What are the three different types of movement
- Amoeboid or pseudopodial movement by Leucocytes and Macrophages
- Ciliated/ Flagellated Movement - In the fallopian Tube and in trachea that helps in removal of dust particles. Spermatozoa shows Flagellated movement
- Muscular Movement -
three types of muscular tissue Skeletal, Smooth, Cardiac
______ helps in attachment of mucles to bones
How many muscles are there in the human body
There are 639 muscles in the human body
How much of the body weight do muscles make up in adult human
40 - 50 percent of the body weight
What are the unique properties of muscles
The muscular tissue is made up of specialised cells k/a
One muscle fiber is arranged in a bundle k/a
The structural and functional unit of Myofibril is
What are the different types of myofilament
- Thin Myofilament
- Thick Myofilament
Name the contractile protein
Actin and Myosin
What is the content of 1 Sarcomere
1/2 I band + 1 A Band + 1/2 I Band
What is the full form of A-band and I-band
A-band stands for Anisotropic band
I-band stands for Isotropic band
The part of Myofibril present between two successive Z-line is called
What does thin myofilament contain
- Actin
- Tropomyosin
- Troponin
What is the monomeric unit of Myosin
What are the parts of meromyosin
Each meromyosin has 2 parts- A globular head with short arm and a tail
The tail of meromyosin is also k/a is also
Light Meromyosin
The globular head along with cross arm of meromyosin makes up the
Heavy Meromyosin
Actin is a _____ protein and occurs in two forms they are- ______ is the monomeric form and ______ polymeric form
Actin is a globular protein and occurs in two forms they are- G actin is the monomeric form and F actin is the polymeric form
Name the regulatory proteins in the muscles
Troponin and Tropomyosin
Polymerization of G actin to form F actin happens in the presence of
Magnesium Ion
Troponin is ____ protein
Trimeric Protein
Tropomyosin is a _____ molecule
What is the function of different Troponin
Troponin I – It inhibits the actin and myosin interaction
Troponin T -It is the binding site of Tropomyosin
Troponin C - It is the binding site of Calcium
What are the different sites present on the globular head of meromyosin
Actin binding site and ATP binding site
During Contraction Muscles can shorten by ___ of their length
1/3 to 1/2 of their length
Globular head of Myosin molecule acts as
ATPase Enzyme
The store house of Ca2+ in the muscle cells is
Sarcoplasmic reticulum
What is a neuromuscular junction
The junction between the motor Neuron and the Sarcolemma of the muscles is called as Neuromuscular junction
The mechanism of Muscle Contraction is explained by which theory
Sliding Filament Theory Explains the mechanism of muscle Contraction
How does contraction of Muscles occur
Contraction of muscles occurs when the thin filament i.e. actin slides over the thick myofilament i.e. Myosin
Which is the neurotransmitter helping in Contraction of muscle
The potential difference across the membrane of a relaxed muscle fiber called resting potential amounts to
-90 mV
What is a neuromuscular Junction
The junction between a motor neuron and sarcolemma of the muscle fiber is called as Neuromuscular junction
Acetylcholine is rapidly broken down by an enzyme which is k/a
For storage of Calcium ions in the SR there is a protein which is k/a
Calsequestrin Protein
The number of bones at the time of birth are________ and in adults are ____
The number of bones at the time of birth are 213 and in adults are 206
The skeleton in humans is divided into two parts, they are. No of bones in each of them is
- Axial Skeleton - 80 bones
- Appendicular Skeleton - 126 bones
No of bones in skull
No of bones in Vertebral column
The no of bones in Ribs+ Sternum
The first Cervical Vertebrae is k/a
The Second Cervical Vertebrae is k/a
Name the different bones present in the skull
- Facial Bones
- Cranium
- Ear Ossicles
- Hyoid Bones
The sphenoid bone is _______ shaped
Butterfly shaped
The Sphenoid bone harbors pituitary gland in its cavity which is k/a
Sella Turcica
The only bone in the body that does not articulate with any other bone in the body is k/a
Hyoid Bone
Because of the presence of two condyles the human skull is _______, while the skull of birds is
Dicondylic, skull of birds is Monocondylic
The upper jaw bone is also k/a
Maxilla - 2 in no.
The cheek bone is also called
Zygomatic bone
What are the different bones in the ear ossicles
- Hammer or Malleus
- Incus or Anvil
- Stirrup or Stapes
The vertebral column is also k/a
What are intervertebral discs
Pads or discs of Cartilage present between the vertebrae is called as Intervertebral disc
The atlas articulates with the occipital condyles of occipital bones with the help of ______ joint
Atlanto Occipital Joints
The odentoid fossa of atlas articulates with odentoid process of Axis with the help of
Atlanto - Axial Joint
The large opening in the skull through which the brain communicates with the spinal cord is
Foramen Magnum
The sacral vertebrae is formed by fusion of how many vertebrae
The coccyx vertebrae is formed by fusion of how many Vertebrae
The matrix of cartilage is rich in which salt
What are the different types of ribs
- True Ribs or Vertebrosternal ribs
- False ribs or Vertebrochondral ribs
- Floating ribs or Vertebral ribs
Sternum is a ______ bone
Flat bone
T Tubule stands for
Transverse Tubule
Z line is called as
Krause membrane
Which band shortens during contraction of muscle fibers
I band
The single long bone of the upper arm is k/a
The bones present in the lower arm are k/a
Radius and Ulna
How many bones are present in the hand. Name them
There are 27 bones in the hand.
1. 8 bones in the wrist region which are k/a Carpals
2. 5 bones in the palm region which are k/a Metacarpals
3. 14 bones in the finger which are k/a Phalanges
Which is the longest and strongest bone in the human body
Femur or thigh bone
The two bones present in the shank region are
Tibia and Fibula
The knee cap is also k/a
The heel bone is called as
What are Tarsals
The 7 bones present in the ankle region are k/a Tarsals
No. of bones in the shoulder girdle is. Name them
4 (2 pair)
1. Clavicle or collar bone
2. Scapula or shoulder blade
Shoulder girdle is k/a
Pectoral girdle
What is the shape of the Shoulder blade
Scapula is a triangular bone
what is the shape of collar bone
Clavicle is a S shaped Bone
_________ articulates with the head of humerus
Glenoid Cavity articulates with the head of hUMERUS
The pelvic girdle consists of
two coxal or innominate bones which are also k/a Hip Bone
The hip bone is made by fusion of
- Ilium
- Pubis
- Ischium
What is acetabulum
The point where the Ilium, pubis and Ischium meet meet a cup shaped hollow cavity is formed which is k/a Acetabulum
The hip bone is broader in case of
_______ articulates with collar bone
Acromian process
Odontoid process is found in which vertebrae of the vertebral column
What are joints? Name the different types of joint
Joints are structural arrangement of two bones which articulate i.e. meet each other. There are 3 different types of joint, they are -
1. Immovable Joint
2. Cartilaginous joint
3. Synovial joint
Different names for fixed joint
Immovable/ fibrous/ Synarthrose joint
Examples of Fibrous joints are
Joints in the skull which are k/a Sutures
Attachment of tooth with socket in the jaw
other names of Slightly movable joints
Cartilaginous/ Imperfect/ Amphiarthroses joint
Examples of Imperfect joints
In sternum-ribs(Coastal Cartilage), pubic symphysis
Synovial joint is also k/a
Freely movable or Diarthrose joint
What are the different functions of Synovial fluid
- Synovial fluid acts as a shock absorber
- It acts as a lubricant which nourishes the bones
- helps in providing stability to the joints
- helps in movement in all direction
____ prevents the bone from being separated in a synovial joint
Hyaline cartilage called articular cartilage prevents the bones from being separated
what are the types of synovial joints
- Ball and socket
- Hinge Joint
- Pivot joint
- Gliding Joint
- Saddle joint
- Angular or Condyloid or ellipsoid joint
What is Tetany
It refers to rapid spasm in the muscles due to lesser Ca2+ in body fluid
what is muscular dystrophy
It is a genetic disorder in which protein dystrophin is not formed. Dystrophin is important for contraction of muscles
What is arthritis
A disorder in which inflammation of joint occurs
What are the different types of Arthritis
- Gouty Arthritis
- The Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Osteoarthritis
Myasthenia Gravis is _____ disorder
What happens in Myasthenia Gravis
In Myasthenia Gravis the antibodies start attacking the acetylcholine receptors present on the sarcolemma due to which neurotransmitter do not attach to the receptors and hence does not initiate nerve transmission
Why is Dystrophin essential
Dystrophin is essential for contraction of muscles
What is Osteoporosis
a skeletal disorder in which bones lose its minerals and fibers from the matrix, as the bone mass decreases the bone becomes more prone to fracture
What happens in Gout
Inflammation of joint occurs due to accumulation of uric acid crystals - which is due to excessive formation of uric acid
How is Rheumatoid arthritis diagnosed
It is diagnosed by the presence of rheumatoid factor. In this the joint becomes immovable as the synovial membrane starts secreting an abnormal granulation tissue called as pannus
Osteoarthritis affects which joints
Joints of spine, knees and hand
Eg of ball and socket joint
Shoulder and Hip Joint
Eg of Hinge Joint
Elbow joint, knee joint
Eg of Pivot joint
- b/w Atlas and axis
- Between radius and ulna just below the elbow
Eg of Gliding joint
Eg of saddle joint
Between carpals and metacarpal of the thumb
Eg of angular joint
b/w radius and carpal
Between which ribs is scapula located
b/w The 2nd and 7th rib Scapula is located