Chapter 1 intro Flashcards
What is a program?
A collection of projects that has a clear benefits when managed together. The projects are closely linked to produce the benefit and often dependent on each other.
What is a project?
Any work that produces a specific results. The work is temporary. It has a beginning and an end.
What is a portfolio?
A group of sub portfolios, program’s or project that have the same business goal.
What is operation?
Work that is ongoing, repetitive and no unique results.
E.g. Building cars in assembly line is operation while designing and building specific model of a car is a project.
Which of these are project characteristics?
A. Always strategic or critical.
B. ongoing operation or processes.
C. Always successful.
None of those are project characteristics.
Three areas that a PM should focus on?
Knowledge, performance, personal skill.
Who is a sponsor?
Person or group that provide financial or political support to the project.
Who is a stakeholder?
Person or group that have an interest on the project and affected by the project (positively or negatively).
E.g. Team who does the work, people who pay for the project or end user.
Interpersonal skills example?
- Leadership
- Team building or trust building
- Motivating - helping team members to get what they want out of the project.
- Influencing - collaborate to reach a common goal
- Coaching - personnel development
- Conflict Management
- Political and cultural awareness
Types of Project Management Office (PMO)?
Supportive = provide templates, framework, lesson learn
Controlling = standard governance, audit project to ensure standards are followed.
Directive = All PM reports to the office. PMO provide management to the projects.
Examples of Project constraints?
Quality constraint
Resources constraint
Time constraint
Risk constraint
Types of organisation?
PM in a functional organisation?
Decisions need to be cleared by functional manager.
PM borrow resources from the functional manager.
PM has weak authority.
PM in Matrix organisation?
Weak matrix - PM has some authority but resources managed by functional manager.
Balance matrix - PM has shared authority with functional manager.
Strong matrix - PM has more authority but team member reports to both. Performance of team are evaluated by project and their department.
PM in projectized organisation?
PM own resources to the project and release when project is completed.
PM is responsible for success and failure of the project.