Chapter 11 - Muscle Structure Flashcards
name the muscle.
*forehead is “frontal”, lies on the frontal bone.
name the muscle labeled in yellow.
orbicularis oculi. it an “orbicular” shape that “orbits” the eye. “oculi” means eye. think of bin-oculars.
name the muscle.
orbicularis oris
- orbits the mouth
name the muscle labeled in lavender.
- mental is chin. imagine the thinking pose with your fist on your chin, in mental thought
name the muscle in green.
- mastication is chewing. masseter means the chewing muscle.
name the muscle.
depressor anguli oris
- to lower the corner of the mouth
- they also look like triangles
*anguli means “corner”
name the muscle.
depressor labii inferioris
- to pull down the lips, lower
name the muscle.
- “la risa” is laughter in spanish
name the muscle.
levator labii superioris.
- to lift the lips towards the head
name the muscle labeled in yellow
- attaches to the orbicularis oris, allows us to push air out of the mouth when playing an instrument.
name the muscle.
occipitalis. lies on the occipital bone in the occipital region.
name each of the the 3 muscles.
*auricularis means “outer ear”. think auditory.
- auricularis anterior
- auricularis superior
- auricularis posterior
go over the chart for naming muscles…
muscles are named for size, shape, direction of fibers, location, number of origins, origin and insertion, and action.
name both the sets of muscles
zygomaticus minor (top pair)
zygomaticus major (bottom pair)
*similar to the teres m&m and the rhomboid m&m, the major is below the minor.
name the muscle
levator anguli oris
- to lift the corners of the mouth
*anguli means “corner”
name the muscle.
- lies on the temporal bone.
- a major muscle of mastication
name the muscle
sternocleidomastoid (SCM)
- attaches at sternum, clavicle, and mastoid process.
name the muscle
levator scapulae
- lifts the scapulae. parallel with the rhomboids.
- deep to the scalenes
the suboccipital muscles. you don’t need to know these, but they’re pretty cool.
there’s 4 pairs that attach to the occipital bone, atlas, axis, and cervical vertebrae
the semispinalis capitus. you don’t need to know this, but it’s cool.
good stuff. semi means just to the side, spinous is of the spine
the longissimus capitus. you don’t need to know this…
the top most portion of the erector spinae muscle groups
a cool layering of neck muscles
name the muscle
splenius capitus
- splenius means “bandage”
- this is the muscle that babies develop to hold their heads up
name the muscle.
- attaches the sternum to the hyoid bone.
name the muscle
- attaches the scapula to the hyoid bone
- omo refers to the scapula
name the muscles.
external intercostal muscle
- attaches each rib to another
- runs from spine all the way to where ribs become cartilage.
- fibers are angled posteriorly/superiorly, or anterior/inferior.
- elevates the ribs in inspiration
*Intercostals create a pressure chamber wall for respiration
name the muscles.
internal intercostal muscle
- attaches each rib to another
- fibers run in opposite direction from external intercostal muscles.
- runs from sternum all the way to the angle of the ribs on the posterior side. about 3/4 of the way from sternum to spine.
- lowers the ribs in expiration
*Intercostals create a pressure chamber wall for respiration
also have an innermost intercostal…
- runs with internal intercostals, but separate.
*Intercostals create a pressure chamber wall for respiration
name the muscle
transversus thoracis
name the muscle.
*what is the name of the fibrous midline?
rectus abdominus
*linea alba, or “white line”
name the muscle.
external oblique
- fibers run posterior and superior.
- same direction as external intercostals
- does not attach to aponeurosis on posterior side, but does form an aponeurosis on front that runs anterior on the rectus abdominus.
name the muscle
internal oblique
- attaches from the posterior aponeurosis to the anterior aponeurosis
- muscle fibers run the same as internal intercostals, anterior/superior or posterior/inferior.
- front aponeurosis splits in two and goes anterior & posterior to rectus abdominis.
name the muscle
transversus abdominis
- runs from the posterior fascia (thoracolumbar fascia) to the anterior aponeurosis
- similar to the innermost intercostals.
- front aponeurosis stays posterior to other aponeurosis and behind rectus abdominus.
name the 3 muscles. what is their name combined?
- psoas minor
- psoas major
- iliacus
*all together make iliopsoas
name the muscle
quadratus lumborum
- square shaped, lumbar vertebrae
name the muscle
name the muscle in all green.
longissimus thoracis
- longest muscles, insert into thoracic region.
(also a longissimus capitis and longissimus cervicis)
name the muscle.
rhomboid minor
name the muscle
rhomboid major
name the muscle
latissimus dorsi
- latissimus means “broad”
- dorsi is back.
*attaches the sacrum to the intertubercular groove on humerus
name the muscle
serratus anterior
- inserts on anterior side of scapula to ribs.
name the muscle
-serratus posterior superior
-serratus posterior inferior
name the muscle
- above the spine of the scapula
name the muscle
name the muscle
teres minor
name the muscle
name the muscle
name the larger muscle
pectoralis major
name the smaller muscle
pectoralis minor
name the muscle in green
teres major
name the muscle (deltoid removed)
biceps brachii
- bi = two
- cepts = head
- brachii = upper arm
- a very good supinator of the arm
name the muscle
- coracoid process to brachial region
name the muscle (deepest)
- deep to biceps brachii
name the muscle
- on lateral side
name the muscle
triceps brachii
name the muscle in green
pronator teres (PT)
- pronates to the index finger
name the muscle in yellow
palmaris longus (PL)
- runs to the aponeurosis on palm
- like fan of palm tree branch
name the muscle in orange
flexor carpi radialis (FCR)
- flexor muscle
- carpi = runs to wrist
- radialis = on radial side
name the muscle in blue
flexor carpi ulnaris (FCU)
- flexor
- carpi = goes to wrist
- ulnaris = on ulnar side
extensor carpi ulnaris (ECU)
- paired opposite of flexor carpi ulnaris
name the muscle
flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS)
- flexes the digits superficially
- named superficialis because there is also a deep flexor digitorum…
- deep to 3 flexor muscles
name the muscle
extensor digitorum (ED)
- extends the digits
Extensor digiti minimi
name the muscles in green and purple
there are two extensor carpii radialus:
- extensor carpii radialis longus
- extensor carpii radialis brevis
**the longus is snug with the brachioradialus.
name the muscle
- under the brachioradialis
- fibers run opposite of the pronator
- synergist with the brachioradialis for supination
name the deep muscles
- abductor pollicus longus (ABove the brevis, runs to thumb, longer way to travel)
- extensor pollicus brevis (in extensor family, runs to thumb, shorter)
- supinator
name the muscle
extensor digiti minimi
- runs to the pinky
name the muscle
name the muscle
name the muscle
vastus lateralis
- vast and lateral
name the muscle
rectus femoris
name the muscle
vastus medialis
name the muscle in pink deep to the muscle in blue.
vastus intermedius
name the muscle
adductor longus
- notice how it inserts halfway along the femur
name the 3 glute muscles
- gluteus maximus
- gluteus medius
- gluteus minimus
name the muscle in yellow and the band in green.
- tensor fascia latae
- iliotibial band
*tenses the facia on the lateral side
name the muscles (view of left inner thigh)
- adductor longus
- adductor magnus
- gracilis
name the hamstrings
- biceps femoris (most lateral)
- semitendinosus (lies on top of semimembranosus, more tendon-like.)
- semimembranosus (under semitendinosus, M for Medial, more membrane and flat)
name the calves
- gastrocnemius
- soleus
name the deep posterior muscle
name the deep posterior shin muscles. (right posterior view)
flexor digitorum longus
- (like the FD in forearm). there is an extensor opposite. medial to tibialis posterior
tibialis posterior
- (lies along the tibia). there’s an anterior opposite. central and deep.
flexor hallucis longus
- big chunky muscle, more lateral than tibialis posterior
*to flex the toes is to scrunch them up
*to extend the toes is to reach them out
*notice that the popliteus runs medially and inferiorly = right leg. both popliteus together make a V shape
name both muscles
- fibularis longus
- fibularis brevis
name the muscle
tibialis anterior
name the muscles
- tibialis anterior
- extensor hallucis longus
- extensor digitorum longus
name the muscles of the foot
- abductor hallucis
- flexor hallucis brevis (deep to the longus)
- lumbricals (lumbrical means “worm”, so they’re the wormy muscles. also have lumbricals in fingers.)
- flexor digitorum brevis (the longus is deep)
- abductor digiti minimi