Chapter 12 - Stress, Coping, and Health Flashcards
the tension, discomfort, or physical symptoms that arise when a situation, called a stressor strains our ability to cope effectively
Traumatic Event
a stressor that is so severe it can produce long-term psychological or health consequences
Primary Appraisal
initial decision regarding whether an event is harmful
Secondary Appraisal
perceptions regarding our ability to cope with an event that follows primary appraisal
Problem-Focused Coping
coping strategy by which we problem solve and tackle life’s challenges head on
Emotion-Focused Coping
coping strategy that features a positive outlook on feelings or situations accompanied by behaviours that reduce painful emotions
Stress as a Transaction
how people interpret and cope with stressful events
Stress as a Response
psychological and physical reactions to stressful circumstances
stress hormone that activates the body and prepares us to respond to stressful circumstances
Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS)
a questionnaire based on 43 life events ranked in terms of stressfulness rated by participants
The SRRS doesn’t consider…
-how people interpret events
-coping behaviours and resources
-chronic stressors
minor annoyance or nuisance that strains our ability to cope
Hassles Scale
measures how stressful events affect our adjustments
Hassles are better predictors of health, depression, and anxiety than major ____ ______
life events
What did Hans Selye study?
How the stress response (stomach ulcers, adrenal gland size) showed a pattern in stressful environments
General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS)
stress response pattern proposed by Hans Selye that consists of 3 stages: alarm, resistance, and exhaustion
GAS: The Alarm Reaction
-excitation of the ANS
-adrenaline release
-physical anxiety symptoms
The “seat of anxiety” is the limbic system (emotional brain) which includes the ______, _______, and _________
amygdala, hypothalamus, hippocampus
Physical Anxiety Symptoms
-cold, clammy hands
-dry mouth
-pounding heart
-rapid and shallow breathing
-lightheaded and dizzy
emotional response centre - stores emotional memories
Fight or Flight Response
physical and psychological reaction that mobilizes people and animals to either defend themselves or flee a threatening situation
Which parts of the brain control the release of cortisol from the adrenal gland?
hypothalamus and pituitary gland
GAS: Resistance
adapting to the stressor and finding a way to cope with it
Which parts of the brain are involved in the resistance phase?
cerebral cortex and basal ganglia
GAS: Exhaustion
when we lack good coping measures and our body begins to face damage to organ systems, depression and anxiety, and our immune system
good stress
bad stress
Tend and Befriend
reaction that mobilizes people (usually females) to nurture (tend) or seek social support (befriend) under stress
Which hormone promotes the tend and befriend response?
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
condition that sometimes follows extremely stressful life events
PTSD symptoms
-vivid memories, feelings, images from the event (flashbacks)
-feeling detached from others
-difficulty sleeping
-startling easily
Social Support
relationships with people and groups that can provide us with emotional comfort and personal and financial resources
People with less ______ support have higher mortality rates
Behavioural Control
the ability to step up and do something to reduce impact of a stressful situation or prevent its recurrence
Avoidance-Oriented Coping
avoiding action to solve our problems, or giving up hope
Cognitive Control
the ability to cognitively restructure or think differently about negative emotions that arise in response to stress provoking events
Behavioural control involves _____-focused coping
Cognitive control involves ______-focused coping
Decisional Control
the ability to choose among alternative course of action
Informational Control
the ability to acquire information about a stressful event
Proactive Coping
anticipation of problems and stressful situations that promotes effective coping
Emotional Control
the ability to suppress and express emotions
disclosing painful feelings
set of attitudes marked by a sense of control over events, commitment to life and work, and courage and motivation to confront stressful circumstances
search for the sacred, which may or may not extend to belief in god
focusing on how bad we feel and endlessly analyzing the causes and consequences of our problems
Immune System
our body’s defence system against bacteria, viruses, and other potentially illness-producing organisms
study of the relationship between the immune system and CNS
Are peptic ulcers caused by stress?
no it is usually Helicobacter pylori but a reduced immune system may increase susceptibility
illnesses such as asthma and ulcers in which emotions and stress contribute to, maintain, or aggravate the physical condition
Biopsychosocial Perspective
the view that an illness or medical condition is the product of the interplay of biological, psychological, and social factors
Type A Personality
people who are competitive, driven, hostile, and ambitious and maybe at high risk for CHD
Coronary Heart Disease
damage to the heart from the complete or partial blockage of the arteries
Hostility, a type A trait is the most predictive of _____ disease
Healthy Psychology
field of psychology, also called behavioural medicine, that integrates the behavioural sciences with the practice of medicine
Healthy Behaviour #1: Stop ____
Healthy Behaviour #2: Curb ______ consumption
alcohol which contributes to cancer, liver disease, pregnancy complication, brain shrinkage
Low to moderate drinking decreases risk of _______ disease and ________
heart disease and stroke
Healthy Behaviour #3: Achieve a healthy ______
(weight (lbs)/(height (in))²) x 703
Obese people have a heightened risk for…
heart disease, stroke, high BP, arthritis, cancer, respiratory problems, diabetes
Healthy Behaviour #4: _______
exercise; lower BP and risk for CHD, improve lung function, relieve arthritis, decrease diabetes risk, reduce risk for cancer
Alternative Medicine
health care practices and products used in place of conventional medicine
Complementary Medicine
health care practices and products used together with conventional medicine
feedback by a device that provides almost an immediate output of a biological function such as HR or skin temp
a variety of practices that train attention and awareness
Concentrative Meditation
goal is to focus attention on a single thing
Awareness Meditation
attention flows freely and examines whatever comes to mind
Yoga is helpful in reducing…
anxiety and depression, headaches, pain
ancient Chinese practice of inserting thin needles into more than 2000 points in the body to alter energy forces in the body
Homeopathic Medicine
remedies that feature a small dose of an illness-inducing substance to activate the body’s own natural defences
Match the supposed beliefs that:
A) Alleviate depression symptoms
B) Cures some cancers
C) Relieve mild arthritis pain
D) Improve sexual performance, energy, digestion, weight-loss
E) Slows cognitive decline, Alzheimer’s, heart attack and stroke risk
1) Acai Berries
2) Glucosamine and Chrondroitin
3) Shark Cartilage
4) St. Johns Wort Herb
5) Ginkgo Biloba Leaves
A) 4
B) 3
C) 2
D) 1
E) 5