Chap 6 Teaching Multi- Training and Exercise Technique Flashcards
What is the Correct alignment of the 5 kinetic chain checkpoints
- starting with the feet straight ahead
- (knee in line with the second and third toe), knees straight,
- shoulder girdle
- head aligned with the upper arm.
What are 6 common STATIC stretches that address overactive muscles
- gastrocnemius,
- hip flexor complex,
- adductors,
- latissimus dorsi,
- pectorals,
- upper traps.
What is proper form for LPHC
neutral with abs and glutes engaged
What is proper form for the back
neutral without thoracic rounding
What is a nickname for balance training
functional training
Proprioceptive Progressive Continum table
Table with common form mistakes & cues, for Stregnth / HIIT , interval, & boot camp classes.
Squat to press Regressions, form mistakes, & cues to correct
Push up progressions, regressions, form, & cues
Scaption exercises, progressions, regressions, form and cues.
Bent over row pros, regs, form and cues
Renegade rows pros, regs, form and cues
Lunges pros, regs, form and cues
single leg squat pros, regs, form, cues
Single leg romanian deadlift pros, regs, form and cues
Tube walking pros, regs, form, cues
STOPPED TAKING NOTES AT PAGE 13 OUT OF 48 AS IT SEEMED SELF EXPLANATORY. but I do need to study it more because some of the questions are very specific (such as waht is a way to progress or regress a move in cycling.