Chapter 11: The Second Civil War Flashcards
What was Charles position like before the Second Civil War?
Lost First Civil War, but still in good position to negotiate with Parliament.
What 2 factions had parliament divided into by the end of the First Civil War in 1646?
Political Presbyterians.
Political Independents.
What were some of the key ideas of the political Presbyterians?
- Holles.
- ‘Peace party’ - moderate.
- No religious toleration.
- Wanted to negotiate with king.
- Wanted to disband NMA.
What were some of the key ideas of the political Independents?
- Cromwell and Ireton.
- ‘War party’ - radical.
- Wanted religious toleration.
- Allied with NMA.
- Would accept negotiations and disband NMA if King had limited power.
Who was the leading figure of the Political Presbyterians?
Who were the leading figures of the Political independents?
Cromwell and Ireton.
When were the Newcastle Propositions?
July 1646.
Who proposed the 1646 Newcastle Propositions?
Political Presbyterians.
What were the 1646 Newcastle Propositions?
Political Presbyterian’s plan for settlement.
- Presby be main religion in England for 3yrs.
- Parliament to own militia for 20yrs.
- Triennial Act to remain.
- Some royalists pardoned.
What revisions of the Newcastle Propositions did the Political Presbyterians make in hopes that Charles would accept?
- Disband NMA and just have small army to crush Irish.
- New after army.
Who wrote the Declaration of Dislike and what did it say?
Holles (Political Presbyterian leader).
- Against NMA.
- Army petitioners are ‘ enemies to the state’.
Who was first, second and third in command of the New Model Army when it first formed?
1) Fairfax.
2) Cromwell.
3) Ireton.
What 3 things were the NMA worried about in the period between the First and Second Civil Wars?
- Thought Political Presbyterians raising rival army.
- Wages £3mill in arrears.
- Could be charged with war offences because no indemnity act passed.
What is an indemnity act?
Insurance for soldiers against prosecution for actions taken in war.
Why did the NMA hold their first general meeting at Newmarket in June 1647?
Because Commons voted to disband NMA with only 8 weeks of arrears to pay.
What body as formed in the NMA’s June 1647 meeting at Newmarket?
General Council of the Army.
Led by Fairfax.
Dominated by Ireton and Cromwell.
Who produced the Humble Remonstrance?
When did the army produce the Humble Remonstrance?
June 1647.
What was the contents of the NMA’s June 1647 Humble Remonstrance?
They would not disband until their grievances were met.
Who wrote the NMA’s Solemn Engagement - published June 1647?
Henry Ireton.
Charles was taken from Parliament by the army in June 1647, where was he kept? (2 locations)
Army Headquarters at Newmarket.
Later at Hampton Court.
What did the army demand in their June 1647 ‘A Representation of the Army’ document?
- Purge of Parliament.
- Future Parliament’s to be of fixed duration.
- Religious freedom.
- Right for people to petition Parliament.
When was the Head of Proposals published?
2nd August 1647.
What were the main points in the Head of Proposals?
- Biennial parliaments.
- Parliamentary control of army and navy.
- Religious settlement.
Who wrote the Head of Proposals?
Army - Ireton and Lambert.
When did Charles escape from Hampton Court?
November 1647.
What were the four bills an amalgamation of?
Army’s heads of Proposals.
Parliament’s Newcastle Propositions.
When was The Engagement?
December 1647.
What was the aims of The Engagement?
3 years of Presbyterianism in England in return for Scot’s invading England to return Charles to the throne.
When and what was the Vote of No Addresses?
January 1648.
No further negotiations with Charles as a result of The Engagement.
What did the Army say in the April 1648 Windsor Prayer Meeting?
Charles was ‘that man of blood’.
First mention of regicide.
When was regicide first publicly discussed by the Army?
April 1648 - Windsor Prayer Meeting.