluation of security measures - done by conducting cost/benefit anal of countermeasures
What are security loopholes?
Vulnerability is software, particularly in OS
What is the first weapon for prevention and recovery of damage from security threats?
Establishing a bus continuity plan
What are some strategies for a bus continuity plan?
- establishing alternative work places
- back-up it sites
- evacuation planss
- disaster recovery plan
What are the two options for dister plans
Internal resources
- multiple data centers
- distributed processing
- back-ups
External resources
- integrated disaster recovery
- specialized disaster recovery
- online/offline data storage
What are integrated disaster recovery services?
Fully operational processing facilities available in less than 24 hours
- usually subscriptions
What are specialized data recovery services?
Accomodate mainframe clients or mid-range systems
- even provide HW
What are onine/offline data storage?
Fire resistant, temp controlled alternate data storage locations
Should organizations consider security a core compotence?
Yes - it is a strategic investment. tied to an orgs success and improving resilience
What are the steps needed to make security a core compotence?
1) Create and communicate an enterprise security framework
2) Create culture for enforcing info sec by knowledge mgmt
3) securing security info structure
4) Assure internal security policy and external regulatory compliance, incorporate into app features
5) Governance - incorporate experts in design and implementation
Why is data theft one of the worst security threats?
Stolen data can be used to steal people’s identities with major economic and legal implications
It can also go undetected
89% of companies still feel vulnerable
Corporate info costs can go into the billions of dollars as it is far reaching
What are some warning signs of an insider criminal?
- mental health
- personalities
- history of violations
- poor people
What is the scope of infosec mgmt
- Personnel security
- application security
- operating system security
- network sec
- middleware and web service sec
- facility sec
- egress sec
What are some reaons the risk of security threats are increasing?
- mobile and telecommuting increases number of network openings
- e-commerce open to anyone, internet does not have built in security
- hacker communities have become public clubs
What are the 9 approaches that hackers use?
1) Cracking the password - guessing or brute forcing a password
2) Tricking someone - disguise as an admin to ask for passwords
3) Network sniffing - monitoring un-encrypted networks for passwords
4) Misusing admin tools - includes tools that find weak spots that hackers can exploit
5) Playing middleman - disguising as one party or denying service to a party
6) Denial of service - floods and crashes a site
7) Trojan horse - hiding a malicous program in a seemingly harmless one
8) Spoofing - pretending to be a legit ip adress and re-directing traffic
What are the three ways you can authenticate yourself
- something they know (e.g. a password)
- something they have
- somehting they are
Some countermeasure stats
Of 616 security firms in a 2006 FBI survey
- 98% use firewalls
- 97% use anti-virus sw
- 79% use anti-spyware sw
What are the three types of VPNs
1) Remove access VPNs - VPN established remotely to enterprise intranet via an ISP
2) Remote office VPN - private networks made in remote offices, ISPs transmit messages to other office
3) External VPN - two networks touch tips
What were the 5 findings from the FBI survey about managing security policy?
- most companies conduct an economic eval on security ops
- compliance with sarbanes oaxley raises chances of info threats
- over 80% conduct audits
- virus attacks source of largest financial losses followed by unauthorized access, damage to hw, theft of indo
- % of outsourced sec is low
- cyberinsurance is insignificant
- security awareness training is important
Why should security be considered a core competency?
- threats can halt critical activities at any moment
What are some steps to create an infosec strat?
- create and communicate enterprise sw sec framework
- knowledge mgmt training
- secure info infrastructure
- assure internal sec policy and ext reg policy
- governance