Chapter 13 - Effective Leadership Processes Flashcards
Warren Bennis “The End of Leadership”
effective leadership cannot exist without the full inclusion, initiatives, and the cooperation of employees
Barry Posner - how business leadership is viewed
In the past, business believed that a leader was like the captain of a ship: cool, calm, collected. Now, we see that leaders need to be human. They need to be in touch, they need to be empathetic, and they need to be with people. Leaders need to be a part of what’s going on, not apart from what’s going on
Manager vs. Leader (Bennis)
“Leaders conquer the context—the volatile, turbulent, ambiguous surroundings that sometimes seem to conspire against us and will surely suffocate us if we let them—while managers surrender to it.”
- an individual can be a leader without being a manager and be a manager without being a leader
Leadership definition
- defined in terms of group processes, personality, compliance, particular behaviors, persuasion, power, goal achievement, interaction, role differentiation, initiation of structure, and combinations of two or more of these.
Bennis and Thomas Conclusion
- One of the most reliable indicators and predictors of true leadership is an individual’s ability to find meaning in negative events and to learn from even the most trying circumstances.
- the skills required to conquer adversity and emerge stronger and more committed than ever are the same ones that make for extraordinary leaders.
Manager Characteristics
- Administers
- A copy
- Maintains
- Focuses on systems and structure
- Relies on control
- Short-range view
- Asks how and when
- Eye on the bottom line
- Imitates
- Accepts the status quo
- Classic good soldier
- Does things right
Leader Characteristics
- Innovates
- An original
- Develops
- Focuses on people
- Inspires trust
- Long-range perspective
- Asks what and why
- Eye on the horizon
- Originates
- Challenges the status quo
- Own person
- Does the right thing
Authentic Leaders
- To know oneself, to be consistent with oneself, and to have positive and strength-based orientations toward one’s development and the development of others.
- Such leaders are transparent with their values and beliefs. They are honest with themselves and with others. They exhibit a higher level of moral reasoning capacity, allowing them to judge between gray and shades of gray
Kurt Lewin’s three leadership styles
- authoritarian- very directive and allowed no participation, give individual attention when praising and criticizing, and tried to be friendly or impersonal rather than openly hostile
- democratic - encouraged group discussion and decision making, tried to be “objective” in giving praise or criticism and to be one of the group in spirit
- laissez-faire- gave complete freedom to the group; this leader essentially provided no leadership
Two Dimensions of Leadership
- consideration and initiating structure
- In simple terms, the Ohio State factors are task or goal orientation (initiating structure) and recognition of individual needs and relationships (consideration).
- The two dimensions are separate and distinct from each other.
- This two-dimensional approach lessened the gap between the strict task orientation of the scientific management movement and the human relations emphasis, which had been popular up to that time
Fiedler’s classic contingency theory
suggests that leadership styles must fit or match the situation in order to be effective
Trait Theories of Leadership
- Only intelligence seemed to hold up with any degree of consistency, usually not the most intelligent of the group. Most intelligent of the group is usually the lieutenant of the leader.
Leader emergence & effectiveness
- extraversion has the highest average correlation with leader emergence and leadership effectiveness
- followed by conscientiousness
- openness to experience
- neuroticism
- and nonsignificant agreeableness
States related to effective leaders
optimism, hope, resiliency, emotional intelligence and self-efficacy
Effective Leadership Competencies
- Drive, or the inner motivation to pursue goals
- Leadership motivation, which is the use of socialized power to influence others to succeed
- Integrity, which includes truthfulness and the will to translate words into deeds
- Self-confidence that leads others to feel confidence, usually exhibited through various forms of impression management directed at employees
- Intelligence, which is usually focused in the ability to process information, analyze alternatives, and discover opportunities
- Knowledge of the business, so that ideas that are generated help the company to survive and thrive
- Emotional intelligence, based on a self-monitoring personality, making quality leaders strong in situation sensitivity and the ability to adapt to circumstances as needed
Domain Characteristics
(TABLE 13.2. page 383)
- Appropriate behavior of the person in leader role
- Establishing and communicating vision; inspiring, instilling pride
- Appropriate: Fundamental change; charismatic leader in place; limited diversity among followers
- Most effective: Structured tasks; strong leader position power; member acceptance of leader
Advantages & Disadvantages
(TABLE 13.2. page 383)
- Advantages: Leader as rallying point for organization; common understanding of mission and values; can initiate whole-sale change
- Disadvantages: Highly dependent on leader problems if leader changes or is pursuing inappropriate vision
Domain Characteristics
(TABLE 13.2. page 383)
- Ability and motivation to manage one’s own performance
- Empowering, coaching, facilitating, giving up control
- Appropriate: Highly capable and task committed followers
- Most Effective: Unstructured tasks; weak position power; member nonacceptance of leader