Chapter 10: Nutrition and Cancer Surviorship Flashcards
What common cancer often has long term nutrition related complications of metabolic syndrome and hypothyroidism, as a result of treatment requiring a change in diet to affect blood glucose, circulating insulin and lipid levels?
Blood cancers like non-hodgkin lymphoma or leukemia
What type of cancer has long term nutrition related complications of malabsorption and irregular bowel movements as a result of treatment requiring pancreatic enzymes and the use of probiotics/prebiotics?
Pancreatic Cancer
True or False: A study found that beta-carotene supplementation improved survival in colorectal cancer patients who used cigarettes and drank alcohol.
False - beta-carotene reduced survival
So does smoking and drinking
What precent of patients with a cancer diagnosis that survive beyond 5 years?
What are the long term nutritional related complications of colon and rectal cancer?
Malabsorption Altered liver function/cirrhosis renal failure impaired bone health bowel strictures/obstruction
A 60 yr old colorectal cancer survivor that was provided with healthy eating counseling and is now physically active was part of which study?
What are common nutrition complications with cancer of the kidney?
kidney stones
weight lifting and weight bearing activity supports adequate _______ health, which is commonly comprised after cancer therapy.
An altered liver function/cirrhosis can be a common nutrition complication of what type of cancer?
Cancer of the colon and rectum
Impaired bone health can be a nutrition complication of what types of cancer?
Leukemia, ovarian, uterine, prostate, and breast cancers
weight lifting and weight bearing activity supports bone health and is considered safe and effective for controlling ______ after breast cancer.
Behavioral strategies for improving diet and physical activity include:
motivational interviewing
self-determination theory
What are the long term related complications associated with pancreatic cancer?
Irregular Bowel movements
When should nutrition therapy shift towards health promotion and cancer prevention?
When symptoms improve and able to tolerate all food groups and textures
Which cancers are associated with poorer overall survival when alcohol is consumed after diagnosis?
Head and Neck and Esophageal
Vast majority of cancer survivors are represented by what types of cancer types? Name one type of cancer that doesn’t have a high percentage of survival?
One that is doesn’t - biliary
Long term common nutrition related complications of breast cancer are:
impaired bone health
weight gain/metabolic syndrome
cardiovascular complications
Evidence suggests that obesity is associated with a poorer prognosis and decreased survival rate for patients with what type of cancers?
Cancer sites that may need calcium and vitamin D adequate intake to address impaired bone health include:
Breast Uterine Ovary Prostate Leukemia
Which clinical trial emphasized a lowfat diet resulting in increased relapse-free survival rates?
What is the adequate protein amount shown to reduce frailty in post-menopausal women?
1.2 g/kg
The WHEL study showed a significant 50% decrease in mortality rate if they entered the study reporting dietary habits that included:
> 5 servings of vegetables and fruit daily combined with 30 minutes of moderate physical activity 5-6 days/week
An 80 yr old woman with recent breast cancer diagnosis has gone through cancer treatment with a 15# wt loss. She most likely experienced what?
A decrease in skeletal muscle mass, increase in fat to lean mass ratio and an increase in osteopenia/osteoporosis