All digestive enzymes are
Hydrolytic Enzymes i.e. hydrolases
The oral or buccal cavity is lined by
Non Keratinized Stratified squamous epithelium
The folds present on the hard palate are k/a———-, they help in ———
- Palatine Rugae
- Providing grip to hold the food
_____ is an extension of the soft palate, its function is_____
- Uvula
- to block the nasopharynx while swallowing of food
The teeth originates from which germ layer
It is ecto mesodermal in origin
The tongue is also k/a
Opening of the food pipe is k/a
Opening of the wind pipe is k/a
what shape is of the stomach
It is a J shaped organ
what are the different parts of the stomach
- Fundus
- Cardiac
- Body
- Pyloric
The sphincter present between esophagus and the stomach is k/a
Gastro-oesophageal sphincter or cardiac sphincter
What helps in absorption of B12
Castles Intrinsic Factor
The main pancreatic duct is also k/a
Duct of Wirsung
The order of the layers in the alimentary canal from out to in
- Serosa
- Muscularis Externa
- Sub Mucosa
- Mucosa
How many Salivary Glands are present
3 pairs i.e. is 6 salivary Glands are present
The completely digested food is k/a
Yellow color to the faecal matter is given by
STERCOBILIN, which is formed mainly from Bilirubin
the foul smell of faeces is due to
skatole, a derivative of tryptophan
in the exocrine secretion of the pancreas, there is presence of which cell
Acinar Cells
What is plexus?
The nerve fiber network present in the alimentary canal
The vomiting centre in the brain is
Medulla oblongata
The device which is used to measure calorie is k/a as
Bomb calorie meter
The kcal/g for carbs is ____ &____ for Physiological and gross calorie
4 and 4.1
The kcal/g for protein is ____ &____ for Physiological and gross calorie
4 and 5.65
The kcal/g for fats is ____ &____ for Physiological and gross calorie
9 and 9.45
Which enzyme is k/a autocatalyst
Trypsinogen is activated by
The duct of Parotid Gland
Stenson’s duct
The duct of sub maxillary gland is
Wharton’s duct
Sub maxillary gland is also k/a
Sub mandibular gland
The duct of Sublingual gland is
Duct of Rivinus
A condition where there is failure in the production of saliva is k/a
Salivary amylase also k/a
70% of saliva is produced by
Sub maxillary or sub mandibular gland
The ____ layer contains all gland except ____ which is present in the _____
Brunner’s gland which secretes alkaline mucus
It is present in submucosa
The parts of small intestine are
The sphincter present b/w the esophagus and stomach is
gastro-esophageal sphincter or the cardiac sphincter
the sphincter present b/w stomach and small intestine is
Pyloric Sphincter
The uppermost part of the stomach is
The largest gland of the body is and it weighs
1.2 to 1.5 kg
The liver is separated into two lobes via the ________
Falciform Ligament
what is the structural and functional unit of Liver
Hepatic Lobule
The roof of the buccal cavity is k/a
The duct of the gall bladder is
Cystic Duct
Milk Protein is k/a
The opening of the common hepato-pancreatic duct into the duodenum is guarded by which sphincter
Sphincter of Oddi
Which duct of pancreas is functional and combines with bile duct to from hepatopancreatic duct
Duct of Wirsung
The first hormone discovered by scientist was
Disorder where there is increase in bile pigments in the blood causing yellowness in skin and eyes is
What is/ are the substances absorbed in the stomach?
Water, Simple Sugars, Alcohol
Which is the disease caused by deficiency of both proteins and calories
Disease caused by deficiency of protein unaccompanied by calorie deficiency is
The outer muscle layer in the walls of the alimentary canal is
The inner layer of muscle in the walls of the alimentary canal is
The tooth is _______ in origin
The most abundant papillae are
The papillae containing taste buds are
Circumvallate and Fungiform
The papillae which is absent in humans is
The hardest substance in the body is ____ and it is secreted by_________
Ameloblast cell
Where is Plexus of Auerbach found? It is also k/a
It is found b/w the inner circular and outer longitudinal Muscle layer.
It is also k/a as Myenteric Plexus
Where is Meissner plexus found? It is also k/a
It is found b/w the muscular coat and the mucosa.
It is also k/a Submucosal Plexus
_____ can lead to iron deficiency anaemia
Non secretion of HCl (achlorhydria) or gastrectomy
what is responsible for absorption pf Vitamin B12? Where is it absorbed?
Castle’s Intrinsic Factor
Majorly it is absorbed in the Ileum
The tongue is attached to the floor of the mouth by a fold called as
Which is the longest portion of the small intestine
The C shaped portion of the small intestine is
The intestinal glands are also k/a
Crypts of Lieberkuhn
Which cells of Intestinal gland secrete digestive enzymes
Paneth Cells
Which cells of the intestinal gland secrete hormone
Argentaffin cell
What are Peyer’s patches
Diffused patches of lymphoid tissue are present all throughout the small intestine and are aggregated in ileum to form Peyer’s patches
____ is the smallest part of Colon
Ascending colon
The serosa layer in the esophagus is k/a
Tunica Adventitia
The lymph vessel in the small intestine is k/a
Which plexus is responsible for peristalsis movement
Myenteric plexus
Which plexus is responsible for secretion of different digestive glands
Meissner plexus
Salivary Gland are stimulated to secrete saliva by ____ while ____ nerves reduce its secretion
2. Sympathetic
Hepatic lobule have a thin sheath of connective tissue k/a
Glisson’s Capsule
The capacity of gall bladder to store bile is
30- 50 ml
What is the pH in the mouth
The mass of food pushed down the mouth is k/a
The muscular contraction that occurs all throughout the alimentary canal is k/a
The digested food in the stomach is k/a