Chapter 12: Overlap and Integration Flashcards
Freud’s Structural Model and Human Evolution: The ID
- basic biological needs or drives
- human behaviour is self-serving: fulfills biological needs for survival and reproduction (genetically based survival instincts)
Freud’s Structural Model and Human Evolution: The Ego
- the need to deal with reality and meet needs in a realistic way
- evolution of cerebral cortex
- Id: animal needs (genes)
- Ego: adaptation to cope with reality (prefrontal cortex)
- evolutionary theory
Freud’s Structural Model and Human Evolution: The Superego
- humans must live in groups
- must find a way to meet needs of self by also meeting needs of group
- group needs may override personal needs in short-term in order to promote long-term survival/need fulfillment
Superego (ethical behavior) + Evolutionary Perspective
- promotes group membership and acceptance promotes survival
- “safety in numbers”
- social behavior: living in groups, reciprocal altruism
Psychoanalysis and Evolutionary Psychology: Fixations and Mating Patterns
- oedipal/electra complex: anxiety related to hatred of same sex (desire to sexually possess other parent)
- adult fixiation: exaggerated efforts to attract member of opposite sex
- men: promiscuous sex
- women: seductive behavior
Evolutionary Perspective
- male mating behavior: mate with as many females as possible, in order to pass genes
- female mating behavior: attract as many mates in order to select the one with the best genes
Psychoanalysis and Learning Theories
- Freud: repression (attempt to avoid thoughts that create anxiety)
- Learning Perspective: conditioned not to think about distressing things (not thinking avoids pains, escaping pain reinforces not thinking of distressing things
Psychoanalysis and Cognitive Theories
- freud concept of unconscious = cognitive concept of automaticity
- ego functioning = executive control processes
- ego strength = coping skills, self-esteem
- defenses = cognitive distortions
- repression = selective attention
- transference = application of schemas
Cognitive Distortions: All-or-Nothing Thinking
- thinking in absolute terms: always, every, never (few aspects of human behavior are so absolute)
Cognitive Distortions: Over generalization
- taking isolated cases and using them to make wide generalizations
Cognitive Distortions: Mental Filter
- focusing exclusively on certain, usually upsetting, aspects of something while igniting the rest
Cognitive Distortions: Disqualifying the positive
shooting down positive experiences
Cognitive Distortions: Jumping into Conclusions
assuming something negative where there is actually no evidence to support it
Cognitive Distortions: Magnification/Minimization
exaggerating negatives and understating positives or exaggerate positive characteristics of a person but understating the negatives
Cognitive Distortions: Emotional Reasoning
making decisions based on how you feel rather than objective reality
Cognitive Distortions: Making Should Statements
having rigid rules which you think should always apply no matter what the circumstances are
Cognitive Distortions: Labeling
overgeneralization, explaining by naming rather than describing a behavior
Cognitive Distortions: Personalization
assuming that you or others directly caused things when that has not been the case
Social Learning, Cognitive, and Self-Regulation Theories: common foundations
- construct representation of world and self
- how humans view and understand the world around them
- human behavior is motivated by expectancies and outcomes
Traits and Dispositions
- origins of personality characteristics among theories, but almost all theories agree that traits, dispositions, temperaments are stable and are reflected across time and situations
- importance of early social experiences in development of personality
Motivation: Dispositional Perspective
needs, motives, drives, press
Motivation: Learning Perspective
Motivation: Self-regulation and Cognitive Perspective
Motivation: Analytic Perspective
cathexis, drive fulfillment
Motivation: Neoanalytic Perspective
strivings for effectance, competence, superiority
Impulse and Restraint: Dispositional
reflects stable trait
Impulse and Restraint: Biomedical
temperaments, genetic basis, neurological basis
Impulse and Restraint: Psychodynamic
ID vs. Superego conflicts
Impulse and Restraint: Cognitive
rational vs. experiential systems (selective attention, memory, decision-making, self-regulation
Individual vs Group Needs: Dispositional
- trait approach: agreeableness and extroversion
- needs: affiliation, intimacy, love etc.
Individual vs Group Needs: Evolutionary
reciprocal altruism
Individual vs Group Needs: Psychoanalytic
superego conformity
Individual vs Group Needs: Neoanalytic
- object relations: sep/ind attachment
- Erikson: intimacy vs isolation
Individual vs Group Needs: Learning
provide rewards
Individual vs Group Needs: Phenomenological
positive regard, self-actualization and transcendence