What are the two different kinds of nephron
- Cortical Nephron
- Juxtamedullary nephron
Nephrons are also k/a
Uriniferous tubule
What are the different major Nitrogenous waste
- Ammonia
- Urea
- Uric acid
What are the different minor Nitrogenous waste
- Guanine
- Hippuric acid
- Ornithuric acid
- Creatinine
TMAO stands for
Trimethyl Amine oxide
What are the different types of kidneys on the basis of advancement
- Pronephric
- Mesonephric
- Metanephric
Guanine is released by
Spiders and Penguins
Kidney plays no role in which process
Urea Cycle is also called
Krebs-Henseleit cycle / Ornithine cycle
How many ATP are utilised in Urea Cycle
3 ATP - 2 ATP in mitochondria, 1 ATP in Cytoplasm
Which is the most toxic and least toxic nitrogenous waste
Ammonia is the most toxic
Uric acid is the least toxic
What is ammonotelism, Uricotelism and Ureotelism
1.The process of excretion of Ammonia is known as Ammonotelism
2. The process of release of Uric Acid is k/a Uricotelism
3. The process of release of Urea k/a Ureotelism
Kidneys do not play a significant role in the removal of
Bony Fishes are also k/a
Urea is ________ times less toxic than ________
Urea is 100000 times less toxic than Ammonia
Uric acid is formed by _______ in our body
Nucleic acid
Name the Uricotelic Organism
Reptiles, Birds, land snails and insects
What is the colour of kidneys
Reddish brown
The kidney is situated between which vertebra
They are situated b/w 12th Thoracic Vertebra and 3rd Lumbar Vertebra
pronephric kidneys are present in
what kind of kidney is present in Amphibians
What are the three protective layers of the kidney - order from innermost to outermost
- Renal Capsule - innermost
- Adipose Capsule
- Renal Fascia - outermost
The peritoneal cover is only present on the _____side. This arrangement is called ________
It is only present on the ventral side. This arrangement is called as Retroperitoneal arrangement
What is the length of ureters
25-30 cm in length
The body of the urinary bladder has a triangular area k/a
What are the steps to urine formation
There are 3 main processes to urine formation - Glomerular filtration, reabsorption and secretion
Excretory organ in Crustaceans like Prawns
Antennal gland or green gland
The excretory organ in most insects like cockroach
Malphigian tubule
Excretion of uric acid requires _______ loss of water
Which excretory organ is a characteristics feature of only mammals
The U shaped blood Vessel running parallel to Henles Loop is
Vasa Recta
What are the parts of nephron situated in the cortical region of kidney
Malpighian Corpuscle, PCT and DCT
What are the different constituents of Filtration Membrane
- Fenestra of Glomerulus
- Basement membrane
- Podocytes of Visceral Layer
Bony Fishes are ______ animals
Marine cartilagenous fishes are also k/a
Where does deamination and urea synthesis takes place
In the liver, as other parts of the body are only supplied with amount of nutrients that are required
What is the formula of Urea
Which enzyme is responsible for production of urea
Arginase enzyme
TMAO is released by
Marine Cartilagenous Fish also k/a Elasmobranchs
Renal Corpuscles are also k/a
and they comprise of
Renal Corpuscles are also k/a Malpighian Body and they comprise of Bowman Capsule and Glomerulus
Renal Tubules comprise of
PCT, Loop of henle and DCT
What is Hilum
It is the point or notch through which ureters, blood vessels and nerves enter the Kidney
Which part of the nephron is situated in the medulla and which is in cortex
Loop of Henle in the Medulla region.
Malpighian body, PCT and DCT are situated in the cortex
What is Renal Fascia made up of
It is a fibrous cover
What is adipose Capsule made up of
and what is its function
It is made up of Adipose tissue and acts as a shock absorber
What is Renal Capsule made up of
It is made up of White fibrous connective tissue
The kidney are fused with the body wall on ______ side
What are the two zones of Kidney
Outer Cortex and inner medulla
The renal pelvis is lined by
Transitional Epithelium
Transitional Epithelium is also k/a
The wall of ureters has __ coats. they are
The wall of ureters has 3 coats they are external adventitia, middle muscular and inner mucosa
The urethra in males is k/a
Urinogenital Duct
The muscles present in the middle muscular coat of urinary bladder are k/a
Detrusor Muscles
The branch of renal artery entering the glomerulus is k/a
Afferent arterioles
What are columns of Bertini
The cortex extends between the medullary pyramid as renal column and are k/a column of Bertini
How many nephrons are present in each kidney
There are 1 million nephrons in one kidney. Thus 2 million in both the kidney
What is the main function of cortical nephron
Urine Synthesis
What is the main function of Juxtamedullary nephron
It helps in Osmoregulation
PCT is lined by
Simple Cuboidal Epithelium with microvilli
The process of filteration of blood is carried out by
How much blood is filtered by the kidney per minute
1100-1200 ml of blood i.e. 1/5th or 20% of the blood pumped out by each ventricle is pumped out by the kidney per minute
What are the different ways in which glomerular filtration is regulated
- Myogenic Regulation
- Juxtaglomerular Apparatus (JGA)
- Neural Control
What is Glomerular Filteration rate
The volume of plasma that gets filtered from the glomerulus into the Bowmans Capsule per minute is k/a GFR = 125 ml per min
What are the different pressures exerted during glomerular Filtration
- Glomerular Hydrostatic Pressure
- Blood Colloidal Osmotic Pressure
- Capsular Hydrostatic Pressure
What is the net pressure During Filtration
GHP - BCOP - CHP = 60-30-20 = 10
The Range is from 10-25 mm Hg
_____ percent of filtrate is reabsorbed by Renal Tubules
What is the osmolarity at the bottom of the Loop of Henle
1200 mOsm/L
The magnitude of osmolarity in the cortex of the kidney is
300 mOsm/L
What is reabsorbed and secreted in the PCT
NaCl, H2O, K+, HCO3- and Nutrients are reabsorbed into the blood
and H+ and NH3 are secreted by the blood into PCT
In which organisms Tubular Secretion Occurs
Tubular Secretion occurs in amphibians as they lack well developed Bowmans Capsule
Reabsorption is minimum in _____
Ascending Loop of Henle
Which is the major site of reabsorption in nephron
The capability of concentrating the urine is largely related to
length of Loop of Henle
Urine is ____ times more concentrated than blood
4 times
_____ is/ are responsible to maintain the osmolarity
NaCl and Urea
The Juxtaglomerular apparatus is made up of
JG cells present in the AA and Macula Densa present in the DCT
DCT performs conditional reabsorption of
H2O, Na+, HCO3-
Counter current mechanism works between
Loop of Henle and Vasa Recta
ADH stands for _______. It is also k/a
ADH stands for anti diuretic Hormone, also k/a Vasopressin
_____ secrets ADH and it is release by
Hypothalamus secretes Vasopressin and it is released by posterior lobe of pituitary gland
The JG cells Secrete
ACE stands for
Angiotensin Converting Enzyme
What is Dieuresis
Excessive water loss from Urine
RAAS stands for
Renin Angiotensin aldestrone system
________ opposes the functioning of RAAS
ANF - Atrial Natriuretic Factor
Diabetes Insipidus is caused by __
Undersecretion of ADH
Excessive thirst is k/a
Excessive Diuresis is k/a
Glucose in urine
Glycosuria or Glucosuria
Excessive Ketone bodies in Urine
_____ pigment provides color to Urine
What is Micturition
The process of release of urine is called Micturition
The neural mechanism causing Micturitio is called
Micturition reflex
What is the pH of urine
Urine is slightly acidic in pH - 6.0
Sweat is released by which gland
Sudorific Gland
What is the metabolic waste of lungs
Lungs release CO2 and significant amounts of H2O everyday
What is Uremia
The accumulation of urea in blood is k/a Uremia
What is Glomerulonephritis? It is also k/a
Inflammation of glomerulus and nephrons is k/a Glomerulonephritis. It is also k/a Bright’s disease
What are the contents of Sweat
Sweat contains NaCl, small amount of Urea, Lactic Acid, glucose and Amino acid
What is eliminated by the sabaceous gland
Sabaceous glands help in elimination of substances like sterols, hydrocarbons and waxes through sebum
Liver is the site of elimination of
Cholestrol, bile pigments, degraded steroid hormone, some vitamins and many drugs
What are the indicative of Diabetes mellitus
Glycosuria i.e. presence of glucose in urine and Ketonuria i.e. presence of ketone bodies in urine are indicative of diabetes mellitus
What are Diuretics? Give a few examples
Diuretics are medication or compound that increase the amount of water expelled from the body in the form of urine. Tea, coffee and alcohol are natural diuretics
In which conditions JG cells activate
JG cells activate when there is low blood volume, Low Blood Pressure, Low Glomerular Filtration rate
Angiotensin II sends signal to
Angiotensin II
1. Sends signal to efferent arterioles for Constricton
2. Signal to PCT for Water and Na+ absorption
3. Sends signal to Adrenal Cortex which releases Aldosterone that signals to DCT for absorption of Na+, that leads to water absorption
Angiotensinogen is secreted by
ANF is secreted by
Atria of the heart
how many gm of Urea does our Urine contain
1to 1.5 L of Urine contains 25-39 gm of Urea