Name the different phylum on the basis of increasing order of complexity
- Porifera
- Coelenterata/ Cnidaria
- Ctenophora
- Platyhelminthes
- Aschelminthes
- Annelida
- Arthropoda
- Mollusca
- Echinodermata
- Hemichordata
- Chordata
which phylum shows cellular level of organisation
which phylum shows tissue level of organisation
Coelenterates and ctenophora
Which phylum shows organ level of organisation
Which phylum shows organ system level of organisation
Aschelminthes, annelida, arthropoda, mollusca, echinodermata, hemichordates, chordates
Incomplete digestive system is present in
Coelentrates, ctenophora and Platyhelminthes
Complete digestive system is present in
Aschelminthes and chordata
Open circular system is present in
Arthropoda, non cephalopod molluscs, Hemichordates and Tunicates
Closed circulatory system is present in
Annelida, chordata, cephalopod molluscs
What is cephalization
Process of formation of well defined distinct head on one side of the body
It is a feature of organism with bilateral symmetry
Larva and adult echinoderms show which symmetry
larva of echinoderm show bilateral and adult echinoderm show radial symmetry
Name the phylum with diploblastic
Coelenterates and ctenophores
Name the phylum with triploblastic germ layer
platyhelminthes to chordata
Name the phylum which is acoelomate
sponges, coelenterata, ctenophora, platyhelminthes
Name the phylum which is Pseudocoemate
Name the phylum which is Eucoelomate
- Schizocoelomate - Annelida, Arthropoda, Mollusca
- Eucoelomate- Echinodermata, Hemichordata, Chordata
In which phylum metamerization is seen
Annelida, Arthropoda, Chordates
What are the 7 basis of classification of organism
- Level of organization
- pattern of complexities of various organ system
- Symmetry
- Germ layers
- Coelom or body cavity
- Segmentation
- Notochord
Sponges are mostly ___ in terms of habitat except
Marine. Except Spongilla, which is a fresh water sponge
The central cavity of the sponge is k/a
In sponges the water enters via _____ and exits via
Water and food enter via small pores k/a Ostia and exits via large opening k/a Osculum
What are the characteristic feature of sponges
Water canal system and choanocytes
Fertilisation is _____ and development is ______ in sponges
Their is internal fertilisation in sponges and external development.
The totipotent cell of sponge is
Archaeocyte which is a type of Amoebocyte
which phylum is k/a Filter feeder
The skeleton of sponges is made up of
- Spicules 2. Spongin fibres
Sponges are Monoecious/ Dioecious
Monoecious/ Hermaphrodite/ Bisexual
Types of Asexual reproduction in Spongila
- Fragmentation
- Internal Budding/ Gemmulation
Which sponge is k/a Bath sponge
Sycon is also k/a
There is indirect development due to formation of
The only phylum with no nerve cell is
What are the larvae of Porifera called
Amphiblastula, Parenchymula
Which sponge is k/a Venus flower basket sponge
Name the fresh water coelenterate
What is the body plan in Cnidaria
Blind sac body plan
Which is the tissue absent in Cnidaria
Connective tissue
What are the layers in the body wall of Porifera
Pinacoderm, Choanoderm
The digestion is first _______ and then _________ in Cnidaria
The digestion is first extracellular and then intracellular in Cnidaria
What is the function of Cnidoblast cells
Defence, offence and Anchorage
The stinging capsule in Cnidaria is
the totipotent cells of Cnidaria is
Interstitial cells
Where are Cnidoblast cells present
They are preset on the epidermis and the tentacles
The Stinging capsule of Cnidoblast cells is filled with
Neurotoxin o Hypnotoxin
The alternation of generation in Coelenterates is k/a
The different body forms of Coelenterates is
Polyp = cylindrical form
Medusa= umbrella shaped
The free floating body form in Cnidaria is
The Sessile body form in Cnidaria is
Cnidaria existing in only polyp form is
Adamsia, Hydra
Cnidaria existing in only medusa form is
Aurelia (jelly fish)
Larva of Medusa is k/a
Larvaof Polyp is k/a
Which Cnidarians can show polymorphism or Metagenesis
Obelia(sea fur) and Physalia (Portuguese man of war)
The skeleton of corals is made up of
Calcium Carbonate
Common Names of -
1. Adamsia
2. Aurelia
3. Meandrina
4. Gorgonia
5. Pennatula
6. Tubipora
7. Obelia
8. Physalia
- Adamsia - sea anemone
- Aurelia- jelly fish
- Meandrina - brain coral
- Gorgonia - sea fan
- Pennatula - sea pen
- Tubipora - organ pipe coral
- Obelia - sea fur
- Physalia - Portuguese man of war
Phylum Ctenophora is commonly k/a
Sea Walnuts or Com-bearers/ Comb jellies
Which phylum is exclusively marine
How many comb plates are present in Ctenophora
There are 8 Comb plates present in Ctenophora
What is Statocyst… it is a characteristic feature of which phylum
Statocyst is a special sensory organ which is a characteristic feature of phylum Ctenophora
The larva of Ctenophora is k/a
Cydippid larva
The tentacles of Ctenophora have special adhesive cells k/a
Colloblast cells or lasso cells
Body plan of Ctenophora is
Blind sac body plan
The surface exact opposite of mouth is
Aboral surface
Examples of Ctenophora
Pleurobrachia, Ctenoplana, Hormiphora, Cestum, Beroeo
Common name of Pleurobrachia
Sea gooseberry
Common name of Hormiphora
Sea walnut
Which type of reproduction is absent in ctenophora
1st organism to possess bilateral symmetry
1st organism to possess triploblastic germ layer
fresh water flatworm is
Platyhelminthes are the only pseudocoelomate. True or false
False. They are acoelomate
What are the different parasitic adaptation in Platyhelminthes
- Hooks
- Suckers
- Thick Tegument
- Direct absorption of food through body surface
_____ help in excretion as well as osmoregulation in Platyhelminthes
Flame cells/ protonephridia/ solenocytes
The nervous system in planaria is
Primitive ladder like
Platyhelminthes are Hermaphrodite except
The scientific name of Liver fluke is
What are the two examples of digenetic parasites from phylum Platyhelminthes
- Fasciola or liver fluke
- Taenia solum/ pork tapeworm
The scientific name of tapeworm is
Aschelminthes are also k/a
Which type of coelom is present in roundworms
The first phylum to have complete digestive system is
which cells are present in roundworms for excretion
Renette cells
The sexuality of roundworms is
Unisexual/ Dioecious
The free living aschelminthes is
The pineal setae in ______ helps in _____
Pineal setae in male ascaris helps in copulation
Scientific name of pinworm is
Enterobius/ Oxyuris
Common name of Wuchereria brancofti is
Filaria Worm
Scientific name of Hookworm is
Annelida is called so due to
Presence of annulus - ring
_____ is used for osmoregulation in annelida
Scientific name of earthworm
Scientific name of leech
Scientific name of Sandworm
Dioecius annelid is
The locomotry structure of Nereis is
The structure for locomotion in Pheretima is
The structure for locomotion in Hirudinaria is
In which phylum formation of Longitudinal and circular muscles was seen for the first time
The larva of Nereis is
Trocophore larva
The condition in earthworms where the male reproductive organ shows early development is k/a
Protandrous condition
Phylum annelida has _______ circulatory system except
Closed circulatory system except in Hirudinaria/ leech which possess Open Circulatory system
Which is the largest phylum of animal kingdom
1st phylum to posses true coelom is
The only phylum in non chordates to possess wings is
Arthropoda are protostomes or Deuterostomes
Protostomes i.e. Mouth was 1st formed
The 3 well defined region of Arthropoda is
Head, middle thorax and posterior abdomen
1st phylum to show cephalization is
Phylum Arthropoda
Head + Thorax =
Thorax + Abdomen
Scientific name of King Crab
Gills are present in which arthropods
Crustaceans like prawns, crabs
Book Gills are present in
Limulus i.e. King Crab
Book lungs are present in
Arachnids like spider and Scorpions
Tracheal System i.e via Spiracles is present in which arthropoda
Excretory system in insects is
Malphigian tubules
Excretory structure in Arachnids is
Coxal Gland
Green Gland or Antennal gland is seen in
Crustaceans like Prawns shrimp etc.
Which pair of eye shows mosaic vision
Compound eye
simple eye in Arthropods is k/a
The antennae can detect
Smell and touch i.e. it is Olfactory and Tactile
Arthropods are mostly Oviparous except
Scorpions ovoviviparous
Scientiific name of Cockroach is
Periplatus americana
The connecting link b/w annelida and arthropoda is
Example of Gregarous pest is
Scientific name of Honey bess is
Scientific name of Silkworm is
Which arthropods acts as sealing wax
Lac insect or Laccifer
Living fossil from phylum Arthropoda is
Limulus King Crab
Which Mosquito spreads Malaria
Which mosquito spreads Elephantiasis
Culex Mosquito
Which Mosquito spreads Dengue and Chikunguniya
Aedes Mosquito
Vector of kala - azar is
Sand Fly/ Phlebotomus
Which vector spreads Sleeping sickness
Glossina/ Tse-tse fly
Xenopsylla/ Rat flea is the vector of
Larvae of Butterfly
pupa of Butterfly
Larva of Housefly
Larva of Mosquito
Scientific name of Shrimp is
Which class does Limulus belong to
Which is the second largest phylum
The shell of molluscs is _________ in nature
Calcareous in nature
The 3 distinct parts of the mollusca is
Head, Visceral hump and Muscular foot
Mantle is a characteristic feature of
Mantle is also k/a
The calcareous shell in certain mollusca is secreted by
Mantle or Pallium
The shell is absent in which mollusca
_______ helps in respiration in Mollusca
Feather like or Comb-like gills
In which mollusca torsion is seen
Adult form of pila and Aplysia (sea hare)
The gills of Mollusca are k/a
The file like rasping organ in mollusca is k/a
Radula is absent in
pInctada or sea oyster
The excretion in Mollusca occurs via
- Ctenidia
- A paired organ which is k/a Organ of Bojanus
- Keber’s organ or Pericardial gland
The circulatory system in mollusca is ______ except in
The circulatory system in mollusca is open except in Cephalopod molluscs as they have closed CS
The respiratory pigment in Mollusca is
The fertilisatiion in mollusca is
Both external and internal but usually internal
The development in mollusca is
Both direct and indirect but usually indirect development
Which mollusc exhibit direct development
Lologo, Sepia and Octopus
What are the larvae of Mollusca called as
Trochophore, veliger in Pila and glochidium in Unio and Ectoparasites in fishes
segmentation is ______ in mollusca except _______-
Segmentation is absent in mollusca except in Neopilian
Common name of the following mollusca is
1. Loligo
2. Pila
3. Pinctada
4. Sepia
5. Octopus
6. Dentalium
7. Chaetopleura
- Loligo - Squid
- Pila - Apple Snail
- Pinctada - Pearl Oyster
- Sepia - Cuttlefish
- Octopus - Devil Fish
- Dentalium - Tusk shell
- Chaetopleura - Chiton
The term echinodermata means
Spiny or prickly skinned
The habitat of Echinodermata is
Exclusively marine
Name the organism possessing Enterocoelom
Echinodermata, Hemichordata, Chordata
The body plan of Echinodermata is
Tube within tube and Deuterostmic evolution
Which organ system is absent in Echinoderms
Excretory system
The most distinctive feature of Echinoderms is
Water Vascular system
What are the different parts of the Water Canal system
- Madreporite or sieve plate
- Stone Canal
- ring canal
- Radial canal
- Tube Feet
What are the functions of Water Vascular system
- Locomotion
- Food capture and transportation
- Respiration
Which part helps in Locomotion in Echinoderms
Tube feet helps in Locomotion
The “Circulatory system” in Echinoderms is of _______ origin
Instead of presence of blood vascular system what is present n Echinoderms
Haemal and perihaemal system
Name the larvae of echinoderms
Dipleurula, Bipinnaria, Brachiolaria, Doliolaria, Auricularia
Scientific name of Star Fish
Scientific name of Sea Cucumber
Common name of Antedon is
Sea Lily
Scentific name of Sea urchins is
Common name of Ophiura is
Brittle star
Other name of Cucumaria is
Hemichordates means
Half Chordates
The habitat of hemichordata is
Exclusively Marine
The different parts of the body of Hemichordata is
- Anterior Proboscis
- Middle collar
- A long posterior trunk
Common name of Hemichordata is
Tongue worms or Acon worms
The excretion in stomochordates takes place via
Proboscis gland
The larva of Hemichordata is free swimming and is k/a
Tornaria larva
Examples of Hemichordata
Balanoglossus and Saccoglossus
The respiratory structure in tongue worms is
The circulatory system in Balanoglossus is type
Open type `
The water vascular system in Echinodermata is k/a
Ambulacral system