chap 4, representation in memory Flashcards
associative networks
the more links/associations to other concepts to any given concept in memory, the easier it is to remember (bc there’s many alt routes to locate it)
consists of nodes and links; nodes being ideas (noun, verb, adjective) and each link being the relation between the ideas
eg: the woman stands in the corner, the man knocks down the woman]
you recall related facts together using a node-link model, so by starting w the woman herself, you start to remember her attributes rather than the man’s
strengthening recall
activating ideas together (ie, woman and elderly) strengthens links
the more separate linkages to a given idea, the more likely it is to be recalled- more retrieval routes
associative memory model
long term
intermediate recent and remote longer-term mem
includes events and factual knowledge
propositions in node-link structure (the woman stands in the corner)
process: spread activation across alternative retrieval routes
activation strength determines retrieval
implicates hippocampus immediately, cortical consolidation in longer term
MOST INFLUENTIAL MODEL (node link structure- for more info, pg 95)
declarative long term memory is part of this
procedural memory model
long term
all kinds of info
if-then productions
process: match, select, execute
current goals and stimuli determine selection and use of procedures
productions implicate basal ganglia loop, goals implicate dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
example: if email subject line discusses large cash prize, then: delete w/o opening
parallel distributed processing model
long term
all kinds of info
patterns of inhibitory and facilitative connections
process: adjust connection strengths
input patterns and connection weights jointly determine revival
embodied memory model
includes top-down expectations (frames)
includes bottom up, sensory info, introspection, and proprioception
simulators that organize related perceptual symbols
process: simulate online in objects presence and offline in object absence
focuses on perception for action
PM-1 model
predicts increased attention to impression inconsistent material (bc its surprising, and stays in working mem longer)
anchoring and adjusting prcoess- impression thats updated w each new piece of info, based on avg of 1) cumulative evals of the items so far and 2) the items currently staying in working mem, including the new item
person memory model
basic processes create an impression from a targets behavior; interpreating behavior, eval. overall likeability, reviewing behaviors inconstisent w the eval, etc
primacy effect: early info most influences the eval (1st impressions count)
inconsistent material takes few inconsistencies next to a lot of consistency to be noticed, and dont occur in a number of cases- more likely if person expected to have consistent behavior (less likely if group), or if time to think about impression after, cog. load, etc
Twofold Retrieval by Associative Pathways (TRAP) model
ppl use distinct retrieval processes, depending on the task. When attempting to recall info, exhaustive strategy used (favors memory for inconsistency), but when trying to remember specific instances to make a frequency judgemnet, heuristic strat. used (favors consistency)
Associated Systems Theory
Reps of other ppl form through use of 4 primary mental systems:
1) The visual system
2) The verbal/semantic system
3) Affective system
4) action system
implicit memory
the influence of past judgmental processes on current reactions; procedural mem is part of this in a way bc the more a partic. procedure is practiced, the more likely it is to be used again
parallel process
everything occuring at once (eg, activating many pathways at the same time)
serial process
step by step (eg, encoding, memory retrieval, and then response)
parallel distributed processing model (PDP)
each unit represents many different concepts, which are retrieved when the appropriate pattern of activation occurs across all the basic units (pattern represents something like 3, not one unit representing 3)
-patterns arent stored, but the strength of connections among basic units are stored, so patterns can be recreated
connectionist model of impression formation
the model adds consolidation in long term mem: basically, external inputs are balanced against internal, and discrepencies from the new short term input adjust the long term links
two prinicples come from the model:
1) set-size effect: the more support ppl have for their perceptions, the more certain they are
2) competition among the links: the successful (accurate) links are strengthened at the expenense of less successful (less accurate) ones
perceptual symbols system (pss)
encode experience, both internal and external
simulator that first registers then later recreates perceptual experiences