Ch.2 Food Choices And Sustainability Flashcards
Give 5 physical functions of food
- Growth and repair of all body cells
- Provides heat and energy
- Protects body from disease
- Curbs hunger
- Enjoyable flavours and smells
Give 2 social functions of food
- Sharing meals
- Celebrating social events
List 6/12 factors influencing food choices
- Family
- Lifestyle
- Cooking skills
- Nutritional knowledge
- Culture
- Religion
List 6/12factors influencing your food choices
- Money
- Availability
- Advertising and Marketing
- Senses
- Health
- Food sustainability
Why is family a factor influencing your food choices?
Children generally eat the food purchased by their parents, so parents buy healthy food, to set a good example.
Why is lifestyle a factor influencing your food choices?
Many families have busy lives. This can lead to a greater reliance on takeaway and convenience foods. Often families do not sit down to eat together because they are on different schedules. It is important for parents to prioritise enjoying meals together as a family. This sets a good example and creates good eating habits in their children.
Why is cooking skills a factor influencing your food choices?
People with greater cooking skills are more likely to make food from scratch, using fresh ingredients. If food is prepared and made from scratch, children can observe the skills and maybe use them themselves.
Why is nutritional knowledge a factor influencing your food choices?
A person who has a good grasp on nutritional knowledge, can make healthier food choices.
Why is culture a factor influencing your food choices?
A staple food that is a food that is frequently eaten in a country and makes up a large part of the diet. These foods are often part of a country’s identity.
Why is religion a factor influencing your food choices?
Some religions have traditions or rules regarding food.
Eg. Hindus do not eat beef because they believe the cow is sacred.
Why is money a factor influencing your food choices?
The money coming into a household can influence food choices. Low income families may prioritise on bills. Some cheaper foods have HFSS. Higher income families may eat out often, however restaurant dishes and luxury foods may not be very healthy.
Why is availability a factor influencing your food choices?
The time of year can influence the availability of some foods, as food can be in-season or out-of-season.
Why is advertising and marketing a factor influencing your food choices?
Retailers and food manufacturers use advertising to make consumers aware of new or improved products. Other brands use celebrity endorsement, where celebrities are paid to influence you to buy a product.
Why is senses a factor influencing your food choices?
The 5 senses are sight, smell, touch, sound and taste. We use our senses when eating. They help us decide if food is fresh and whether or not we like it.
Why is health a factor influencing your food choices?
For health reasons, some people must choose certain foods over others. For example a person with coeliac disease must choose foods that are gluten free.
Why is food sustainability a factor influencing your food choices?
Food sustainability (buying foods that do not harm the environment ) is another factor that influences people’s choice of food.