Chapter 1 Flashcards
Mary Whiton Calking
First female psychologists
Charles Darwin
Natural Selection
Rene Descartes
dualism-body and mind work together
G. Stanley Hall
First psychology in the U.S.
William James
Stream of consciousness. first psychology textbook
John Locke
Born with blank slate
Francis Cecil Sumner
First African american psychologist
Edward Titchener
Margaret Floy Washburn
First woman to receive a Ph. D.
Sigmund Freuid
Unconscious, psycho analytical
Ivan Pavlov
Classical conditioning, behaviorism
Carl Rogers
Human behavior is governed primarily by individuals sense of self, humanism
B. F. Skinner
Operant conditioning with rates and pigeon, behaviorism
Max Wertheimer
Phi Phenomenom
John Watson
Founded behaviorism