chapter 10 and module emotions Flashcards
difference between affect and emotion?
emotion: particular
affect: general positive or negative
difference between basic and secondary emotions
secondary requires sense of self and other
Joy is a _______
guild is a ________
- basic emotion
- secondary emotion
what is an example of a non-evaluative emotion and why?
because it requires sense of self
what is an example of a valuative emotion and why?
it is a social standard
different emotions reflect seperate systems that evolve as universal biological reactions to common challenges
discrete emotions theory
what are the main tenets of discrete emotion theory
- emotions are very different from each other
- universal detection and feeling
- happen at a particular time in infancy
- evolved from a common challenge
emotions are not separate. emotions are outcomes of a process including bodily changes and changes in cognition about outside events.
emergent theory of emotions
main tenets of emergent theory
- emotions start global (positive and negative) and then start to separate culturally
- emotions aren’t clear cut
- ppl experience them differently
what is the only way you can not measure emotions for infants
self report
What are ways you can measure infant emotion?
behavioural and physiological changes
Mickey’s mom said it was not appropriate for boys to cry.
What is this an example of?
display rules
what is the first emotion seen and what time?
cry face
20 weeks gestation
Billy is a newborn and smiles during his sleep. His mom claims he is a happy boy!
What is the correct explanation?
neonatal smile due to positive sensations,
what differs from neonatal smile and social smile?
neonatal just due to positive sensations, not internally happy
social smile is due to familiar people
what culture would produce social smile earlier
a culture that has more one-on-one interactions
what would a 3-8 week old smile at
external stimuli like touching, high pitch voices
when is laughing most lilely to appear
2-5 months
How would you best make 4 months Steven angry
removing interesting object/event
preventing baby from reach goal
How would you make 4-month-old Steven very angry?
contingency disruption paradigms
why is anger not seen before 4 months
needs means-ends reasoning
How can you make the baby sad
same as anger
also, caregivers leaving/and being non responsive (still face trial)
what leads to differences in stranger anxiety
1st is individual differences
2nd cultural differences
what happened during the broken toy procedure
some respond with shame (avoidance)
some respond with guilt (fix toy, admit)
do self-conscious emotions have cultural differences
Yes for the tendencies of when they experience it and cultural value
When can 3-month-olds distinguish expressions
When they are very different emotions
teeth versus no teeth for example
what anxiety is cross-cultural universal
separation anxiety
What is the most infrequent emotion
when will stranger anxiety kick in the most
strangers on the streets
more when not on parents lap
strange males
what does self conscious emotions need
sense of self
when does the conceptual understanding of emotions start
1 year
what basic emotion is the last to show up
can babies match correct vocal tone and facial emotions
When does fear bias show up
7 month
use others’ emotional reactions to appraise novel situations
social referencing
what cues do babies need for social referencing and which cue is stronger?
face and voice
voice is stronger
What type of behaviour will change babies’ behaviour when they social reference?
What is this called?
negative behaviour
negativity bias
Can 10-month-olds understand emotions? Examples?
1. looked longer at mismatch (negative emotion when achieved goal)
Can babies do emotion regulation
no need parents’ help (co-regulation)
What happens when babies don’t get help regulating
incorrect development of stress development
How does sleep training tie into emotional regulation?
though to help babies to self soothe
when babies with depressed mothers look at faces which emotions will they look longer at
happy faces
when looking at face children of anxious parents will not be able to?
look away at angry faces
stable individual differences in emotional reactivity and regulation
3 types of temperment
easy, difficult, slow to warm up
why do the three types of temperament not make 100%
some children did not fit in cleanhy
difference between rothbart and chess model
rothbart temperament model was quantitative