Ch.9 Language & Thought Flashcards
System for communicating with others using signals that are combined according to rules of grammar and convey meaning
Set of rules that specify how the units of language can be combined to produce meaningful messages
Smallest units of sound recognizable as speech rather than as random noise
Phonological Rules
How phonemes can be combined to produce speech sounds
Smallest meaningful units of language
Morphological Rules
Indicate how morphemes can be combined to form words
Content Morphemes
Things and events
Function Morphemes
grammatical functions
Syntactical Rules
Indicate how words can be combined to form phrases and sentences
Deep Structure
Meaning of a sentence
Surface Structure
How a sentence is worded
Fast Mapping
Children map a word onto an underlying concept after only a single exposure
Telegraphic Speech
Devoid of function morphemes and consist mostly of content words
Nativist Theory
Language development is best explained as an innate, biological capacity
Langauge Acquisition Device
Collection of processes that facilitate language learning
Genetic Dysphasia
Syndrome characterized by an inability to learn the grammatical structure of language despite having otherwise normal intelligence
Difficulty in producing or comprehending language
Broca’s Area
Left frontal cortex involved in the production of the sequential patterns in vocal and sign languages
Wernicke’s Area
Left temporal cortex involved in language comprehension
Linguistic Relativity Hypothesis
Language shapes the nature of thought
Family Resembalance
Features that appear to be characteristic of category members but may not be possessed by every member
Prototype Theory
Psychological theories are best described as organized around prototypes
Exemplar Theory
We make category judgements by comparing a new instance with stored memories for other instances of the category
[Lecture] Parsing Problem
Problem of separating and identifying potential words to learn
[Lecture] Reference Problem
Problem of how to take a word and connect it to object
[Lecture] Social Referencing
Children will look at the eyes and see where the eyes are looking
[Lecture] Novelty Matching
Attaching name to things that still do not have a name
[Lecture] Intentionality & Pedagogy
Direct eye contact and then deliberately demonstrate action
[Lecture] Whole Object Assumption
Match words to another candidate whole object
[Lecture] Category Assumption
e.g. Different balls
[Lecture] Phonology
Words to sounds
[Lecture] Semantics
Ideas to words
[Lecture] Categorical Perception
Tuned to a narrow boundary to discriminate phonemes
[Lecture] Syntax
Stringing individual words to create meaning
[Lecture] Noam Chomsky
Universal grammar–we all have one human language:
(1) all languages have identifiable subjects, verbs and objects
(2) all languages have similar arrangement
(3) rules and words are separable
[Lecture] Pragmatics
Focused on the practical use of language
[Lecture] Implicature
Implication goes beyond literal meaning