Chapter 1: Anatomical Terms Flashcards
Prone vs supine?
prone: lying face down
supine: lying face up
What is the trunk, upper limb, lower limb?
trunk: chest, abdominal, pelvis
upper limb: shoulder, armpit, arm (shoulder -> elbow), forearm (elbow -> wrist), wrist, hand)
lower limb: buttock, thigh (buttock -> knee), leg (knee -> ankle), ankle, foot)
Anterior vs posterior?
anterior: front
posterior: back
Superior vs inferior?
superior: towards upper part of body
inferior: towards lower
Medial vs lateral?
medial: nearer to midline (vertical line splitting left from right)
lateral: farther from midline
intermediate: between 2 structures
Contralateral vs ipsilateral?
contralateral: on opposite side of body
ipsilateral: on same side of body
Proximal vs distal?
proximal: nearer to attachment or origination
distal: further from attachment or origination
Superficial vs deep?
superficial: on or towards surface
deep: away from surface
How does: sagittal midsagittal parasagittal divide the body?
sagittal: splits left and right
midsagittal: splits evenly
parasagittal: divides unequally
Describe the different planes:
- frontal
- transverse
- oblique
frontal plane: divides anterior & posterior (front/back)
transverse: divides upper and lower (superior/inferior)
oblique: any angle but 90
What is mediastinum? Which organs does it contain?
- centre of thoracic cavity
- heart, thymus, esophagus, trachea, some large blood vessels
- DOESN’T include lungs
What does the abdominal cavity contain?
hint: glss & intestines
-stomach, spleen, liver, gallbladder, small intestine, most of large intestine
What is the pelvic cavity? What does it contain?
-urinary bladder, some of large intestine, internal reproductive organs
What is the serous membrane of the abdominal cavity called?
What is the diaphragm?
- peritoneum
- diaphragm: dome-shaped muscle that separates thoracic cavity from abdominopelvic cavity
Where is the abdominoplevic cavity?
Is there a wall in it?
- diaphragm to groin
- no wall between abdominal and pelvic cavity
What is viscera?
Serous membrane?
viscera: organs in thoracic and abdominopelvic cavity
serous membrane: slippery, double layered membrane that covers viscera, lines thorax and abdomen
What are the two layers of the serous membrane?
parietal (thin, lines cavity walls), visceral (covers/adheres to viscera)
-note: serous fluid in between the two lubricates