Chapter 1: Intro to Earth Flashcards
The study of earth
minerals, rocks, fossils, ect
The study of the ocean
climate, ocean circulation, ect
The study of the atmosphere and the process that produces weather
(weather prediction, temperature, ect)
The study of the universe
stars, meteorites, planets, comets, ect
The Earth cycle move in what pattern?
Atom –> mineral –> rock –>mountain –> planet
–>solar system –> galaxy
When do natural events become a hazard?
When we start to live where natural events such as hurricanes occur.
EX: Hurricane Harvey
Two categories of resources we use today
Renewable & Nonrenewable
Wind energy is considered what type of resource?
Graphite (pencil lead) is considered what type of resource?
How much of the earth is covered in water?
Examples of human induced environmental problems
Urban air pollution, global warming, & acid rain
Examples of natural hazards and disasters
Earthquakes, landslides, hurricanes, & volcanoes
What is the goal of science?
To discover patterns in nature
To use this knowledge to predict
An untested explanation
A tested and confirmed hypothesis (Gravity)
Scientific Method
Gathers facts though observation
To formulate hypothesis and theories
The systematic steps for the scientific method
Collect facts
Develop hypothesis
Test hypothesis
Re-examine, accept, reject, or change hypothesis
What are the interacting parts of the Earths dynamic system?
Atmosphere (Air)
Biosphere (All living things)
Geosphere (Solid earth)
Hydrosphere (water)
Where can fresh water be found?
From groundwater or a spring
Layers of the geosphere
Crust (fuzzy outside)
Mantle (peach skin)
Outer Core (juicy inside)
Inner Core (pit)
Solid, rigid, outer layer of the Earths Atmosphere
(100 km thick)
Solid, but mobile layer of Atmosphere located under the Lithosphere
Types of Earth crust
Ocean crust
Continental Crust
The Ocean Crust is what type of crust
thin and light crust
The confidential is what type of crust
buoyant, heavy, & thick crust
Builds up mountains
Pushes down into the Asthenosphere