CHAP 29 Flashcards
an intestine or other internal organ protruding through a wound in the abdomen.
flail chest
fracture of two or more adjacent ribs in two or more places that allows for free movement of the fractured segment.
paradoxical motion
movement of ribs in a flail segment that is opposite to the direction of movement of the rest of the chest cavity.
air in the chest cavity.
sucking chest wound
an open chest wound in which air is sucked into the chest cavity
tension pneumothorax
a type of pneumothorax in which air that enters the chest cavity is prevented from escaping.
What signs and symptoms would alert you that your patient has a flail chest?
paradoxical movement of chest cavity, difficulty breathing, and pain at the injury site. Signs of shock and hypoxia are likely. The patient may become tired and weak.
What are the difference between a pneumothorax and a tension pneumothorax?
one of pressure. A pneumothorax occurs when the air enters the chest cavity. possibly causing collapse of a lung.
Tension pnuemothorax occurs when air trapped in the chest pushes the heart and other lung over.
Describe the care for an open wound to the chest
Maintain open airway, provide basic life support if necessary Seal the open chest wound as quickly as possible, apply occlusive dressing, Administer oxygen, provide for shock, transport.
Describe the care for an open abdominal wound.
airway, place patient on back, bent knees, administer O2, care for shock, check vitals. transport. Use most dressing, keep warm