Chapter 11- Textbook Flashcards
Engagement is characterized by what 3 things?
Energy, involvement, and efficacy
What are the three characteristics of burnout?
Exhaustion, cynicism, and inefficacy
Define positive spontaneous behavior
Without much conscious thinking about it, such persons are more likely to be helpful to others, develop skills that aid the organization, make constructive rather than destructive criticisms, spread goodwill, and take actions that help protect the organization from threats and dangers
Fred Luthans and colleagues proposed the notion of psychological capital (PsyCap). Describe it.
PsyCap is defined as a combination of self-efficacy, hope, optimism, and resiliency. New interventions are being created to help people develop their PsyCap, such as through the use of video games and gamification techniques
A consensus among researchers is emerging that a calling is made up of what three vital features?
1) an action orientation, that is, an emphasis on doing rather than simply being. Specifically, a calling refers to a course of action, an activity to be done; 2) a calling includes a sense of clarity of purpose, direction, meaning, and personal mission; and 3) a prosocial intention, that is, a desire to make the world a better place, is characteristic of a calling
The job characteristics model (JCM) offers a useful perspective in that it outlines five core elements that influence workers’ attitudes and behavior. What are these 5 elements?
Skill variety (the degree to which the job requires different activities and skills), task identity (the extent to which the job requires completion of a whole and identifiable work product or service), task significance (the degree to which the job exerts a meaningful impact on others), autonomy (the extent to which the worker has independence in deciding the schedule and process of work), and feedback (the degree to which the worker is given information about his or her performance)
Describe the appreciative inquiry (AI) model
AI looks at what already works in the organization and strengths already present and provides a positive vision for the organization’s future. To move toward a positive solution, the AI model uses open communication and conversation, creating positive organizational narratives, the “elevation of inquiry” (asking positive questions), a “fusion of strengths” (connecting individual strengths to a positive vision), and the “activation of energy”
What are Warr’s 10 qualities of a positive work environment?
- Opportunity for personal control
- Opportunity for skill use
- Reasonable externally generated goals
- Variety
- Environmental clarity
- Availability of money
- Physical security
- Supportive supervision
- Opportunity for interpersonal contact
- Work is valued by society
Describe transformational leadership
Focused on the ability of the transformational leader to increase such qualities as self-confidence, intrinsic motivation, and self-expectation among group members. That is, a transformational leader unleashes the power and harnesses the talent within a group to help it be successful.
What are the 7 traits of a transformational leader?
1) Possessing a broad vision, that is, preferring to think in big-picture terms, rather focusing on minute details and micromanaging issues; 2) having optimism and excitement about the future; and 3) valuing individuals for their unique talents and seeking to maximize their self-actualization as the building blocks of organizational success. Three additional traits are often mentioned too: 4) dedication and hard work, 5) integrity, and 6) providing clear directives and specific feedback to subordinates. Finally, a seventh, far more nebulous trait is sometimes identified with transformational leadership: charisma
Define positive psychotherapy
An approach to treatment built on enhancing positive traits, building strengths, and helping clients find untapped resources for positive change
Describe solution-focused therapy
Therapists help their clients find the strengths they have used in the past, remember how they have solved problems similar to the present one, and set realistic goals for newer healthy behaviors
Describe well-being therapy
An 8-session treatment package based on the dimensions of psychological well-being proposed by Carol Ryff
Describe narrative therapy
Focuses on the stories we all tell ourselves about who we are and our relationships to others. By helping people change their self-narratives in a more positive direction, narrative therapy helps change emotions.
Describe acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)
One of the first styles to significantly integrate mindfulness into treatment
Social well-being was developed by Keyes (1998) and comprises what five dimensions?
The first of these is social acceptance, or the degree to which people generally hold positive attitudes toward others. The second dimension is social actualization, or the degree to which people believe society has the capacity to develop and evolve into a better place. Social contribution, the third dimension, refers to how much people believe their daily activities contribute to society and how much those activities are valued by their community. The fourth dimension is social coherence, or the degree to which society seems to be understandable, predictable, and logical—how it makes sense. The last dimension is social integration, or how much a person feels a part of his or her community, as well as how much support and commonality one feels toward others.