CH6 - Ethics of Business Management and Leadership Flashcards
Ethical leadership
communicate ethical standards and encourage ethical conduct
Three possible forms of leadership applicable to the ethics of business
Ethical, Responsible, Servant leadership
Responsible leadership
narrow orientation focused on financial performance and extended orientation with stakeholder view
Servant leadership
emphasizes concern for other and combines motivation to lead with the need to serve others (includes the design and implementation of corporate ethics programs)
Statement of values def
A description of the beliefs, principles, and basic assumptions about what is desirable or wroth striving for in an organization
Key components to value statements / statement of values
-> Key stakeholder interests to be satisfied and balanced
-> Emphasis on quality
-> Efficiency
-> Work climate
-> Observance of codes of conduct
Code of conduct def
Explicitly states what is appropriate behaviour is by identifying what is acceptable and unacceptable
Code of ethics
A statement of principles or values that guide behaviour by describing the general value system within which a corporation attempts to operate in a given environment
Difference between code of conduct and code of ethics
Conduct: enforced by external power of authority, convey rules, members of org must obey or face penalties, what MUST be done
Ethics: suggest guidelines to follow, penalties not imposed, emphasize qualities members should have
Types of codes:
-> Corporate of business enterprise
-> Professional organizations
-> Industry and sector
-> Single issue
-> Cordes from national and international bodies
What makes an ethical salesperson (keywords)
Integrity, responsibility, active listening, empathy, honesty, customer-focused, flexibility, awareness, respect
How do codes institutionalize ethical behaviour?
-> Increasing awareness
-> Discouraging ethical apathy
-> Facilitating ethical decision-making
-> Making it easier to refuse an unethical request
What kind of rules / content is in codes
-> Criteria for decision-making
-> Responsibility towards employers
-> Conflicts of interest (how to identify and deal with)
-> Protection of corporate assets
-> Appropriate business practices (honesty, fairness, etc.)
-> Appropriate conduct (on behalf of corp – with customers for example)
-> Responsibilities to society at large (contribution to political parties, lobbying, et.c)
-> Implementation procedures (familiarity with code, reporting violations)
-> Specification of enforcement, penalties
How the content of codes has evolved over time (5 generations)
First generation -> conflict of interest
Second generation -> commercial conduct
Third generation -> employee rights and motivation of the workforce
Fourth generation -> wider responsibility, with attention on the environment and respect for communities
Fifth generation -> international concerns, including human rights, the rule of law and labour conditions
Criticism against codes
- Unenforceable standard
- Unnecessary for majority (most corps operate at ethical level above code)
- Penalties may be insignificant
- Convincing someone to comply is not easy
- Often idealistic and written in meaningless generalities
- Merely to control competitive conduct among corps, designed to prevent gov legislation
- Serve as a response to public criticism
Ethics Training def
-> Involves teaching employees about the values and policies on ethics they should follow in their decision making
-> Teaching sessions can involve: managers / outside consultants, addressed to all levels of employees (esp management), online exercises, practical checklists and tests to evaluate actions
2 Types of checklists and tests
Nash and the Pagano model (1987)
Plainly worded questions should be used my managers when examining ethical of a business decision (ex. Have you defined the problem accurately? How did this situation occur in the first place)
Pagano model (1987)
Identifies six tests that provide insights into the ethics of a business’ actions:
- is it legal
- benefit/cost test
- categorical imperative
- light of day test
- do unto others
- ventilation test
Conflict of interest def
Situation in which an individual has a private or personal interest that is sufficient to appear of influence the objective exercise of that individual’s duties
Different degrees of conflicts of interest
Real: manager / employee has knowledge of a private economic interest / any kind of personal gain that is sufficient to influence the exercise of their duties / responsibilities
Apparent: conflict of interest can be deducted from appearances; exists when there is a reasonable apprehension that a well-informed person could make the connection
Potential: situation that may develop into an actual conflict, employee can foresee that they have a private interest that may be sufficient to influence a duty / responsibility
Common conflicts of Interest
Self-dealing: manager / employee takes an action in an official capacity that involves dealing with oneself in a private capacity and that confers a benefit to oneself (or family, business partners)
Accepting gifts or benefits
Using employer’s property: inappropriate use (ex. Taking office supplies home)
Using confidential information: use for personal or private purposes of confidential info obtained from some other source (ex. Customer, supplier) to gain some benefit
Outside employment or moonlighting: work / activity in which an employee engages outside normal working hours for additional remuneration
Post-employment: subsequent / future employment where info / contacts obtained during employment results in some benefits
Personal conduct: employee’s behaviour in private life may reflect adversely on employer
Ethics Audits def
-> Systematic effort to discover actual or potential unethical behaviour in an org
-> Designed to uncover unethical behaviour and identity existing opportunities for unethical behaviour
-> Useful in conjunction with a code of ethics
-> Conducted by consultants -> advise management on how to put “integrity” into corporate culture
Ethics officer def
Independent manager who report to the board of directors or CEO, reviews complaints or information from anyone in the org / any stakeholder, studies situation and recommends action if necessary