Chap 11 Blood Flashcards
What are the three main types of “formed elements” of blood?
Red blood cells or erythrocytesWhite blood cells or leukocytes Platelets or thrombocytes
What are the subtypes of white blood cells or leukocytes?
Granular leukocytes - neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophilsNongranular - lymphocytes and monocytes
What is the difference between blood plasma and blood serum?
Plasma is the liquid (extracellular) part of blood.Serum is plasma minus it’s clotting factors, still contains antibodies.
What protein in blood cells carries oxygen?
Can you give a broad definition of anemia?
Deficient number of red blood cells or deficient hemoglobin.
In general, what function do the WBC’s perform?
They defend the body from cancer cells that firm inside our tissues and from micro organisms that have succeeded in invading our body.
What is the role of fibrin in blood clotting?
Fibrin looks like a tangle of fine threads with RBCs caught in the tangle. This mesh work is the blood clot that forms a more long-term seal of the damaged blood vessel. The clotting mechanism contains clues for ways to stop bleeding by speeding up blood clotting.
What is the antigen in blood typing?
An antigen is a substance that can activate the immune system to make certain responses, including the production of antibodies.
What is meant when a person’s blood is described as “Rh negative”?
The Rh antigen is not present on their red cells.
Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide transport
Immune defense (phagocytosis)
Defense against parasites
Inflammatory response
Antibody production
B lymphocyte
Cellular immune response; destroys virally infected cells and cancer cells
T lymphocyte
Immune defenses (phagocytosis)
Blood clotting
Anti-bodies causing antigens to clump or stick together
One of several types of proteins normally found in blood plasma;help stick in the blood
Deficient number of red blood cells or deficient hemoglobin
Substance produced by the body that destroys or inactivates a specific substance (antigen) that has entered the body
Blood disorder characterized by low red blood cell count; caused by destruction of myeloid tissue in the bone marrow
Aplastic anemia
White blood cell that stains readily with basic dyes
Thin layer of white blood cells (WBCs) and platelets located between red blood cells (RBCs) and plasma in a centrifuged sample of blood
Buffy coat
The compound formed by the union of carbon dioxide with hemoglobin
Proportion of each type of WBC reported as a percentage of the total WBC count
Differential WBC count
Obstruction of a blood vessel by foreign matter carried in the bloodstream
A blood clot or other substance (bubble of air) that is moving in the blood and may block a blood vessel
White blood cell that is readily stained by eosin
A disease that may develop when an Rh-negative mother has anti-Rh antibodies and gives birth to an Rh-positive baby and the antibodies react with the Rh-positive cells of the baby
Erythroblastosis fetalis
Red blood cells
Insoluble protein in clotted blood
Soluble blood protein that is converted to insoluble fibrin during clotting
A type of plasma protein that includes antibodies
Volume percent of blood cells in whole blood
Hematocrit (Hct)
Iron containing protein in red blood cells
Condition characterized by low oxygen-carrying capacity of blood; caused by decreased red blood cell (RBC) life span and / or increased rate of RBC destruction
Hemorrhagic anemia
Substance obtained from the liver; inhibits blood clotting
A system of standardizing the results of anticoagulantion
International Normal Ratio (INR)
Condition in which there are inadequate levels of iron in the diet so that less hemoglobin is produced; results in extreme fatigue
Iron deficiency anemia
Blood cancer characterized by an increase in white blood cells
White blood cells
Abnormally high white blood cell numbers in the blood
Abnormally low white blood cell numbers in the blood
Type of white blood cell; see B cell and T cell
Phagocytic cells in the immune system
A phagocyte
Tissue pertaining to bone marrow
White blood cell that stains readily with neutral dyes
Hemoglobin combined with oxygen
Deficiency of red blood cells resulting from a lack of vitamin B12
Pernicious anemia
White blood cell that engulfs microbes and digests them
The liquid part of the blood
Any of several proteins normally found in the plasma; includes albumins,globulins, and fibrinogen
Plasma protein
a small colorless disk-shaped cell fragment without a nucleus, found in large numbers in blood and involved in clotting.
Excessive number of red blood cells
A protein present in normal blood that is required for blood clotting
A protein formed by clotting factors from damaged tissue cells and platelets; converts prothrombin into thrombin,a step essential to forming a blood clot
Prothrombin activator
Blood plasma minus its clotting factors,still contains antibodies
Severe, possibly fatal, hereditary disease caused by an abnormal type of hemaglobin
Sickle cell anemia
When only one defective gene is inherited and only a small amount of hemoglobin that is less soluble than usual is produced
Sickle cell trait
Protein important in blood clotting
Also called a platelet; plays a role in blood clotting
Formation of a clot in a blood vessel
Stationary blood clot
Total amount of WBCs per cubic millimeter of blood
Total WBC count