Chapter 13 Flashcards
Codes are rewritten and issued every ___ years by NFPA and ICC.
3 years
The term ___, although commonly used for many structures, is a financial/legal term.
The usual height for garden style apartments is ___ stories.
3 stories
Garden apartments… The pre incident plan review should address limited parking space, including calling for a minimum of ___ feet of clear width, proper turning radii, red striping of curbs and signage.
20 feet
Usually all the gas meters in an apartment complies are located in one ___ location.
___ is the only construction material that does not yield heat when burned in pure oxygen.
Most NFPA 13R protected apartment building are required to have a ___ inch fire department connection(FDC)
1 1/2”
There is probably no class of building in which good fire planning and training can pay off more than in ___.
Garden apartments
More recently, row houses have been given dignified new name, ___.
Tenements got their start in the 1800’s. Over the years, this type of multi story multiple dwelling of ordinary construction has come to mean ___.
Substandard housing
___ are built for aesthetic reasons, and aesthetic reason only.
The top of an atrium does not have to be sprinklered if it is more than ___ feet above the ground floor.
55 feet
Building codes typically allow up to ___ floors to be open to the atrium.
Recent building codes have allowed covered mall building to be of unlimited area if they are of type ___ construction and have ___ feet of open space around them.
Type 1, 2, 3, or 4
60 feet
A covered mall with have a class ___ standpipe system.
class 1
Special purpose building may be designed to channel the force of an internal explosion in a desired direction(____).
Explosion venting
Pre WW2 high rise buildings were universally of ___ construction.
Steel framed
The Empire State building weighs about ___ pounds per cubic foot.
A typical modern high rise weighs only ___ pounds per cubic foot.
In a modern office building, possibly ___% or more of the floor volume is located in the ceiling void.
Modern high rises, stairs are often located in the core and are frequently ___, two stairways in the same shaft.
Scissor stairways
For years, the model building codes have permitted __% of exit stairwells to terminate I the building’s lobby, rather than outdoors.
Some stairways are locked against reentry on all floors. Some codes require doors to be unlocked for reentry on certain floors, typically no more than ___ intervening floors between reentry floors.
4 floors
Other codes require automatic release of locks upon a tie alarm system activation, manual release from the lobby command center and telephone in the stairwells ever ___ floors.
5 floors
The principal smoke moving mechanism is the ___ of fire.
Thermal energy
This thermal energy can be massive. The burning rate of the fuel in the MGM Grand Hotel fire in Las Vegas, for example, was estimate at ___ tons per minute.
3 tons
Under ___ conditions, smoke will move up and away from the fire.
If there is a layer of warmer air than the air below it, the condition is called ___, and the layer is called the ___.
Inversion layer
Wind blowing against a building seems to split about ___ of the way up the building.
Modern high rise building weigh about ___ or ___ pounds per cubic foot.
8 or 9
In a cold climate, a temperature differential of about ___ might exist for weeks on end, whereas in the heat of summer the difference might only be about ___.
Under winter conditions, stack effect causes movement of air from the floors into the vertical shafts, stairways, elevators, and so on in the lower portion of the building. The greatest flow will be at the ___ floor. At a point about ___ to ___ the buildings height, the flow is reduced to zero; this is called the neutral zone.
First floor
1/3 to 1/2
___ smoke falls downward.
Some buildings simply have breakable tempered glass windows, typically spaced on ___ foot centers around the building perimeter.
50 foot
Breakable glass windows must be identified in some manner; it is common for reflective Maltese cross sticker, or a ___, to appear on the glass.
Frosted inscription
Any equipment designed to function in the case of fire is, in effect, ___.
Fire department equipment
The argument against sprinkler is usually a ___ one.
The basic argument for sprinkler protection is one of ___.
Hospitals and nursing homes… The key to patient safety is to move patients ___, rather than ___.
Hospitals and nursing homes… To compliment the smoke barriers, corridors are a minimum of ___ feet wide to accommodate the size and width of a rolling hospital bed.
8 feet
Hospitals and nursing homes… Hospitals and nursing home staff practice ___.
R: Remove all the people in immediate danger to safety
A: Activate the manual pull station & have someone call 911
C: Close doors to confine the spread of smoke and fire
E: Extinguish the fire if possible
Most library stack areas are built to a common pattern. Stack levels are about ___ feet high so attendants can reach the shelves without a ladder.
6 feet
The most famous and largest nightclub disaster was the ___ Cocoanut Grove fire in Boston, which killed ___ people.
Office buildings are built using ___ type/s of construction.
All 5 types
The code regulation concerning schools have been shaped by one particular fire - the ___ Our Lady of Angels fire in Chicago, which killed __ students and three nuns.
92 students
School corridor widths are much larger than normal, ___ feet in most cases.
6 feet
Self storage building can be found in a variety of construction types, most notably types ___ through ___.
Type 1 through 4
Multi story Type 1 and 4 facilities; ___ protection is mandated.
The Cape Cod is traditionally a ___ story home with a steep pitched roof.
1 1/2 story
The split level home is just that, ___ floors joined by short run stairways.
3 floors
The split level home is ___ frame construction.
Platform frame
Stadiums can vary in seating capacity from a few thousand to more than ___.
Stadiums are almost always type ___ construction.
Type 1
Taxpayers are usually limited to approximately ___ to ___ small stores.
6 to 10
Strip malls are usually larger than taxpayers and have as many as ___ to ___ small stores and a large anchor store or two.
15 to 20
Strip mall anchor stores may be more than ___ feet deep.
150 feet
Strip malls… Currently, draft stops are required to limit the size of attic compartments to ___ ft sq and floor void compartments to ___ sq ft.
3,000 sq ft
1,000 sq ft
Some building and fire codes require automatic sprinkler for retail sales rooms larger than ___ sq ft.
12,000 sq ft
Today, new nightclubs with occupant levels over ___ or over ___ sq ft are sprinklered.
5,000 sq ft
Building codes define underground buildings as having an occupied level at least ___ feet below the level of exit discharge.
30 feet
When the occupied level is more than ___ feet below the level of exit discharge, a smoke barrier that splits the floor levels roughly in half and that runs vertically up through all underground levels must be provided.
60 feet
The pallet storage system provided as much as ___ times the surface area as boxes stacked solid.
36 times
In the past, FDC was optional. NFPA 13 now requires the connection except for systems of ___ sprinklers or less or when permission has been obtained from the AHJ.
20 sprinklers or less
As many as ___% of fire doors in supposedly well protected properties have been found to be inoperative.
Fire codes call for firefighter access doors every ___ feet in a high piled stock warehouse.
100 feet
The width of garment cutting tables is permitted to be ___ inches.
48 inches
In high rise fires; occupants should be moved to ___ floors below the fire, and then protected in place.
5 floors
Winds in excess of ___ cannot be reversed with PPV fans.
The ___ has the m most poke through holes ad concealed avenues for fire spread.