Chapter 1 Psychology Flashcards
Private inner experience of perceptions, thoughts, memories, feelings
Observable actions
Break mind into basic components
How mental abilities allow people to adapt to environments
Favoured nativism, certain knowledge is inborn
Favoured philosophical empiricism, knowledge is acquired through experience
Rene Descartes
Mind and body are different things
Thomas Hobbes
Mind and body are not different at all
Franz Joseph Gall
Jean Marie Piere Flourens
Removed parts of the brain of animals
Paul Broca
Damage to a part of the brain impaired a specific mental function
Hermann von Hemholtz
Stimulus and recorded reaction time
Wilhelm Wundt
Analyzing consciousness through introspection as well as reaction time techniques
Edward Titchener
An Outline of Psychology
William James
Trying to isolate particular moments of consciousness distorted its nature
Charles Darwin
Natural selection
Charcot & Janet
Hysteria, temporary loss of cognitive and motor functions from emotionally upsetting experiences
Sigmund Freud
Psychoanalytic theory, emphasizes the importance of the unconscious mind in shaping feelings, thoughts and behaviours
Maslow & Rogers
Humanistic psychology, understadnign human nature that emphasizes positive potential
Restrict to observable behaviour
John B. Watson
Goal of psychology is to predict and control behaviours in ways that benefit society; Little Albert case
Margaret Washburn
Conscious mental experiences of animals
Burrhus Skinner
Max Wertheimer
Study of illusions, errors of perceptions, memory or judgement in which subjective experience differs from objective reality
Gestalt Psychology
Approach that emphasizes that we perceive the whole rather than the sum of parts
Frederic Bartlett
Jean Piaget
Perceptual and cognitive errors in children
Kurt Lewin
Person’s behaviour could be predicted by understanding person’s subjective experience of the world
Cognitive Psychology
Study of mental processes, including perception, thought, memory and reasoning
Donald Broadbent
Pay attention to several things at once
Noam Chomsky
Language relies on mental rules
Ulric Neisser
Book on cognitive psychology
Karl Lashley
Precise spot where learning occurred
Behavioural Neuroscience
Approach that links psychological processes to activities in the nervous system
Cognitive Neuroscience
Understand the links between cognitive processes and the brain
Evolutionary Psychology
Mind and behaviour in terms of adaptive value of abilities that are preserved over time by natural selection
Social Psychology
Causes and consequences of sociality
Gordon Allport
Stereotyping, prejudice and racism
Cultural Psychology
How cultures reflect and shape the psychological processes of members