chapter 11: stereotyping; cognition and bias Flashcards
Blatant stereotypes
Rare, about 10% of pop in western democracies.
Can result from conflict over scarce resources.
Realistic group conflict
conflict resulting from fighting over resources, like power, money, land, prestige etc. Results in group biases.
Social identity theory
all interactions, even between 2 ppl, can be either interpersonal or intergroup. Ppl seek a positive soc. identity to maintain self esteem (this turned out to be false tho- discrim. only increases state self esteem, not trait self esteem) Emphasize pos. aspects of your group.
Group categorization increases percieved between-category diffs (we’re diff from them) and within diffs (they’re all alike, and in some ways we are too[if under threat]).
minimal group paradigm
base conditions for experience of being in a group
Self categorization theory
extended SIT, without the self esteem claiims which were false. Comparitive fit; self cat. depends on context.
optimal distinctiveness theory
ppl balance individuation w social identity to create a satisfying identity
ingroup favoritism
ppl would rather increase the relative diffs between ingroup and outgroup then achieve better objective outcomes (rather give themselves 7 and them 1, then both 15). Increases under conflict or threat.
Oxytocin facilicates it, and outgroup hostility.
Increases for those whose identity is under threat (minorities).
Largely conscious and overt, not automatic
social dominance theory
group hierarchies are universal and adaptive in soceities beyond hunter gatherer. stable hierarchies regulate pointless conflict.
social dominance orientation
high SDO predicts ingroup fav., among both powerful and powerless (if they view hierarchy as legit), tend to choose careers that reinforce hierarchy. Increases prej. Correlates w a competitive, dog eat dog worldview (ppl must look out for themselves).
right wing authoritariansim
percieved threat to cherished values. Traditional values, obeying leaders. Intense ingroup ident. Emphasize personal responsibility, punishing (aids, abortion, homelessness, etc)
terror management theory
terror about ones own mortality. mortality salience makes ppl cherish worldviews that will outlive them.
system justification theory
both advtanged and disadvantaged justify their position in hierarhcy, mainly when they can’t change the sitch.
implies biological essence, endorse groups as essentially diff and urge organizations to value those diffs. In contrast, colorblind approach treats everyone the same.
less than human. Secondary emotions (regret, pride) reserved for ingroup.
minimize humanity of others. two major forms-
1, ppl treat others as animals, w/o uniquely human culture, morality, logic, etc.
2. treat others as mechanistic objects, denying them typical human nature(warmth, depth, agency).