Chapter 10 - Input and Output Devices Flashcards
Visual Displays
Requirements are developed by combining characteristics of
Human Information Processing with information gathered during task analysis
Favor visual presentation if:
The auditory sense of the user is overburdened.
The message is complex and/or long.
The message deals with a specific location on a panel.
The message must be referred to later.
The user works primarily in one location.
The receiving location is so noisy that some auditory messages may be missed or misheard.
Other Major Considerations:
- Type of display
- Information content and format
- Physical characteristics
Electronic Displays
Advantages: High writing speed, high resolution, full color capabilities, full range of gray scales, storage capability, large range of screen sizes.
Disadvantages: Bulkiness of the equipment, curvature of the screen, high voltage required, relatively delicate equipment (vacuum tubes), limitations of maximum screen size.
Color Coding
Colored lights are generally used in situations that change and where the environment is not fixed.
Lights can also flash on and off as an attention-getting device.
Brightness and rate of flash are only moderately useful when coding information- better to vary only 2 properties : Color and on/off status.
Don’t use color to indicate conditions contrary to what they typically represent.
Avoid color mismatches such as
“Green” in purple letters
Tends to slow down identification of its color.
Slows down reading.
May impede the performance of concurrent activities.
Can contribute to misidentification of word or message.
Limit Coded Information
Three Mile Island – over 100 alarms, most of them visual, went off with no way of discerning the unimportant ones from the important ones.
Factors Involved in Selecting a Coding Technique
- The kind of information. A lot of information – Alphanumeric,
on/off – a light - The amount of information to be displayed. Color not practical for many items.
- The space requirements for the code.
- Ease and accuracy of understanding.
Interaction of displays at any given time.
Code Discriminability
Permits the observer to distinguish one coded value from another. This requires recognition of the word, character, or symbol used for coding.
Physical Characteristics of Displays
Important scale characteristics
Scale range – The numerical difference between the highest and lowest value on a scale.
Numbered- Interval value- The numerical difference between adjacent numbers on a scale.
Graduation- Interval value- The numerical difference represented by adjacent graduation marks.
Scale Selection
Designer should decide on the
appropriate scale range and should
estimate the reading precision required.
No Scale Interpolation
Quantitative scales should be designed for reading to the nearest graduation mark.
a. Graduation mark for each unit
b. Less space available – may be too crowded for accurate and rapid reading
c. A scale that requires interpolation- could increase reading errors
Scale Layout
Numbers should *** in a clockwise direction on circular and curved scales,
from bottom to top on vertical straight scales, and from left to right on horizontal straight scales.
Zone Marking
Indicate various operating conditions on many indicators such as operating range (upper, lower) or danger limits, caution, etc. The zone marking might be colored coded.
Auditory Displays – Preferred When:
The message is relatively short
Response time to the message is important
The vision of the user is already overburdened
The receiving locations is not suitable for the reception of visual information
The user’s job requires considerable movement