Chapter 10 Flashcards
The biological and anatomical differences distinguishing females and males
Social expectations about behavior regarded as appropriate for the members of each sex
The learning of gender roles through social factors such as schooling, the media, and family
Gender role socialization
Social norms dictating that men should be strong, self-reliant, and unemotional
Hegemonic masculinity
The view that differences between men and women are natural and inevitable consequences of the intrinsic biological natures of men and women
Biological essentialism
Individuals whose gender identity matches his or her biological sex
A person who identifies as or expresses a gender identity that differs from their sex at birth
An individual possessing both male and female genitalia
A sociological perspective that emphasizes the centrality of gender in analyzing the social world and particularly the uniqueness of the experience of women
Feminist theory
The form of feminist theory that posits that gender inequality is produced by unequal access to civil rights and certain social resources based on sex. Seek solutions through changes in legislation that ensure that the rights of individuals are protected
Liberal feminism
The form of feminist theory that posits that gender inequality is the result of male domination in all aspects of social and economic life
Radical feminism
The dominance of men over women
A strand of feminist theory that highlights the multiple disadvantages of gender, class, and race that shape the experiences of nonwhite women. Black feminists reject the idea of a single, unified gender oppression that is experienced evenly by all women, and argue that early feminist analysis reflected the specific concerns of white, middle-class women
Black feminism
A branch of feminist theory that highlights the way that global processes—including colonialism, racism, and imperialism— shape gender relations and hierarchies
Transnational feminism
The feminist perspective that challenges the idea of a unitary basis of identity and experience shared by all women
Postmodern feminism
The inequality between men and women in terms of wealth, income, and status
Gender inequality
Women holding occupations of lower status and pay, such as secretarial and retail positions, and a man holding jobs of a higher status and a pay, such as managerial and professional positions
Gender typing
A promotion barrier that prevents a woman’s upward mobility within an organization
Glass ceiling
The making of unwanted sexual advances by one individual toward another, with which the first person persists even though it is clear that the other party is resistant
Sexual harassment
The concentration of men and women in different occupations
Sex segregation
The argument that individuals make investments in their own human capital to increase their productivity and earnings
Human capital theory
The forcing of non consensual vaginal, oral, or anal intercourse