Chapter 13 Flashcards
anything that places an adjustive demand on an organism
Selye formulated the ___ to describe how stress, on the biological level, can incapacitate an individual.
general adaptation syndrome (GAS)
The GAS encompasses three stages of physiological reaction to a wide variety of stressors:
Alarm, Resistance, Exhaustion
The alarm stage, sometimes referred to as an emergency reaction, is exemplified on the animal level by the so-called ___
fight-or-flight syndrome
During this stage, bodily resources are mobilized to deal with the specific stressors, and adaptation is optimal.
resistance stage
Under conditions of prolonged stress, the body reaches a point where it is no longer capable of maintaining resistance.
exhaustion stage
there is little evidence that stress is the ___ cause of any disease.
exclusive or the principal
___, can also affect the most common and lethal form of heart disease we face—atherosclerosis,
chronic stressors
___ are married to their work. Their vows to love and honor their spouses above all “others” no longer hold meaning or possibility.
The results of the Police Stress Survey (PSS)
reveal that the single-most-potent stressor was ___ in the line of duty
killing someone
More law enforcement officers are likely to be killed by ___ than are killed by criminals.
job-related stress
Many police officers who have been involved in a deadly force shooting episode have described one or more alterations in ___
perception, thinking, and behavior
There are ___ Basic Phases of the Post-Shooting Reaction
The fifth phase, ___, can be a long process, and many law enforcement officers wrestle with this single event for a lifetime.
rationalization and acceptance
Other experts have suggested that officers would be better able to provide a more accurate ___ if they are allowed to wait at least 24 hours
post shooting interview
An emotional and behavioral disturbance that follows exposure to a traumatic stressor that is typically outside the range of normal, everyday experience
“posttraumatic stress disorder”
officers may also experience trauma symptoms sporadically throughout a career as a result of being routinely exposed to many traumatic events over a period of time.
Cumulative Career Traumatic Stress
___ among police officers is a serious and widespread problem, with some studies estimating that it affects one-quarter of all police officers
Alcohol abuse
law enforcement officers remain one of the most
difficult groups to reach with intervention and prevention services, due largely to the ___ nature of the police culture
insular and clannish
Research suggests that individuals taking AASs in excess of ___ of testosterone per week are outside the bounds of therapeutic use.
100–200 mg
departments must identify, evaluate, and routinely ___ their mental health providers
Specially trained ___personnel were recognized as critical mental health resources
peer support
___ provide no-cost, confidential assistance to an agency’s employees on health and wellness issues that impact work performance
Employee Assistance Programs
___ are a key resource to any successful early intervention program.