Chapter 1 year 12 Flashcards
human nervous system
~is divided into two different divisions.
~even though they are separate they both play a significant role
~ brain and spinal cord
~spinal cord delicate cable of nerve fibres that connect the base of brain to lower back
CNS damage
~spinal cord damaged, flow of info between brain and rest of body interrupted
~loss sensation of specific limbs
~ inability to move specific limb
~ all nerves outside of CNS
~role to carry sensory info to rest of body and motor info to other parts of body
~ the CNS and PNS work together smoothly to enable us to perform everyday actions
Somatic nervous system
~ skeletal nervous system
~sensory role-info receptors-body transmitting info spinal cord
~ controls voluntary movement
~ motor messages from CNS-transmits skeletal muscles
Autonomic nervous system
~ nerves connected to CNS and involuntary muscles that control internal organs + glands
~controls all involuntary internal activities that are essential to survive
Sympathetic nervous system
~ dominates during time high emotion
~ mobilises bodies internal activities extra energy for threat or emergency
Parasympathetic nervous system
~ reverses sympathetic nervous system effects
~ returns body to normal healthy state
~important part ANS
~base of brain
~ between hindbrain
~ helps us alert, awake or vigilant
~ located above midbrain
~ most developed part
~ responsible for memory, learning, emotions, sensations and reasoning
cerebral cortex
~ largest brain structure
Corpus Callosum
~ two hemispheres of the brain separated deep groove by thick band nerves
~major job is to pass info from one hemisphere to the other for processing
Paul Broca
~ studied patients with language defect
~ left temporal lobe close to primary auditory cortex responsible
~ wernick’s ashasia
~ difficulty comprehending language and producing speech
~difficulty meaning of words
~ sometimes made up words used
spatial neglect
~ damage to parietal lobe of either hemisphere can result spatial neglect
~tendency to ignore one side of ones body or one side of visual space.