Chapter 1 Flashcards
True or False?
Defining exactly what qualifies as “mental health” or “mental illness” is straightforward.
Defining exactly what qualifies as “mental health” or “mental illness” is not straightforward.
What does mental health essentially mean?
A) “Mental health” essentially means the absence of illness
B) “Mental health” essentially means the absence of suffering
C) “Mental health” essentially means being happy all the time
D) “Mental health” essentially means the absence of happiness
True or False?
Both “mental health” and “mental illness” are relational terms
What does “normal” and “abnormal” mean?
A) That which is “normal” is unhealthy, and that which is “abnormal” is healthy
B) That which is “normal” is normal, and that which is “abnormal” is abnormal
C) That which is “normal” is healthy, and that which is “abnormal” is unhealthy
D) That which is “normal” is based on normality, and that which is “abnormal” is based on abnormality
True or False?
Dysfunction and disability alone cannot define what counts as mental health and illness.
Which factor does not inform how we conceptualize mental health and illness? A) Distress B) Madness C) Abnormality D) Dysfunction
True or False?
It may not actually be possible to come up with any sort of universal definition of either mental health or mental illness
How does WHO define mental health?
A) “a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.”
B) “a syndrome characterized by clinically significant disturbance in an individual’s cognition, emotion regulation, or behaviour that reflects a dysfunction … in the individual ….”
C) “a state of madness in which the individual cannot cope with his or her own abilities ….”
What does the DSM stand for?
A) The Diagnostics and Statistic Manual of Mental Disorders
B) The Diagnostic and Statistic Manual of Mental Disorders
C) The Diagnostics and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
D) The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
What is the latest version of the DSM called? A) DSM-7 B) DSM-2 C) DSM-5 D) DSM-0
How does the latest version of the DSM describe mental disorder?
A) “a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.”
B) “a syndrome characterized by clinically significant disturbance in an individual’s cognition, emotion regulation, or behaviour that reflects a dysfunction … in the individual ….”
C) “a state of madness in which the individual cannot cope with his or her own abilities ….”
True or False
According to the latest version of the DSM, an expectable or culturally approved response to a common stressor or loss, such as the death of a loved one, is a mental disorder
According to the latest version of the DSM, an expectable or culturally approved response to a common stressor or loss, such as the death of a loved one, is NOT a mental disorder
Which of the following is not a model of mental health and illness? A) Biomedical model B) Psychological-behavioural model C) Social model D) Biopsychosocial model E) Disease model
True or False?
The biomedical model approaches mental health and illness as a binary
True or False?
The biomedical model sees good mental health as the natural state of affairs
Which of the following models sees mental disorders like a disease? A) Biomedical model B) Psychological-behavioural model C) Social model D) Biopsychosocial model E) Disease model
Which of the following models states that some individuals have mental disorders, and those who do not are mentally healthy A) Biomedical model B) Psychological-behavioural model C) Social model D) Biopsychosocial model E) Disease model
Which of the following models suggests that mental illnesses have specific causes, even if they are yet to be discovered A) Biomedical model B) Psychological-behavioural model C) Social model D) Biopsychosocial model E) Disease model
Which of the following models assumes that something within the brain is dysfunctional? A) Biomedical model B) Psychological-behavioural model C) Social model D) Biopsychosocial model E) Disease model
What are psychopharmaceuticals? A) Drugs for psychotic people B) A treatment for the brain that is only capable of being used by people who are depressed C) Drugs used in mental health settings D) Drugs that are used recreationally
True or False? Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is the most common method of biomedical treatment
Psychopharmaceuticals are the most common method of biomedical treatment
Since the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_, dozens of pharmaceutical agents haven been introduced A) 1920s B) 1970s C) 1940s D) 1950s
What are the 2 treatments supported by the biomedical model?
A) Psychotherapy and psychopharmaceuticals
B) ECT and psychopharmaceuticals
C) Psychotherapy and ECT
ECT ________________, and has been around since ____________.
A) uses electric currents to induce seizures in a person, 1920s
B) uses electric currents to stop seizures in a person, 1920s
C) uses electric currents to induce seizures in a person, 1950s
D) uses electric currents to stop seizures in a person, 1950s
True or False?
ECT has been used to treat people with a variety of diagnoses, but in contemporary practice is most commonly applied to individuals diagnosed with severe anxiety
ECT has been used to treat people with a variety of diagnoses, but in contemporary practice is most commonly applied to individuals diagnosed with depression
A) Something that tells you whether you have a disorder or not
B) A measurable substance in the body that definitively indicates the presence of a disease
C) A measurable substance in the body that definitively indicates the presence of a disorder
Which of the following models understands mental disorders as common patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving that have deleterious impacts on an individual, hampering their ability to feel good and meet their personal and professional obligations A) Biomedical model B) Psychological-behavioural model C) Social model D) Biopsychosocial model E) Disease model
Which of the following models does not assume that an individual has a disorder (i.e. a disease), but rather that an individual performs or experiences a mental disorder? A) Biomedical model B) Psychological-behavioural model C) Social model D) Biopsychosocial model E) Disease model
How does the psychological-behavioural model differ from the biomedical model?
A) It disagrees with the biomedical model that mental illness is fundamentally an individual problem
B) It disagrees with the biomedical model that mental activity involves brain function
C) It doesn’t necessarily assume categorical difference between those who are diagnosed with mental illness and those who are not
True or False?
To alleviate a person’s suffering, the psychological-behavioural model largely relies on psychotherapy
What is psychotherapy?
A) A form of treatment based on taking drugs as medicine
B) A form of religious practice to rid of person of suspected diseases
C) A form of religious practice to help a person speak to their ancestors
D) A form of treatment based on talking and thinking
Which of the following is not a tool associated with the psychological-behavioural model? A) Psychotherapy B) Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) C) Dialectical-behaviour therapy (DBT) D) Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) E) ECT F) Breathing exercises G) Mindfulness
Which of the following is not why CBT (predicated on the notion that people’s mental difficulties are often grounded in harmful, illogical, or faulty thoughts, which subsequently shape their feelings and behaviour) - inspired forms of treatment outgrew others in recent decades?
A) CBT focuses on here and now thoughts
B) CBT costs more
C) CBT lasts for a shorter amount of time (10-20 weekly sessions instead of months)
Which of the models states that “good” or “bad” mental health is not based on some material reality (like a disease), but rather is socially constructed A) Biomedical model B) Psychological-behavioural model C) Social model D) Biopsychosocial model E) Disease model
Which of the models states that any behaviour or mood could be conceived as mentally healthy or mentally ill, depending on the social circumstances A) Biomedical model B) Psychological-behavioural model C) Social model D) Biopsychosocial model E) Disease model
According to the social model, what causes a person to be labelled as mentally ill? A) Power and age B) Power and culture C) Culture and age D) Power and profession
Power might be associated with factors such as class, profession, gender, or race, etc.
What is the definition of a personality disorder?
A) Short-term patterns of behaviour
B) Short-term patterns of personality that makes a person seem bi-polar
C) Long-term patterns of complex behaviour
D) an “enduring pattern of inner experience and behaviour that deviates markedly from the expectations of the individual’s culture, is pervasive and inflexible, has an onset in adolescence or early adulthood, is stable over time, and leads to distress or impairment”
True or False?
Psychiatrists have identified 10 specific types of personality disorder
Which of the following is not a specific type of personality disorder? A) Histrionic personality disorder B) Avoidant personality disorder C) Schizoid personality disorder D) Hyper-induced personality disorder
Which of the following defines a histrionic personality disorder?
A) “a pattern of excessive emotionality and attention seeking”
B) “social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy, and hypersensitivity to negative evaluation”
C) “a pattern of detachment from social relationships and a restricted range of emotional expression”
Which of the following defines an avoidant personality disorder?
A) “a pattern of excessive emotionality and attention seeking”
B) “social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy, and hypersensitivity to negative evaluation”
C) “a pattern of detachment from social relationships and a restricted range of emotional expression”
Which of the following defines a schizoid personality disorder?
A) “a pattern of excessive emotionality and attention seeking”
B) “social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy, and hypersensitivity to negative evaluation”
C) “a pattern of detachment from social relationships and a restricted range of emotional expression”
True or False?
Generally speaking, personality disorders are diagnosed to describe people who are “odd or eccentric”, “dramatic, emotional or erratic,” or “anxious or fearful”
True or False?
Personality disorders involve isolated, time-limited symptoms, like hallucinations or obsessions
Personality disorders do not involve isolated, time-limited symptoms, like hallucinations or obsessions
Define demedicalization
A) Measurable medical signs that objectively and consistently indicate the presence of a phenomenon such as a disease or infection
B) A synonym for “asylum”
C) A process by which issues that are understood as medical problems are redefined and understood through other perspectives. For example, homosexuality was once considered a mental illness/medical problem but now it is understood (in many cultures) as a normal variation of human sexuality
D) A method of treating mental disorders
According to the social model, which of the following are not considered suitable solutions to mental illness?
A) Social interventions (often led by social workers)
B) Supported housing
C) Psychotherapy
D) Employment schemes to programs designed to build social skills, combat loneliness, and foster greater community connectedness
E) “social prescribing”
According to which model is “improving mental health” about changing social conditions, whether at the macro or micro level A) Biomedical model B) Psychological-behavioural model C) Social model D) Biopsychosocial model E) Disease model
It is frequently suggested that which of the following models is ideal when it comes to understanding mental health? A) Biomedical model B) Psychological-behavioural model C) Social model D) Biopsychosocial model E) Disease model
Which of the following models assumes that social conditions, individual experiences, and biological factors (such as genetic risk) combine to create mental disorders A) Biomedical model B) Psychological-behavioural model C) Social model D) Biopsychosocial model E) Disease model
True or False?
The “social” implied by the biopsychosocial model is the same as that implied in the social model
The “social” implied by the biopsychosocial model is different than the social model and instead, is grounded in something called the social determinants of health
Define the social determinants of health
A) Measurable medical signs that objectively and consistently indicate the presence of a phenomenon such as a disease or infection
B) Generally speaking, external factors that can influence a person’s health
C) A process by which issues that are understood as medical problems are redefined and understood through other perspectives. For example, homosexuality was once considered a mental illness/medical problem but now it is understood (in many cultures) as a normal variation of human sexuality
D) A method of treating mental disorders
True or False?
For the overwhelming majority of mental health problems, there is no bio marker that would indicate the presence of a mental disorder
Which of the following is false?
A) Psychiatrists are trained medical doctors who specialize in mental illness
B) Psychiatrists can enjoy certain privileges as physicians that other mental healthcare providers are not typically afforded
C) In many jurisdictions, only physicians (including psychiatrists) are capable of prescribing certain treatments, including ECT and psychopharmaceuticals
D) Psychiatrists do not typically possess legal powers, like the ability to commit a patient to a hospital against their will
Psychiatrists typically possess legal powers
True or False?
Psychologists are not physicians
Which of the following is false?
A) Psychiatrists are trained medical MDs
B) Psychologists obtain qualifications such as a Ph.D or a Psy.D
C) Psychologists can typically prescribe medications
D) Psychologists and physicians are bound to certain professional rules and codes of conduct
Psychologists cannot typically prescribe medications
True or False?
Nurses are licensed professionals
True or False?
Social workers are often at the forefront of providing care to individuals with mental health difficulties, and often help said individuals meet their daily needs, including housing, education, and work
True or False?
Counsellors, therapists, and psychotherapists are licensed in all jurisdictions
Counsellors, therapists, and psychotherapists are licensed only in a handful of jurisdictions
Roughly \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ people are diagnosed with a mental health problem at some point in their lifetime A) 1/4 B) 1/6 C) 1/10 D) 1/3
The DSM is currently in its \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ edition, having first been published in \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. A) fifth, 1986 B) fifth, 1952 C) second, 1986 D) second, 1952
Who produced the DSM?
A) International Classification of Diseases (ICD)
B) American Psychiatric Association
C) Mental Health Association
True or False?
In much of the world, the DSM and the ICD guide physicians in their efforts to categorize and diagnose mental illness
In addition to DSM and ICD diagnostic criteria, many practitioners rely on \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ to determine a person’s mental state A) Surveys B) Questionnaires C) Quantitative tests D) Clinical scales
True or False?
Studying mental health is important because it helps us to understand humanity and it may guide us to finding ways—not always medical—to decrease people’s suffering.
True or False?
It is useful to take a critical approach to evaluating our assumptions, definitions, and responses to mental health and illness
Which of the following is not a good method for determining mental health and illness?
B) ICD (these provide descriptions of the illness, and a checklist of diagnostic criteria)
C) Clinical scales
D) Self-diagnosis
E) Clinical judgment of the practitioner
Which of the following is not a potential cause of bias in diagnosis?
A) Animal bias
B) Unrecognized class/race bias among those creating diagnostic criteria
C) Diagnostic criteria which label behaviours associated with certain demographic groups as pathological
D) Practitioner bias
True or false?
Diagnosis may result in stigmatization and mistreatment
True or False?
A person’s mental health can be objectively measured
A person’s mental health is very complex and cannot be objectively measured; it requires subjective assessment (but a clinician)
Who created the ICD? A) American Psychological Association B) WHO C) Clinicians D) No one; it just appeared from knowledge built up over the years in the common community
What is the goal of public health in relation to mental health?
A) To decrease suffering through medical (or social) means
B) To make individuals happier
C) To make individuals more sociable