Chapter 12 - motivating employees Flashcards
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs:
- Physiological needs
Food, shelter, clothing, and an environment that sustains life
- Security needs
Physical safety and an orderly environment
- Social needs
Acceptance and a sense of belonging
- Esteem needs
Self-respect and the respect of others
- Self actualization or self for form it needs
Development of individual abilities and a satisfying personal life
Frederick Hertzberg’s theory of motivation divides sources of motivation into two categories:
- Those that prompt satisfaction
- Those that prompt dissatisfaction
The most frequent source of dissatisfaction is ……., also known as bureaucracy or red tape
Company policy and administration
The next most frequent source of dissatisfaction in Hertzberg‘s theory is the employee’s ………….
Relationship with his or her supervisor
Hertzberg and Maslow both believe that most people:
- Welcome work as an opportunity to learn and grow
- Will seek more responsibility and challenging work
- Are primarily motivated by the desire for acceptance, recognition, and a sense of achievement
Daniel H pink summarizes employee motivation and three concepts:
- Autonomy -an urge to direct our own lives
- Mastery -the desire to get better and better at something that matters
- Purpose. -a yearning to do what we do in service of something larger than ourselves
Buy 2014, millennials were account for …….. the employees in the world.
Nearly half
The most widely used personality test is the ………which measures a persons preferences about how he or she perceives the world and makes decisions.
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
MBTI personality preferences:
E extravert or I Introvert
S Sensing or N intuition
T Thinking or F Feeling
J Judging or P Perception
Look at the world and see possibilities for people. They tend to serve causes that advance human interest but their sensitivity can lead them to take criticism personally, sometimes in their feelings hurt. Overall, they feel that harmony with themselves and with others is their most important value. If harmony exists, everything else will fall naturally into place
Intuition and feeling
12% of the world population
These people perceive the world largely through abstractions and possibilities to which they apply objective analysis. They’re driving force, and their request for competence, is to theorize and intellectualize everything. Driven to understand the universe, they ask, why? Or why not? These people learn by challenging any authority or source. They have their own standards and benchmarks for competence against which they measure themselves and everyone else.
Intuition and thinking
12% of the population
These personalities focus on what is practical and realistic to provide organization and structure. They yearn to belong to meaningful institutions. They are trustworthy, loyal, helpful, and reverent. And stabilizing traditionalists, they tend to organize people, furniture, schedules, structures, and more to ensure that everything runs smoothly and on time
Sensing and judging
38% of the population
This personality focuses on what is practical and realistic to which they bring spontaneity and flexibility. They are simultaneously grounded in the reality of the moment and open to multiple ways of dealing with that reality. The only thing they can be sure of is the moment; a long range plan is a contradiction in terms. They are driven to act in and adapt to the moment; everything else, from past procedures to future possibilities, becomes irrelevant in the face of the options, challenges, and fun offered now.
Sensing and perception
38% of the population
There are some principles that can help you meet the needs of nearly all managers. These principles include:
- Being accommodating
- Doing your due diligence
- Earning trust and confidence
Support your managers leadership. Stand by his or her decisions in front of all others. When you disagree, speak up ……….. Once you’ve made your best recommendation, support the decision even when you’ve been overruled. Whether it was your preference or not, the final decision is yours to implement.
Respectfully and private