Chap 3 Flashcards
What is Self-knowledge?
A set of beliefs about onesself
What is Interpersonel self?
Public self- the image of the self that is conveyed to others
What is the agent self?
Executive function- th epart of the self involved in control, including both control over other people and self control
What is Interdependent self construal?
A self concept that emphasizes what makes the self different and sets it apart from others
What is interdependent self contrual?
A self concept that emphasizes what concepts the self to pther people and groups
What are social roles?
The norms that are embedded in are society that certain individuals perform
What is self awareness?
The attention directed at one’s self
What is Private self awareness?
Looking inward on the private aspects of self, including emotions, thoughts, desires, and traits
What is Public self awareness?
Looking outward on public aspects of the self that others ca see and evaluate
What are standards?
Ideas or concepts of how things might possibly be
What is the proccess peopl;e use to control and change their thoughts feelings and behaviors?
Self regulation
What is public self consciousness?
Thinking about how others p[ercieve you
What is looking glass self?
The idea that people learn about thewmselves by imagining how they appear to others
What is a generalized other?
A combonation of other peoples views who tell you who and what you are
What is intro spection?
The process where a person examines the content of their mind and mental states