Causative agent of typhoid and it is transmitted via
Salmonella typhoid
Contaminated food and water
Typhoid is also known as
Systemic or Enteric fever
Typhoid fever can be confirmed by
Widal test
Typhoid is what type of infection
Bacterial infection
Symptoms of typhoid
Sustained high fever
Intestinal perforation- extreme case
Stomach pain
Lose of appetite
Pneumonia is caused by
Streptococcus Pneumoniae and Haemophilus Influenza
Mode of transmission of pneumonia
Symptoms of Pneumonia
Infection in the lower respiratory tract… fluid filled alveoli
Causative agent of plague
Yersinia pestis
Plague is also known as
Bubonic plague/ black death
What kind of infection was plague
Bacterial infection
Diseases that spread from animal to humans are called
Zoonotic diseases
Plague was primarily a disease of
Vector of plague
Rat flea
Symptoms of plague
High fever
Bubo(lump) in the armpit or groin region
Blood patch appeared on skin which then turns black
causative agent of Cholera
Vibrio Cholera
Cholera is which type of infection
Bacterial infection
treatment for cholera
oral rehydration therapy as a lot of fluid and salts are released through stool and vomit
Causative agent for Tuberculosis
Myobacterium Tuberculosis
Vaccine for tuberculosis
BCG Vaccine
mode of transmission for tuberculosis
air borne
causative agent for Tetanus
Clostridium tetani
Tetanus is also known as
Lock jaw
which disease results in Sustained contraction
Injection for tetanus
anti tetanus serum(ATS)
DPT Vaccine- Diptheria, Pestusis, tetanus
causative agent of diptheria
Corynebacterium diptheriae
causative agent of diptheria
Corynebacterium diptheriae
causative agent of leprosy
Myobacterium leprae
Causative agent of common cold
Mild ones - Rhino viruses
Severe - Corona viruses
Which is the most infectious disease in the world
Common cold
Causative agent of chicken pox
Varisella zoster virus
Causative agent of small pox
Variola virus
Which glands swells during mumps
Parotid gland
Which virus requires pre existing HBV virus to spread the disease
Hepatitis D Virus
Rabies is also known as
Vector of Dengue
Female aedes mosquitoes
Chickenguniya vector
Female aedes mosquito
Vaccine for poliomyelitis
OPV - Oral polio vaccine
The genetic material of Varisella zoster virus
ds DNA
Vaccine for Hepatitis B is
Which type of Hepatitis enters via Faeco oral route
Causative agent of Dengue fever
Arbovirus- Arthropoda borne viruses - flaviviruses genes
In chickenpox more scars are on —— then—-
More scars on the body less on face and limbs
In small pox more scars on —— less on ——
In small pox more scars on face and limbs less on body
Which Hepatitis is/are STD
Measels is which type of infection
Viral infection
Mumps is which type of infection
Which digestive tract infection affects large intestine
Amoebic dysentery
Causative agent of Amoebic dysentery
Entamoeba histoltyica
Mechanical vector of Amoebic dysentery
Excess mucus and blood clot is a symptom of
Amoebic dysentry
Which type of infection is Ascariasis
Helminth infection
Extreme case of Ascariasis
Intestinal blockage
Causative agent of Elephantiasis
Filarial worm - Wucheria brancofti
- Wucheria malayi
Ringworm is which type of infection
Fungal infection
Causative agent of Ringworm
Microsporum, Epidermophyton, Trichophyton
Infective agent of Filariasis
Proboscis of Mosquito
Vector of Filariasis
Culex Mosquito
Symptoms of Elephantiasis
Majorly swelling in groin and lower limb
Elephantiasis is which type of infection
Helminth infection
Malarial infection is which type of infection
Protozoan infection
Vector of Malaria
Female anopheles mosquito
Causative agent of Malaria
4 species of plasmodium-
1. Plasmodium vivac
2. P. ovale
3. P. malariae
4. P. falciparum - fatal- malignant malariab
Primary host and secondary host of plasmodium that causes malaria is
Primary host - human
secondary host - mosquito
Where does sexual and asexual phase of plasmodium that causes malaria occurs
Sexual stage - mosquito
Asexual stage - human
—- enters the RBC and produce ——
Phanerozites enter the RBC and produce merozoites
Merozoites feed on —- to form —-
Merozoites feed on harmoglobin to form haemozoin
—- chemical is responsible for fever and chills in malaria
Sporozoites are — shaped
Spindle shaped
the infectious agent that enters the body for malaria
What are the types of immunity
- Innate Immunity- it is present at the time of birth and has a non specific type of defence
- Acquired immunity- it is gained after birth and it is pathogen specific
What are the types pf barrier in innate immunity
- Physical barrier - skin
- Physiological barrier - acid in stomach, saliva in mouth, tears from eyes
- Cellular barrier- WBC like PMNL-neutrophils, Monocytes, natural killer cells
- Cytokine barriers- interferons which is produced by virally infected cells to send signals to neighbouring non infected cells
1st line of defence
Physical and physiological barrier
2nd line of defence
Cellular and cytokine barrier
3rd line of defence
Acquired immunity
Which immunity is pathogen specific
Acquired immunity
Who is regarded as the father of immunology
Edward jenner
B lymphocyte provide which type of immunity
Humoral or antibody mediated immunity
T lymphocyte provide which type of immunity
Cell mediated immunity
Memory B and T cells are stored in
Spleen and lymph nodes
What are antigens
Antigens are molecules which when introduced into the body stimulate the production of antibody
Each antibody has — peptide chain linked by —-
4 peptide chain, 2 heavy and 2 light
They are linked by disulphide bonds
How many disulphide bonds are present in an antibody
16 disulphide bonds
Which end of antibody binds to antigens
Fab - Fragment of molecule that is antigen binding or paratopes
Which antibody is prominent during 1st encounter
Ig M
How many paratopes are present in IgM
Which is the largest antibody
The most abundantly present antibody is
IgG - 75% of the immunoglobin pool
How many paratopes are present in IgD
2 paratopes
Where is Ig D found
It is found in large quantity on the cell membrane
How many types of antibodies are present
5 types-
IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG, IgM
Which antibody is a mediator in allergic response
Which response against antigens is fast and high intensity
Secondary/ anamestic response
Antigens have determinants called
B lymphocytes evolve into plasma cells under the influence of
T cell released cytokines
What are the different types of T cells
- Helper T cell
- Cytotoxic/killer T cell
- Suppressor T cells
- Memory T cells
An example of Antigen presenting cell
Helper T cell stimulate
B cells to produce antibody and killer T cell to destroy the non self cells
What is the function of suppressor T cells
Suppresses the function of cytotoxic and Helper T cell so that the immune system doesn’t attack the body’s own cells
Perforins are secreted by
Cytotoxic T cells
What plays an important role in suppressing the immune system during transplantation
Histocompatibilty antigen and immunosuppressant
Which immune response is responsible for graft rejection
Cell mediated immune response
Which immunosuppressant drug prevents rejection of kidney, heart and liver transplant
—— is responsible for lymphocyte recognition and antigen presentation
Major histocompatibility protein
What are the types of Acquired immunity
- Active immunity
- Passive immunity
Vaccination is which type of immunity
Vaccination is Artificial active acquired immunity
What is active immunity
Antibodies are produced in the hosts body
What is passive immunity
When preformed antibodies are directly given to a person
Colostrum secreted by mother during initial days of lactation is which type of immunity
Natural passive acquired immunity
What is the principle of immunisation or vaccination
Based on the property of memory of the immune system
The first true vaccine was discovered against — by —
The first true vaccine against chicken cholera was discovered by Louis Pasteur
1st passive immunisation technique was used by — against —-
By Emil von Behring
against Diptheria