Chapter 12 Personality Flashcards
Individual characteristic patterns of thinking, feeling, acting
Sigmund Freud
Theories controversial and autobiographical
4 Components of Freud
1) Fearful of father, sexually attracted to mother
2) Not empirically tested
3) not accepted by academic psychology
4) popular with culture
Resovoir of mostly unacceptable thoughts, wishes, feelings, memories
Human Personality
conflict between pleasure seeking bio impulse and social restraints
Stage theory
Showing where life energy is focused and where gratification occurs
Oral stage
Birth-18 months
mouth sucking dependancy
Anal Stage
18 mnts-3yrs
Anus, control
Phallic Stage
3-6 years
Penis/moral and sexual identification
Latency Stage
period of relaxed calm
Genital Stage
Post puberty, genitals
How do stages work for life?
Need to resolve each stage to have a good life
What are the two most important things in freuds eyes?
Ability to love and to work
What does unsuccesful resolution of a stage lead to?
children incorporate parents values in developing superego
Oedipal Complex
Boy sexual desire towards mother and hate for father
Electra Complex
female version of Oedipal
“the it”
If it feels good, do it.
No consequences or possibility thinking
Pleasure principle
your raw desires found in the id
Concious self that balances impulses with actual possibilites
Reality Principle
Stuck in reality , in the middle
Pushes people to behave in accordance with society
Does it result in action?
No it gives you mental image of what you want.
Iceberg Theory
Concious is above water level. Id completely under water. superego in and out of water. Ego mostly above water
Free Association
Taps into unconscious by word map free association
-royal road to the unconscious
Freud kept diary of own dreams and analyzed that
3 other ways to tap unconscious?
1) Belief, habits, symptoms
2) Freudian slips
3) Jokes
Defense mechanisms
Repression, reaction formation, projection, rationalization, displacement, denial
Most basic. Banishing all anxiety arousing thoughts, feelings, memories(push id impulses away from conscious)
Retreating to earlier infantile stage, returning to a state and feeling fixated.
Reaction Formation
Saying and doing the opposite of an unacceptable impulse
Instead of admitting of being a certain way, person acuses others of being that way
construct phony accusations to hide real reason for behavior
Diverting sexual impulses into more acceptable behavior
refusing to believe troubling fact
Why was Freud so popular?
Said all people have sex and aggresion urges
Traveled a lot and publicized work
Very charming
Freud Wrongs:
Ideas couldn’t be scientifically tested and have no empirical support
Freud Rights
- Unconscious is really important
- People have conficting motives
- childhood exp. important
Projective Testing
Test with ambiguous stimuli for which there is no correct or obvious answers (still used today)
Rorschach Inkblot Test
Set of 10 inkblot designed by Herman Rorsschach
Problem: didn’t know how to interpret meaning
Used as ice breaker
Thematic Appreciation Test (TAT)
31 Ambiguous pictures containing personal and social interactions and person asked to tell story.
what was TAT designed for and what is it actually use for?
Designed to tap into unconscious put used to see underlying motivations and goals
Humanistic Perspective
Focused on growth and fulfillment of individuals
Three conditions in humanistic perspective:
1) Genuineness
2) Acceptance or Unconditional positive regard
3) Empathy
Rogers Personality Theory
Need for positive regard is another basic need (raised with conditional positive regard)
**Might breed narcissism
Trait Perspective
trait is a characteristic pattern of behavior. We can identify traits in individuals
Openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, narcissism
Personality Inventory
assess self reported thoughts, feelings, behavior
Social Facilitation
Improved performance of tasks in presence of others (depends on task difficulty)
*home advantage only slightly real
Social Loafing
Tendency for people in group to exert less force when in group working towards common goal
Diffusion of responsibility
Everyone thinking someone else did something
Bystandder Effect
More people thing there are others people available, less likely people are to help
Mere-Exposure Effect
If we have seen it before, we will like it more
explanations for ourselves and others
about the person
About the situation
Fundamental Attribution Error
Overestimate internal factors an underestimate external FOR OTHERS
Self Serving Bias
Attributing the way that works besst for us
ex: test results
Just World Hyp
Beleif that people get what they deserve
Belief and feeling that predispose one to respon in particular way to objects, people, eents
Social Roles
Stanford prison experiment
Showed power of roles via manipulation
People excuse behavior when told by authority to do something
sadness, gloom, hopelessness, worthlessness, decreased energy, change in sleep, difficult concentrating, restlesness
Risk Factors of Depression
Social support, ruminative response style, low self esteem, physical emotional ilness, attention turned inward
Bipolar Depression
Dramatic mood swimngs,
PET Scan for bipolar
looks different in different stages
Split mind, most crippling
Positive Symptoms
Hallucination, delusions, disorganization
Negative Symptoms
Emotionless, lacking energy, difficulty thinking, diminished social drive
Biology of Schizophrenia
Dopamine over activity and brain abnormalites
- Low activity in frontal lobe
- shrinkage in some areas
- increased amygdala activity
Emotionally charged confiding between trained therapist and someone who suffers from psycholgical difficulties
Bring conflicts in consciousness
offer interpretations
The idea that self awareness brings cures
Humanistic Theory
Treating people like people
Focuses on present and future before past
Looks at conscious thoughts
Promoting growth
Carl Rogers
Client Centered Therapy
Behavior Therapy
use for phobia, anxiety, addiction
Foot in the door
Build up to a request
Cognitive Dissonance
When things don’t go together
Door in the face
Ask for a lot up front and settle for a little (the amount you actually wanted)
the idea that a person is more likely to commit to a lower price and they you add it other charges
Asch study
Showed that obedience is real and under authority people will do what you tell them to
Scapegoat Theory
The idea of finding someone to blame for something that went wrong
Three bio causes of aggression
Genetics, nueral, biochemical
Frustration aggression principle
Frustration sparks anger which sparks aggression
Aversive Events
Negative stimuli that increase aggression
Social Script
Culturally provides mental file of how to act
Self Esteem
Our feelings of self worth
How can self esteem effect attitude?
People with higher self esteem answer more positively to questions about self
Our sense of competence on a task
How can self-efficacy effect self?
If we have self-efficacy we do better at tasks
self serving bias
readiness to perceive ourselves favorably; see ourselves as better than average
How does self serving bias work?
People accept more responsibility for good deeds than for bad, and for successes than for failures
excessive self-love and self-absorption
If there is so much self-serving bias why are people unhappy?
1) Self directed put-downs
2) We prepare ourselves for possible failure
3) Putting ourselves down helps us learn from mistakes
4) Bad behavior is described as “long ago” while good behavior is more easily remembered and brought forward
the very core of your being, the sense of me, awareness of conviction and power
Identifying as a group. Have deep attachment to the group
Social Psychologist