Chapter 1: The Modern State of Health and Fitness Flashcards
Study of movement as it relates to anatomy and physiology
Evidence-based practice
developing individual expertise, staying current on the best sources of external evidence (e.g., peer-reviewed research), and prioritizing client values and expectations.
The process by which the human body strives to maintain a relatively stable equilibrium.
The state of having a disease.
A state or a risk of death or dying.
A waxy, fatlike substance found in bodily cells.
A sudden lack of blood supply to the brain, caused by either a blockage in an artery or ruptured blood vessel.
Heart attack
The action that occurs when an artery supplying the heart with blood and oxygen becomes blocked; medically known as a myocardial infarction.
Heart failure
A condition in which the heart can’t pump enough blood to meet the body’s needs.
Heart valve problem
A condition that occurs when one or more heart valves do not function properly, causing shortness of breath and reduced oxygen supply to the body.
A problem with the rate or rhythm of a person’s heartbeat. The heart beats too quickly, too slowly, or with an irregular pattern.
Ischemic heart disease
A category of heart-related problems caused by the narrowing of coronary arteries, which supply blood and oxygen to the heart muscle.
The processes by which plaque is formed in arteries leading to reduced blood flow.
consistently elevated blood pressure
Systolic blood pressure (SBP)
The pressure in arteries and other blood vessels when the heart is contracting; the first (top) number recorded.
Diastolic blood pressure (DBP)
The pressure in arteries and other blood vessels when heart is at rest or between beats; the second (bottom) number recorded.
Chronic metabolic disorder, caused by insulin deficiency, which impairs carbohydrate usage and enhances usage of fat and protein.
The simplest form of carbohydrate used by the body for energy.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
A general term used to describe progressive lung diseases, including emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and refractory (nonreversible) asthma.
A group of hormones secreted by the brain that provides a variety of physiological functions such as reducing the perception of pain
Skeletal Muscle
The type of muscle tissue that connects to bones and generates the forces that create movement.
Plantar fasciitis
An inflammation of the fibrous tissue (plantar fascia) along the bottom of the foot, which often results in intense heel pain.
Patellar tendonitis
An injury or inflammation of the tendon that connects the patella (kneecap) to the tibia (shin bone).