People Flashcards
Solomon Asch
Irving Janus
Group think and mind guard
Robert Rosenthal
Self-fulfilling prophecy
Robert Sternberg
Triarchic theory of love
Phillip Zimbardo
Standford Prison Experiment
Raymond Cattell
claimed we had two primary types of intelligence
Francis Galton
believed eugenics was the best way to improve the human population
Howard Gardner
theory of multiple intelligences
Arthur Jensen
Claimed that government programs designed to boos African American IQ scores had failed because of genetic disabilities
Charles Spearman
Lewis Terman
conducted a 20 year longitudinal study of gifted children
David Wechler
developed 2 separate intelligence tests, one for adult, one for children.
Albert Bandura
created the framework for the study of observational learning
John Watson
conducted little albert experiment
Edward Thorndike
skinner wanted to remove subjectivity of this psychologist’s studies