ch11 Flashcards
Descending tracts; corticospinal tract; pyramidal tract; electrical signal arises in the precentral gyrus of the frontal lobe; most neurons decussate in the medulla oblongata; extrapyramidal tracts
Motor Structures
Carries info from touch, pressure, and pain; ascending; carries info to the parietal lobe; spinothalamic
Sensory Structure
This reflex is elicited by stroking the sole of the foot; plantar flexion and curling of the toes are normal responses
Babinski reflex
A stretch reflex; tapping this tendon in the heel normally causes plantar flexion of the foot; also called the ankle-jerk reflex
Achilles tendon reflex
This reflex involves the glossopharyngeal nerve and helps prevent food and water from going down the wrong way
Gag reflex
This reflex helps your body maintain a normal blood pressure
Baroreceptor reflex
This reflex helps you maintain a standing posture; also called the knee-jerk reflex
Patellar tendon reflex
A protective reflex; quickly moves your finger away from a hot object
Withdrawal reflex
The reflex causes the pupils of the eyes to constrict in response to light,
Pupillary reflex
Sense of smell; Anosmia (loss of sense of smell);
Senses hearing and balance; Cranial nerve VIII; ototoxicity; Vertigo
The wanderer; widely distributed throughout the thoracic and abdominal cavities; cranial nerve X
Allows you to shrug your shoulders
Damage to this nerve causes blindness; Carries sensory information from the eyes to occipital lobe of the brain
Helps control the movements of the tongue; cranial nerve XII
Nerve that supplies most of extrinsic eye muscles; primary function is the movement of the eyeballs; raises eyelid and constricts the pupil of the eye
Tic douloureux- characterized by extreme facial and jaw pain, caused by inflammation of this nerve; triggers including eating, shaving, and exposure to cold temperatures
Inflammation of this nerve causes Bell’s palsy; cant smile wrinkle forehead, secrete tears or close eyes(on affected side)
Must administer an intramuscular injection in the upper outer quadrant of the buttocks to avoid injuring this nerve
This large nerve leaves or emerges from the distal end of the spinal chord and supplies the buttocks and posterior thighs.
Crutch palsy is caused by damage to this nerve
Wrist drop is caused by damage to this nerve
Deadening of this nerve assists in childbirth
Innervates the inner thigh area
Group of nerves that emerge from the distal end of the spinal chord; horse’s tail
Cauda Equina
Severing this nerve requires the use of a ventilator
Spinal nerves are grouped and sorted here; Nerve groupings that are described as cervical, brachial, and lumbosacral nerves
If damaged, causes footdrop
Common Peroneal