Chapter 11 Flashcards
Experience or emotion
Two components if effect
Emotions and motivation
A mental and physiological feeling state that directs our attention and guides our behaviour.
A driving force that initiates and directs behaviour =
Basic Emotions
Anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness and surprise
Cannon - Bard Theory of Emotion
Experience of an emotion is accompanied by physiological arousal
Example of Cannon Bard Theory of Emotion
Becoming aware of danger, out heart rate also increases
James Lange Theory of Emotion
Experience of an emotion is the result of the arousal that we experienc
Example of James Lange Theory of Emotion
We feel sorry because we cry
Angry means we strike
Two factor theory of emotion
The arousal we experience is basically the same across emotions
emotion = arousal + cognition
Excitation Transfer
Phenomenon that occurs when people who are already experiencing arousal from on event tend to also experience unrelated emotions more strongly
Facial Feedback Hypothesis
Proposes that the movement of our facial muscles can trigger corresponding emotions
Role that emotions play within each of us individually
Role that emotions that play between individuals within a group
Social and Cultural
Role that emotions play in the maintenance of social order within a society
Intrapersonal Functions of Emotion
- Help us act quickly with minimal conscious awareness.
- Prepare the body for immediate action.
- Influence thoughts.
- Motivate future behaviors. `
Interpersonal Functions of Emotion
Facilitate specific behaviors in perceivers.
Signal the nature of interpersonal relationships.
Provides incentives for desired social behaviour
Social Referencing
Social Referencing
Press whereby infants seek out information from others to clarify a situation and then use that information to act
General tendency to expect positive outcomes
Self efficacy
The belief in our ability to carry out actions that produce desired outcomes
Direct Effects of social support
Having people we can trust and rely on helps us directly by allowing us to share favours when we need them
Appreciation Effects of Social Efforts
Having people around us makes us feel good about ourselves
Drive State
Affective experience that motivates organisms to fulfill goals that are bene facial to their survival and reproduction
Tendency of an organism to maintain this stability across all the different physiological systems in the body
Set point
An ideal level in which the state of the system being regulated is monitored and compared to
Responsible for synthesizing and secreting various hormones that affect hunger
The decline of hunger and eventual termination of eating
Preoptoic Area
Sexual arousal and pleasure in males
Mental ideas of how we would like things to turn out
Underlines our goals and it refers to the psychological driving force that enables action in the pursuit of that goal
Intrinsic Motivation
Motivation that comes from the benefits associated with the process of pursuing a goal
Extrinsic Motivation
Motivation that comes from the benefits associated with achieving a goal