What is Breathing? It is also k/a
Breathing is the process of inhalation or exhalation of gases. It is also k/a Pulmonary Ventilation
What are the main steps involved in Respiration
- Breathing/ Pulmonary Ventilation
- External Respiration
- Transport of gases
- Internal Respiration
- Cellular Respiration
Which Organ is k/a Voice Box
The pleural membrane is has double membrane namely
- Inner Membrane - Visceral Pleura
- Outer Membrane - Parietal Pleura
The Cardiac Notch holds ________
the heart and the thymus
The region from where the alveolar duct branches of is k/a
The alveoli consists of two types of cell they are
- Type I Pneumocyte
- Type II Pneumocyte
Which cell in alveoli is responsible for Exchange of Gas
Type I Pneumocyte
The trachea divides into two primary bronchi at
5th Thoracic Vertebrae
Which cell in the body always performs Anaerobic Respiration
the normal breathing rate is
12-16 times per minute
The instrument used to measure respiratory Volume is
Respirometer or Spirometer
The PO2 and PCO2 in
1. Atmosphere
2. Alveoli
- PO2 159 mm Hg, PCO2 0.3 mm Hg
- PO2 104 mm Hg, PCO2 40 mm Hg
The Respiratory membrane Consists of 4 Layers they are
- Epithelial Layer of Alveoli
- Basement Membrane of Alveoli
- Basement Membrane of Endothelium
- Endothelium
How many alveoli are present in the lung
15O million in each lung i.e. total 300 million in both the lungs
The trachea is lined by
pseudostratified Ciliated Epithelium
What is Partial Pressure?
The pressure exerted by an individual gas in a mixture of gases is k/a Partial Pressure
What are the muscles involved in Respiration
- Diaphragm - Phrenic Muscles
- Coastal Muscles - Internal and External
- Abdominal Muscles - = Skeletal Muscles
Normal Inspiration and Normal Expiration last for
2s and 3s respectively
What is tidal Volume
Volume of Air inhaled or Exhaled during Breathing
What is Inspiratory Capacity
The Total Volume of air that we can forcefully inhale
IC = TV + IRV = 500 + 2500-3000 = 3000-3500ml
What is Expiratory Capacity
The total volume of air that we can Forcefully exhale
EC = TV + ERV = 500 + 1000-1100 = 1500 - 1600ml
What is Vital Capacity
total Volume of air that we can forcefully inhale after forceful Expiration.
VC = TV + IRV + ERV = 4000-4600 ml
Hypoxia is a condition in which
Low Partial Pressure of O2 is supplied to the body
A condition in which the skin appears blue
What happens in Emphysema
- The surface area for exchange of Gases is reduced
- Elasticity of Alveoli is lost, they remain Inflated
Carbon Monoxide has ______ times more affinity for Haemoglobin than O2
100 ml of de oxygenated blood has ___ ml of CO2
4 ml
100 ml of blood contains _______ amount of haemoglobin
12 - 16 gm
100 ml of blood contains ______ amount of O2
20 ml
CO2 is ______ times more soluble in Plasma than O2
20 - 25
1gm of Hb contains _____ of O2
1.34 ml
Nervous Regulation is done by two areas. They are -
and are situated in -
- Respiratory Rhythm Centre - Medulla Oblongata
- Pneumotaxic area-
The Chemoreceptors are Present in
- The Carotid Artery - k/a Carotid Bodies
- The Aortic Artery - k/a Aortic Bodies
- Medulla to Check concentration in the CSF
The chemoreceptors send signal to _______
Chemosensitive area in Medulla Oblongata
The Inspiratory area controls
The normal Inspiration and Expiration
The Expiratory area is responsible for
Forceful Exhalation Regulation
The Chemoreceptors detect
Concentration of CO2 and H+ in the blood
Which area is Responsible for Shallow Breathing
Pneumotaxic Area
O2 is transported in which form and in how much %
- dissolved form in plasma 3%
- oxy haemoglobin 97%
CO2 is transported in which Form and in how much %
- dissolved form 5-7%
- bicarbonate 70%
- Carbaminohaemoglobin - 23- 25%
H + Hb forms ______ which acts as a ____
Haemoglobinic Acid
which acts as a buffer i.e. helps to stabilize the pH
In Resting Phase and during strenous exercise how much O2 is transported by 100 ml of blood
- Resting Phase - 5ml
- Strenous Exercise - 15 ml
Chloride shift is also k/a
Hamburgers phenomena
What is Haldane’s Effect
The dissociation of Carbaminohaemoglobin due to the Partial Pressure of O2
What is Reverse Chloride Shift
When chloride ion move back into the plasma from RBCs
What is Fibrosis
Proliferation of Fibrous Connective Tissue
What is Silicosis
Inhalation of silica dust
What are the different cartilagenous structure present in Larynx
Paired - 1. Arytenoid 2. Cuneiform 3. Corniculate
Unpaired - 1. Epiglottis 2. Thyroid 3. Cricoid