Chapter 11 Principles Of Pharmacology Flashcards
The process by which medications travel through body tissues until they reach the bloodstream
The therapeutic effect of medication on the body
Activated charcoal
An oral medication that binds and absorbs ingested toxins in the gastrointestinal tract for treatment of some poisonings and medication overdoses. Charcoal is ground into a very fine powder that provides the greatest possible surface area for binding medications that have been taken by mouth; it is carried on the EMS unit
The process of finding were sticking to a surface
A medication that causes stimulation of receptors
In medication that binds to a receptor and blocks other medications
Aspirin (acetylsalicylic or ASA)
A medication that is an antipyretic ( reduces fever), analgesic ( reduces pain), anti-inflammatory (reduces inflammation), and a potent inhibitor of platelet aggregation(Clumping)
Conditions that make a particular medication or treatment inappropriate because it would not help, or may actually harm, a patient
The amount of medication given on the basis of the patients size and age
EMT administered medication
Administration of a medication by the EMT directly to the patient
Enteral medications
Medications that enter the body through the digestive system
A medication that increases heart rate and blood pressure but also eases breathing problems by decreasing muscle tone of the bronchiole tree
A semi liquid substance that is administered orally in capsule form or through plastic tubes
Generic name
The original chemical name of a medication (in contrast with one of its proprietary or trade names); the name is not capitalized
An abnormally low blood glucose level
The therapeutic uses for a specific medication
Breathing into the lungs; in medication delivery route
Intramuscular (IM) injection
An injection into a muscle; a medication delivery route
Intranasal (IN)
A delivery route in which a medication is pushed through a specialized out of miser device called a mucosal atomizer device (MAD) into the naris
Intraosseous (IO) injection
And injection into the bone; a medication delivery route
Intravenous (I V) injection
And injection directly into a vein; a medication delivery route
A substance that is used to treat or prevent disease or relieve pain
Medication error
Inappropriate use of a medication that could lead to patient harm
Metered dose inhaler (MDI)
A miniature spray canister through which droplets or particles of medication may be inhaled.
Mucosal atomizer device (MAD)
A device that is used to change the liquid medication into a spray and push it into a nostril
A medication that increases cardiac perfusion by causing blood vessels to dilate; EMTs may be allowed to assist the patient to self administer the medication
By mouth; a medication delivery route
Oral glucose
A simple sugar that is readily absorbed by the bloodstream; it is carried on the EMS unit
Over the counter (OTC) medications
Medications that may be purchased directly by a patient without a prescription
A gas that our cells need for metabolism; the heart and brain, especially, cannot function without oxygen
Parenteral medications
Medications that enter the body by a route other than the digestive tract, skin, or by mucous membrane’s
Patient assisted medication
When the EMT assist the patient with the administration of his or her own medication
Peer assisted medication
When the EMT administers medication to him or herself or to a partner
Per is (PO)
Through the mouth; a medication delivery route; same as oral
Per rectum (PR)
Through the rectum; a medication delivery route
The process by which a medication works on the body
The study of the properties and effects of medications
The use of multiple medications on a regular basis
Prescription medications
Medications that are distributed to patients only by pharmacists according to a physicians order
Side effects
Any effects of a medication other than the desired ones
A liquid mixture that cannot be separated by filtering or allowing the mixture to stand
Subcutaneous (SC) injection
Injection into the fatty tissue between the skin and muscle; a medication delivery route
Sublingual (SL)
Under the tongue; a medication delivery route
Imgur of ground particles that are distributed evenly throughout a liquid but do not dissolve
Therapeutic effect
The desired or intended effect a medication is expected to have on the body
Topical medications
Lotions, creams, and ointments that are applied to the surface of the skin and effect only that area; a medication delivery route
Trade name
The brand-name but a manufacture gives a medication; the name is capitalized
Transcutaneous (transdermal)
Through the skin; a medication delivery route
Unintended effects
Actions that are undesirable but post little risk to the patient
Untoward effects
Actions that can be harmful to the patient