Chapter 10-The Reproductive System Flashcards
A male sex cell is ____
The sperm (gamete)
The females sex cell is ___
The egg (gamets)
Puberty changes occurring in males
Voice deepens Pubic hair grows Produces sperm Genitals grow Hormones go crazy
Puberty changes occuring in women
Pubic hair grows Menstruation cycle starts Breasts grow Pelvis grows Hormones go crazy alsew.
Sperm duct (job)
Carries sperm to the penis
Penis (job)
Jk… It transfers sperm to the female….
Scrotum (job)
Holds testis and keeps sperm cool
Puberty (def)
Puberty is the age at which a person reaches sexual maturity
Produces sperm
Fallopian tube (job)
Carries the egg to the uterus
Ovary (job)
Produces the egg
Allows sperm to enter the uterus and a baby to exit
Uterus (job)
Used to grow the foetus (aka womb)
Lining of the womb
Blood for baby: replenished each month
Well it’s true but the official term is,
Lets sperm be transferred to the womb
Menstrual cycle (def)
The mestrual cycle is a series of changes that take place in the female body every 28 days.
Day 1-5 of menstruation
Blood is released from the body
Day 6-12 of the menstruation cycle
New lining builds up, egg remains in the ovary
Day 13-15 of the menstruation cycle
Egg is released into Fallopian tubes
Last days of menstruation cycle
Lining stays in place
When, during the mensturation cycle, can a woman get pregnant?
During day 11- day 16
Sperm can survive _____ days in the female
The egg can survive for ___ days in the Fallopian tubes
Fertilisation (def)
When the nucleus of a sperm joins with the nucleus of an egg, this occurs in the Fallopian tubes
Implantation (def)
THSI occurs when a fertilised ehh at teaches to the lining of the uterus
Placenta (job)
Brings nutrients to the baby’s blood though the mother’s blood
Allows in- food, oxygen, alcohol, smoke, drugs, water
Allows back out- carbon dioxide, salt, urea
Umbilical cord (job)
Carries nutrients to the baby and wastes away after birth
Amnion (def)
Sack holding the foetus
Lining of uterus (job+def)
Line of blood that cradles the baby in the uterus
Amniotic fluid (def)
Liquid used as a bumper cushion for the baby
Pregnancy (def)
The carrying pf offspring in the uterus
What does it do????????
- Oxygen to the baby
- Waste from baby
- Food/nutrients to baby
- Harmful products to baby
Mothers blood
Passes it’s nutrients to the baby’s blood, but the blood does not mix.
Describe the three stages of birth
- Contraction of uterus causes the amnion to burst and amniotic fluid is released (the waters break)
- The cervix widens
- The contractions cause the baby to be punched, head first, through the cervix and vagina
Describe The Four Things That Happen after Birth
- The umbilical cord is clamped so that the baby doesn’t loose blood
- The cord is cut
- The baby first uses it’s lungs to breathe
- The uterus contracts again to release the placenta and umbilical cord
Contraception (def+different ways)
Contraception is the prevention of pregnancy
- Preventing sperm for getting to egg
- condom
- cervical cap - Preventing egg from being released
- contraceptive pill - Natural methods
- avoiding sex during fertile period
- temperature method