Chapter 11 Flashcards
The first in western Europe to bear the title emperor in over three hundred years.
The era where it comes between the era of Greco-Roman civilization and the intellectual, artistic, and economic changes of the Renaissance in the fourteenth century.
Byzantine Empire
The Eastern Roman Empire.
Kievan Russia
The kingdom was founded by the authority of the Byzantine emperors blended with the influence of the Christian church to form a cultural synthesis.
The arguments worsened over time between the Latin Church and the Orthodox Church.
Self-sufficient farming estates.
Agricultural workers who belonged to the manor, tilled its fields, and owed other dues and obligations.
A grant of land in return for a pledge to provide military service.
The noble followers that kings granted to the fiefs.
The office of the pope.
Holy Roman Empire
Ruled by strong papal authority (pope control and ruled by Frankish and German kings).
Investiture controversy
The struggle between the Church and the lay lords to control ecclesiastical appointments.
Featured prominently in the religious life of almost all medieval Christian lands. Practices celibacy, devotion to prayer, and living apart from society.
Horse Collar
Moves the point of traction from the animal’s throat to its shoulders.
A series of military expeditions launched from Christian Europe against the peoples of the Near East.
A journey undertake a religious motive.