Ch11 Flashcards
Stabilizies, elevates, retracts, and roates scapula. Accessory Nerve, C3 C4.
latissimus dorsi
Prime mover of arm extension; adduction and medial rotation of arm. Thoracodorsal nerve C6-C8.
levator scapulae
Elavates and adducts scapula. Cervical spinal nerves and dorsal scapular nerve C3-C5.
rhomboid major and minor
Stabilize scapula. Dorsal scapular nerve C4-C5.
pectoralis major
Prime mover of arm flexion; rottates amr medially; adducts arm. Lateral and medial pectoral nerves C5-C8 and T1.
pectoralis minor
With ribs, protracts and roates scapula downward. Medial and lateral pectoral nervers C6-C8.
serratus anterior
Rotates scapula upward. Long thoracic nerve C5-C7.
Prime mover of arm abduction when all its fivers contract simultaneously. Axillary nerve C5-C6
teres major
Extends, medially roates, and adducts the arm. Lower subscapular nerve C5-C7.
Medically rotates arm. Supracapular nerve C3-C6.
Laterally rotates arm. Suprascaoular nerve C3-C6.
teres minor
Laterally rotates arm. Axillary Nerve C5 and C6.
Flexsion and adduction of arm. Musculocutaneous nerve C5-C7.
biceps brachii
Flexes and supinates forearm. Musculocutaneous nerve C6-C8.
Flexes forearm. Muscilocitaneous nerve.
triceps brachii
Powerful forearm extensor. Radia Nerve C6-C8.
adductor pollicis
Adducts and helps to oppose thumb. Ulnar Nerve C8 and T1.
psoas major
Prime mover in thigh flexion and in flexing trunk, also causes lateral flexsion of vertebral column. Ventral rami L1-L3.
Prime mover in though flexion and in flexing trunk. Femoral nerve L2 and L3.
Flexes, abducts, and laterally rotates though; flexes leg. Femoral nerve L2 and L3.
quadriceps femoris
Inserts into the patella and then via the patellar ligament into tibial tuberosity. Femoral nerve.
adductor brevis
Adducts and medially rotates thigh. Obturator nerve L2 and L3.
adductor mangus
Adducts and medially rotates and flexes thigh, thigh extension. Obturator nerve and sciatic nerve :2-L3.
gluteus maximus
Major extensor of thigh. Inferior gluteal nerve (L2-S2)
Rotates extended though laterally. L4-S1
extends though and flexes leg. Sciatic nerve-tibial nerve portionL5-S2.
Extends thgouh and flexes leg. Sciatic nerve-tibial nerve portion L5-S2.
biceps femoris
Extends though and flexes leg. Sciatic nerve-tibial nerve to long head, common fibular nerve to short head L5-S2.
Planter flexes foot. Tibial nerve S1 and S2.
Planter flexes foot. Tibial nerve S1 and S2.
Protracts tongue. Hypoglossal nerve.
Depresses tongue. Hypoglossal nerve.
Retracts ande elevates tongue. Hypoglossal nerve.
Open mouth and depress mandible. Mandibular of trigemeinal for anterior belly amd facial nerve for posterior belly.
Elevates and retracts hyoid. Facial nerve.
Elevates and retracts hyoid. Facial nerve.
Elevates and protracts the hyoid. Facial nerve.
Depresses larynx and hyoid bone if mandible is fixed. C1-C3 through ansa cervicalis.
Depresses larynx and hyoid bone. C1-C3 through ansa cervicalis.
Depresses and retracts hyoid bone. C1-C3 through ansa cervicalis.
Depresses hyoid bone or elevates larny if hyoid is fixed. First cervical nerve via hypoglossal.
orbicularis oculi
Closes eye. Facial nerve.
oribularis oris
Closes lips. Facial nerve.
Compresses cheek. Facial nerve.
Flexes and laterally rotates the head. Accesoory Nerve, cervical spinal nerves C2 and C3.
elevate first two ribs. Cervical spinal nerves.
external oblique
Flex vertebral column and compress abdominal wall. Intercostal nerve T7-T12.
internal oblique
Flex vertebral column and compress abdominal wall. Intercostal nerve. T7-T12 and L1.
rectus abdominis
Flex and rotate lumbar region of vertebral column. Intecostal nerves T6 or T7-T12.
transversus abdominis
Compresses adbominal contents. Intercostal nerves T7-T12 and L1.
erector spinae
Prime mover of bact extension.