chapter 13 Flashcards
Occipital lobe is
posterior within the brain, and its major function is vision
Occipital lobe contains many distinct
visual areas
visual areas extend into the
temporal and parietal lobes
Primary visual cortex (V1) surrounds the
calcarine sulcus and contains distinct layers and sublayers
Within V1, “blobs”
process color information
the cells between the blobs process
form and motion
Thin stripes are involved in
color perception
Thick stripes process
form information
Pale stripes are involved in
motion perception
Color perception enhances our ability to
detect form and motion
Visual processing starts in
V1 and projects to all major visual areas
V2 is the
secondary processing location, and it also projects onward to major visual areas
V1 projects through V2 projects to
Dorsal stream, Ventral stream, STS stream
STS stream
object perception and motion perception
Ventral stream
object perception and motion perception
Dorsal stream
visual guidance of movement
V1 and V2 seem to be heterogeneous general areas processing
all types of visual information
Higher visual areas are more
specialized but can still integrate information from multiple aspects of vision
processes dynamic form, or the shapes of objects in motion
predominantly processes color information
involved in motion processing; also known as MT
Damage to these higher visual areas results in
deficits specific to the functions of those areas
People with damage to V1 report being
blind, but smaller projections from subcortical areas to higher visual areas provide some limited vision
visual ventral pathway contains two parts,
one on the lateral surface and the other on the ventral surface of the temporal lobe
Visual streams project to many higher visual areas throughout the
temporal, parietal, and frontal lobes, and these areas seem to have specific functions, although they interact
The lateral ventral pathway may be related to
language and tool use, so may be unique to humans
Lateral occipital region
object analysis
fusiform face area
face analysis
Extrastriate body area
body analysis
fusiform body area
body analysis
superior temporal sulcus
analysis of biological motion
superior temporal sulcus (posterior)
moving body analysis
Parahipocampal place area
analysis of landmarks
ventral stream regions (7)
dorsal stream regions
lateral intraparietal sulcus
voluntary eye movement