Chapter 10 Airway Management Flashcards
Aerobic metabolism
Metabolism that can proceed only in the presence of oxygen
Agonal gasps
Occasional, gasping breath’s that occur after the heart has stopped
The upper airway tract or the passage above the larynx, which includes the nose, mouth, and throat
Alveolar minute volume
The volume of air moved through the Lungs in one minute minus the dead space; calculated by multiplying tidal volume (minus dead space) and respiratory rate
Alveolar ventilation
The volume of air that which is the alveoli. It is determined by subtracting the amount of dead space air from the tidal volume
American standard safety system
A safety system for large oxygen cylinders, designed to prevent the accidental attachment of a regulator to a cylinder containing the wrong type of gas
Anaerobic metabolism
The metabolism that takes place in the absence of oxygen; the principal product is lactic acid
Absence of a spontaneous breathing
In the context of airway, the introduction of Vomitus or other foreign material into the lungs
Ataxic respirations
Your regular, ineffective respirations that may or may not have an identifiable pattern
Automatic transport ventilator (ATV)
A ventilation device attached to a control box that allows the variables of ventilation to be set. It frees the EMT to perform other tasks while the patient is being ventilated
Bag valve mask (BVM)
A device with a one-way valve and a facemask attached to a ventilation bag; when attached to a reservoir and connected to oxygen, it delivers more than 90% supplemental oxygen
Barrier device
A protective item, such as a pocket mask with a valve, that limits exposure to a patient’s body fluids
A body part or condition that appears on both sides of the midline
Subdivision of the smaller bronchi in the lungs; made a smooth muscle and dilate or constrict in response to various stimuli
A noninvasive method to quickly and efficiently provide information on a patients ventilatory status, circulation, and metabolism. Effectively measures the concentration of carbon dioxide in expired air overtime
The use of a capnometer, a device that measures the amount of expired carbon dioxide
Point at which the trachea bifurcates ( divides) into the left and right mainstem bronchi
Monitor the levels of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and the pH of the cerebrospinal fluid and then provide feedback to the respiratory centers to modify the rate and depth of breathing based on the body’s needs at any given time
The ability of the alveoli to expand when air is drawn in during inhalation
Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)
A method of ventilation used primarily in the treatment of critically ill patients with respiratory distress; can prevent the need for endotracheal intubation
Dead space
The portion of the tidal volume that does not reach the alveoli and thus does not participate in gas exchange
A process in which molecules move from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration
Shortness of breath
End tidal CO2
The amount of carbon dioxide present at the end of an exhaled breath
The passive part of the breathing process in which the diaphragm and intercostal muscles relax, forcing air out of the lungs
External respiration
The exchange of gases between the lungs and the blood cells in the pulmonary capillaries; also called pulmonary respiration
Gag reflex
A normal reflex mechanism that causes retching; activated by touching the soft palate or the back of the throat
Gastric distention
A condition in which air fills the stomach, often as a result of high volume and pressure during artificial ventilation
The space between the vocal chords that is the narrowest portion of the adults airway; also called The glottic opening
Good air exchange
A term used to distinguish the degree of distress in a patient with a mild airway obstruction. With good air exchange, the patient is still conscious and able to cough forcefully, although wheezing may be hard
Head tilt chin lift maneuver
A combination of two movements to open the airway by tilting the fore head back and lifting the chin; not used for trauma patients
Increased carbon dioxide level in the blood stream
A dangerous condition in which the body tissues and cells do not have enough oxygen
Hypoxic drive
A condition in which chronically low levels of oxygen in the blood stimulate the respiratory drive; seen in patients with chronic lung disease
The active, muscular part of breathing that draws air into the airway and the Lungs
Internal respiration
The exchange of gases between the blood cells and the tissues
Intrapulmonary shunting
Bypassing of oxygen poor blood past nonfunctional alveoli to the left side of the heart
Jaw thrust maneuver
Technique to open the airway by placing the fingers behind the angle of the jaw and bringing the jaw forward; used for patients who may have a cervical spine injury
Labored breathing
Breathing that requires greater than normal effort; maybe slower or faster than normal and usually requires the use of accessory muscles
A complex structure formed by any independent cartilaginous structures that all work together; where the upper airway ends in the lower area begins; also called the voicebox
Manually triggered ventilation device
A fixed flowrate ventilation device that delivers a breath every time it’s button is pushed; also referred to as a flow restricted, oxygen powered ventilation device
A space with in the chest that contains the heart, major blood vessels, Vagus nerve, trachea, major bronchi, and esophagus; located between the two lungs
Metabolism (cellular respiration)
The bio chemical process that results in production of energy from nutrients within the cells
Mild airway obstruction
Occurs when a foreign body partially obstructs the patient’s airway. The patient is able to move adequate amounts of air, but also experiences some degree of respiratory distress
Minute volume
The volume of air moved through the lungs in one minute; calculated by multiplying tidal volume and respiratory rate; also referred to as minute ventilation
Nasal cannula
And oxygen delivery device in which oxygen flows through two small, tubelike prongs that fit into the patient’s nostrils; delivers 24% to 44% supplemental oxygen, depending on the flow rate
Nasopharyngeal (nasal) airway
Airway adjunct inserted into the nostril of an unresponsive patient or a patient with an altered level of consciousness who is unable to maintain airway patency in dependently
The nasal cavity; formed by the union of facial bones and protects the respiratory tract from contaminants
Nonrebreather mask
A combination mask and reservoir bag system that is the preferred where to give oxygen in the prehospital setting; delivers up to 90% inspired oxygen and prevents in hearing the exhaled gases (carbon dioxide)
Oropharyngeal (oral) airway
Airway adjunct inserted into the mouth of an unresponsive patient to keep the tongue from blocking the upper airway and to facilitate suctioning the airway, if necessary
Forms the posterior portion of the oral cavity, which is bordered superiorly by the hard and soft palate, laterally by the cheeks, and inferiorly by the tongue
The process of delivering oxygen to the blood by diffusion from the alveoli following inhalation into the lungs
Oxygen toxicity
A condition of excessive oxygen consumption resulting in cellular and tissue damage
Parietal pleura
Thin membrane that lines the chest cavity
Partial pressure
The term used to describe the amount of gas in air or dissolved in fluid, such as blood
Passive ventilation
The act of air moving in and out of the lungs during chest compressions
Open, clear of obstruction
Phrenic nerve
Nerve that innervates the diaphragm; necessary for adequate breathing to occur
Pin indexing system
A system established for portable cylinders to ensure that a regulator is not connected to a cylinder containing the wrong type of gas
A partial or complete accumulation of air in the pleural space
Poor air exchange
A term used to describe the degree of distress in a patient with a mild airway obstruction. With poor air exchange, the patient often has a week, ineffective cough, increased difficulty breathing, or possible cyanosis and may produce a high-pitched noise during inhalation (stridor)
Pulse oximetry
And assessment tool that measures oxygen saturation of hemoglobin in the capillary beds
Recovery position
A side lying position used to maintain a clear airway in unconscious patients without injuries who are breathing adequately
Residual volume
The air that remains in the Lungs after maximal expiration
The process of exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide
Movements in which the skin pulls in around the ribs during inspiration
Severe airway obstruction
Occurs when a foreign body completely obstructs the patient’s airway. The patient cannot breathe, talk, or cough
And opening through the skin and into an organ or other structure; a stoma in the neck Connects the trachea directly to the skin
A high-pitched noise heard primarily on inspiration
Suction catheter
A hollow, cylindrical device used to remove fluid from the patient’s airway
A liquid protein substance that coats the alveoli in the Longs, decreases alveolar surface tension, and keeps the Alviola expanded; a low level in a premature infant conributes to respiratory distress syndrome
Tension pneumothorax
A life-threatening collection of air within the pleural space; the volume and pressure have both collapse the involved lung and caused a shift of the mediastinal structures to the opposite side
Tidal volume
The amount of air (in milliliters) he that is in moved in or out of the lungs during one breath
Tonsil tips
Large, semi rigid suction tips recommended for sectioning the pharynx; also called Yankauer tips
Surgical opening into the trachea
Exchange of air between the lungs and the environment, spontaneously by the patient or with assistance from another person, such as an EMT
Visceral pleura
Thin membrane that covers the Lungs
Vital capacity
The amount of air that can be forcibly expelled from the lungs after breathing in as deeply as possible
Vocal chords
Then white bands of tough muscular tissue that are lateral borders of the glottis and serve as the primary center for speech production
The production of whistling sounds during expiration such as occurs in asthma and bronchiolitis