CH9 - Measuring, Reporting and Communicating CSR Flashcards
Social auditing (first step in measurement of CSR)
systematic assessment that identifies, measures, evaluates, reports and monitors the effects an enterprise has on society (which are not covered in the trad. financial reports)
purpose of social auditing
- information to stakeholders about the impact of the enterprise on society
- basis of accountability for the social consequences of corp. activities
Levels of auditing (6)
1 - Inventory : list of social activities without evaluation
2 - Program management : statement describing prog and the resources committed
3 - Process : more elaborate approach (including two previous) + assessment of how each social program came into being + objectives and rationales + what has been accomplished
4 - Cost / Outlay : expenditures on social objectives less the negative costs for social objectives not addressed
5 - Social responsibility accounting : social costs and benefits with the objective of the best social return for the investment made
6 - Social indicators : audit on the community conducted using social indicators to provide data on the most pressing needs
social auditing approaches (6)
- social objective setting
- triple bottom-line reporting
- social reports
- sustainable guidelines
- externally verifies social reports
- consultation with stakeholders
CSR reporting
management function that documents the corp’s economic, ethical/social and environmental responsibilities and initiatives, and communicates this to relevant stakeholders
why reporting is important / necessary
- help maintain the corp’s reputation
- meet demands of stakeholders
- sustain corporate profitability
Corporate reputation def
how a corp is viewed by all of it’s key stakeholders based on past actions and future prospect - associated with corp image, esp as promoted through public relations, “character” of a corp
what is taken into account to determine corp reputation
- customer service
- ethical conduct
- community involvement
- employee relations
- quality of G&S
- innovativeness
- environmental stewardship
stakeholder capitalism
system in which corporations are oriented to serve the interests of all their stakeholders
CSR and profitability : NBS
Network for Business Sustainability (NBS): initiatives with positive impacts fall into one of three categories
1- firm processes (value can be identified by readily available measures, ex. costs and savings of energy conservation program)
2- firm outcomes (value created is less obvious, result may not be measured but should be, ex. employee satisfaction)
3- external outcomes (value is created is in the more positive perceptions of external stakeholders like consumers)
Corporate Social Reporting guidelines
- Global reporting initiative (GRI) standards
- The international integrated reporting council (IIRC)
- The sustainability accounting standards board (SASB)
Global reporting initiative (GRI) def
def = most comprehensive and widely used guideline
- independent international undertaking to establish reporting criteria to help businesses and govs to understand and communicate their impact on sustainability issues
- main activity is to develop Sustainability Reporting Standards that are made available as free public good
3 purposes for which GRI can be used
1) BENCHMARKING and assessing sustainability performance
2) UNDERSTANDING how orgs. influences and is influenced by expectations about sus. dev.
3) COMPARING performance within and between orgs.
how to improve canadian CSR reporting
- codes and standards more transparent
- measures better explained and weightings justified
- efforts made to reduce compliance costs by better designed forms and measures
- data used should be improved, with less reliance on info supplied by management
- measurements of social indicators should use sophisticated methodology
CSR reports: best practices
- Identify stakeholders
- Describe trends, risks, challenges, opportunities
- Identify and prioritize issues
- Identify major stakeholders and approaches to engage them
- Describe reporting guidelines or standards used
- Include objectives for the future and report on objective accomplishments
- Use visuals to enhance appearance and readability
- Identify managers) responsible for CSR
how to communicate CSR and sustainability results
-> Efforts must be made to communicate CSR reports to stakeholders
-> How to inform employees:
- Articles in newsletters
- Information on employee intranet
- Agenda item at meetings
- Corporate reputation committees
-> Communicating CSR is a continuous process
-> Communication with other stakeholders:
- Customer invoices or billings (or other correspondence)
- Corporate websites
- Newspaper, magazine articles and television
- Word of mouth
Key attributes to make sustainability
information useful:
1) credibility: believable info
2) balance: presenting an unbiased picture of organizational performance
3) integration with strategy: clearly tying sustainability goals with business goals
4) comparability: enabling comparisons to previous reports of the same firm and information from the reports of other corporations
3 potential scenarios to future of CSR
1) fad-and-fade scenario
2) embed-and-integrate scenario
3) transition-and-transformation scenario
future scenario of CSR: fad-and-fade
def = awareness and practice of CSR will decline significantly. This is a result of external trends or events beyond the control of the corp. Gov regulation emerges, replacing the self-regulatory purpose of CSR. The failure to address social, ethical, and governance challenges is also blames
future scenario of CSR: embed-and-integrate
def = CSR is accepted and the case for it is no longer to be made. Continuous enhancement of CSR approaches and practices occurs, and managers demonstrate a strong sense of moral and ethical commitment
future scenario of CSR: transition-and-transformation
def = Incremental changes to CSR are insufficient and stakeholders demand a redesign of the corporation, This will alter the nature and purpose of the corp. and broaden its social function. There is a challenge to the prevailing wisdom relating to the rights and obligations of the corporation. This became necessary as the public lost confidence in the corporation